how about drinking? - Page 1930 (2024)

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    • janky Member Posts: 478

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      goldie - sending you all the 'fever' killing stuff I can, so frustrating and stressful. Are you on Ibrance which can cause low neutrophils? Stay well!

      cami & Super - I do the same thing, I get cards for birthdays, and all that stuff, then see they are still sitting unsent when time to send another greeting how about drinking? - Page 1930 (2) Super I am sending you healing, gentle hugs!m cami I know nothing about the darn phones either.

      NM - I love your pics, so nice that you and your mom can enjoy each other like that! no way I would go on that bridge, nothing could induce me how about drinking? - Page 1930 (3)

      This is a shout out to any of you who take Ibrance - is there anything you know that can help keep neutrophils from totally tanking after the 3 week cycle??! Any ideas would be welcome. Stay cool to so many of you in the US!! Cheers!

    • chisandy Member Posts: 11,402

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Tonight was Cellars' "France's South Side" wine dinner. The wines were little known (except for one) and all totally estate-grown, made & bottled--highly unusual for the price. Aperitif was a Cuvee Jean-Paul rosé from Gascony: mostly Merlot, Cab. Franc., Cab. Sauvignon and Tannat. Great bouquet, bone-dry and great for hot weather. First course wine (with crab cake) was a Domaine Collin Cremant de Limoux--primarily Chardonnay with Chenin Blanc and a little Pinot Noir. With a sea scallop came LaCroix Gratiot Picpoul de Pinet--a heavier-bodied more alcoholic white that reminded me of a slightly oaked California Chard. With the soup course, a Domaine Boutinot Morgon Côte de Puy--a "cru" Beaujolais that is better known than the other wines tonight. A tad tannic, could stand some aging, but the goat cheese atop the soup softened it. With lamb, Domaine Boutinot Cairannes "Les Six" southern Rhone blend (Grenache Noir, Syrah, Mourvèdre, Cinsault, Counoise and Carignan Noir)--nice and soft though very full-bodied. With dessert, Domaine de Rancy Muscat Rivesaltes (the varietal is Macabeo). Very much like a tawny Port--sweet, like drinking creme brulee...which is what it accompanied.

      Yes, I exceeded my wine quota--but I had Bob helping me finish my wines. And I must confess that though I didn't fully carb out (no bread, mangoes, watermelon, potatoes or corn) I did eat the crab cake, the creme brulee and 1/3 of the mini-eclair that came with it. Dead animals & leaves for me for the rest of the week.

      Got utterly drenched walking the 1/4 mi. there in the rain, despite a good umbrella. When we got up to leave, the back of my dress was still damp!

    • camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (6)

    • camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Mornin; ladies,

      LORI another fever, jeez it was like u were in the eye of the hurricane when u felt good, now ur back to that damn fever, I'm so sorry, there has to be an answer somewhere. It's just not right that they can't get this straight. OH a bottle of beer, a bottle of beer??? how old is she . OMG. And so unbelievable disgusting what she said. What did her father say, that makes me sick. No wonder she doesn't like her. Honest to God this has me tongue tied, and not much does. I don't know what is worse the bottle or the statement. Oh the bottle thank God it didn't hit her. Poor Jennifer. Like she doesn't have enough going on. Big <<<HUGS>>> for ur DD.

      JC so good to hear from u so soon. And all went well and not much pain too. Good start for sure.

      Janky I always feel so stupid with this phone, Joey always has to retrieve my missed calls or male certain calls that uses the number pad, plus other things. If I didn't have a clip thing in my ear it would even be harder. And this is how I work with the phone and puter, another piece of my puzzle.

      Sandy ur memory and knowledge of wine can go up against anyone. All I ever knew was red o white, preferring red most of the time. I could consume a lot but never really looked at the name. One time my brother brought over a bottle of wine he got as a gift and that was the only time I could really tell the difference, the wine was excellent. LOL And I never remembered the name. But u make food and wine sound so delicious, I always want to eat and drink what ur describing.

      Well hoping everyone has a good day....Oh Lori maybe u should call ur Dr. too. Someone has to help u.

      LUBS U ALL

    • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,852

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I am dragging my tired anatomy out of bed this ayem after a fun Wednesday, Women and Wine get together last night. We met at the home of one of the women in the group. It's a beautiful old home she bought last fall. We spent a good part of the evening on the covered porch watching the thunderstorms roll through. It was a BYOB and bring an appetizer, so we got to try all kinds of yummy munchies. It's always fun to see what wines people bring, too.Two of us brought whites, the rest were reds.We do lots of tasting and sharing of wines and talk. Sadie was not so happy with me when I didn't get home until after bedtime, but she forgave me when she found out that I had put aside a special treat to bribe her with!A special treat and lots of tummy tickles and she was quite happy again!.

      Cammy Cat--LOL, poor Ernie!Yup, we walked across the bridge, and Mom even drove the car over it and back!There's a video of that but it's on Mom's phone. This weekend is supposed to be pretty darned hot and muggy here, planning on taking Sadie to the lake, and going swimming with her.Bet there will be lots of people there!

      Goldie--Dad's GF is a PITA. And a crazy one at that. Just crazy. Sorry to hear you are sick again. Have you let the Onc and other docs know? Something is going on that needs to be chased down and taken care of. Hugs.

      Librarian--HOORAY for surgery being done!It's amazing how little lumpectomy surgery hurts sometimes. Keep the ice going, though.It will help a lot. But keep taking it easy, your body needs to recover from the anesthesia as well as from the surgery itself.

      Janky--Funny you would not go on the Wire Bridge!Mom said Dad wouldn't drive over it, but did step on to it when they found it years andyears ago.I can see where people could feel that way!

      Chi--I love crème brulee, can't imagine a wine that tastes like it!Sorry you got so wet on the way there!Must have been some rain storm!

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (9)

      Jamaican Smile co*cktails


      2 oz. Rum Cream

      2 oz. Coconut Rum

      1 Small Banana

      1.5 oz. Strawberry Daiquiri mix

      1.5 oz. Pina Colada mix

      1 tsp. Coconut extract

      2 cups ice


      Combine Strawberry Daiquiri mix, Pina Colada mix, Coconut Rum, coconut extract, and banana in blender on high until well combined.

      Add ice and blend until ice is crushed.

      Pour into a pretty glass, add a fruit garnish and enjoy!

      This recipe makes 2 drinks.

      From <>

    • goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      JCS, so glad your pain is minimal. I had lumpectome too, and don't remember it being too bad.

      Cami, she has to be around 60, maybe a little younger. I don't know what, if anything, her dad said about the comment. But after the beer incident, he told her she had to leave. She came came yesterday and got 75% of her stuff.

      Janky, I am not on Ibrance and I hope you find a way to raise those neutriphils. I'm still on Xeloda. Funny about the cards and not sending them.

      Oh Sandy, dead meat and green leaves. At least you got to enjoy some of the good things. Love me some eclairs.

      NM, I see where lots of you gals are getting hit by this heat wave. For us, it's normal! Sitting on a covered porch, watching the thunderstorms pass by, how relaxing.

      Well, I will put in a call to my primary today. Are these anti biotics just not working. This is rediculous, been going on for 6 weeks now! With a few days of feeling normal. Fever only lasted about 24 hours, none last night or this far!

      The BIOTCH that threw the full bottle of beer at my DD. What the hell is wrong with her???

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (11)

    • jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,944

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Hi ladies- this week is rolling along. Getting more rain, about every other day now. But it's hot here, chances are for all of you too?

      My BS apt got moved tomorrow but getting the imaging done with mammo and MRI. Will see the doctor for follow up in August. I thought getting all that done in in one swell day was optimistic? I plan to go to bc yoga after. All things bc......

      Goldie- oh no about the fever and chills. The crud is back just as we thought you were turning the corner on this. Back in your pocket for recovery from this latest bout?

      JCS- is on the other side of her surgery now and prayers for clear margins. My first needle experience was back in 1999 with a biopsy that resulted from my first mammo at age 39. I had double lumpectomy in 2012 with my bc diagnosis and the whole process is pretty bizarre. I am hoping things went well for you and that you are home resting. Prayers for a good path report.

      Chi- thanks for that Vanity Fair recommendation!

      Cami- oh girl, your memes are funny. That cat meme for hump day, hilarious

      Have any of you heard of the korean chain Bon Chon? A friend here runs a new one here in ABQ and had a great time last night. He brought us this plate of mochi at the end, which are ice creme dumplings. Really tasty, I have seen them at Whole Foods and other places and got to try them last night. Yum!

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (13)

    • chisandy Member Posts: 11,402

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Jazzy, I fell in love with Bonchon in Arlington, VA when my sis and niece took me there. The chicken legs are amazing (as is the jap chae). We've got one in the Loop (where I no longer work) and way out in a Korean section of the NW burbs--not far from where I'll be playing a folk festival in Oct. Sadly, the chicken is too sweet and the jap chae too starchy to be allowed on my diet. I love mochi--but lately Whole Foods has discontinued my traditional fave flavors black sesame and red bean in favor of trendier, non-Japanese stuff like raspberry, milk chocolate or eggnog.

      "Dead Animals & Leaves" is my shorthand for an ultra-low-carb meat-and-plant-based diet like the one I'm on, which blends features of keto, Atkins & South Beach. About 10 years ago I wrote a song about it, and it's still one of my most-requested solo songs. (I recorded it on "Album One," by my former duo SASS!, but I like my solo version on YouTube better). Of all the diets I've been on, it's not only the most effective but also the easiest to comply with on the road: late at night after a small-town show I can always find a burger patty & salad, hard boiled eggs, or string cheese at MickeyD's or a gas station. And for special occasions I can always hit the steakhouses & seafood joints. Despite the red meats, butter, cheeses and eggs, my LDL & triglycerides always go down on this diet.

      And I have to confess--whenever I come back from one of these tasting dinners and sit down at my computer, I use a copy of the menu as a cheat sheet.

    • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,852

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!The survey team has left the nursing home, they were done shortly after I left work Wednesday.Sounds like we did pretty well, no big findings, and they never did talk to me. We'll get the official report in a week or so. Everyone at work is very tired and rather cranky, which is normal after a survey. I'll be glad when today is over, everyone will be back to normal come next Monday. Sadie said "I told you so" when I told her about the preliminary survey results. Then she wanted to talk about what we are going to do tomorrow in the heat andhumidity.Seems like a trip to the lake is going to be in our plans!

      Goldie--After the long, cold, long, wet, long spring I promised myself I would not complain about the heat, but I never promised not to complain about humidity! I remember vacationing in Las Vegas and the heat wasn't much of a problem (as long as I stayed hydrated) where it was so dry, but 10 degrees lower in Miami with humidity would wear me out in an hour! That BIOTCH needs some karma to hit her, hope it happens soon.

      Jazzy--We're getting some rain here with the thundershowers/thunderstorms coming through in the afternoons/evenings. Never heard of Bon Chon, but not much Korean cuisine in this part of Maine. Ice cream dumplings sounds very yummy!

      Chi--love the idea of using a menu as a cheat sheet!

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (16) alt="Image result for old mr boston five star brandy">

      Thunder co*cktail



      Shake with ice and strain into co*cktail glass. Serve in a co*cktail Glass.

      From <*cktail>

    • camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (18)

    • goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Looks like it's all about the weather now, I think toasty for just about everyone.

      Jazzy, we still don't have rain. We sure need it tho. Just not a down pour, that just runs off into the washes and not into the ground. Not to mention the damage that it does!
      Sorry about your appt. getting moved. Are you anxious? You don't sound like it. Hmmmm, ice cream me some ice cream!

      NM, glad all went well with the survey team, and yours personally. And I'm with Sadie on the told ya so, which I didn't, but knew they couldn't find anything wrong with you! You are so right about the heat and humidity. It only gets humid here after a monsoon rain. I do sweat, but it's mainly because the heat causes hot flashes. And people laugh when you say "yes it's hot, but it's a dry heat". However, when it starts getting into triple digits, my saying is "hot is hot"

      Sandy, good for you for sticking with your diet.

      JCS, how are things going? Do you have drains?

      Well, today feels like a good day. I'm so sick of all this up and down. Fever yesterday was only in the morning, but I didn't have much energy. No plans for the weekend. We had been painting the house, but quit for a few weeks. Only the back to do, which DH has been working on and got about half done. The bottom part needs to be done, which will probably be my job, as it's hard for him to get down and paint that low, due to weight and belly!

    • camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Mornin' ladies,

      Lorpe for goodi that was her aaaaaaa shivers, so she left the house, hope for good for ur DD'ss sake, just thinking about what she said and did makes me sick. I'm glad ur seeing ur Dr.this is going on to long.

      Kim first u WALKED on that bridge then you then U DROVE on it. I thought it was just a scenic thing. Oh never get me to step on it. Wed. nite sounded fun and yummy too.

      Jazzy whatever ice cream u showed looked good but I never heard of it in my life. I remember having fried ice cream and that was really good, but that's about it.

      Sandy ur songs sound so unique, whenever u talk about them. Did u hear the thunderstorm in the afternoon I thought all the electricity was going, scared me. And this weekend they're telling people to stay home it's going to be way to hot.

      LUBS U ALL

    • jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,944

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Goldie- not anxious but never enjoy this part of my follow ups. They usually come in right away after the mammo and tell me if they see anything of concern. Last year, I was good but then the BS ordered an MRI and then they saw something the second radiologist thought should be biopsied. So I may know something today, but chances are, I won't know the rest until my BS apt in August. But this is what I know is true, if they are worried about something, they won't wait to the apt to call. I just hope no biopsy this year, they are not much fun as we all know. Last year was my first since having bc though.

      I will pop in tomorrow and let everyone know how things go today!

    • chisandy Member Posts: 11,402

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Went to a funeral today (Gordy's friend's--ex-GF's--boyfriend who died of heart failure at only 62). It was so hot that we decided not to join the procession to the cemetery. Last night, I grilled because I didn't want to heat up the kitchen. Tonight I cooked indoors because I figured heating up an air-conditioned kitchen beats the pants off standing over a screaming hot grill in triple-digit heat.

      No DOTD for me tonight, other than water. But Bob called from Navy Pier, where he'd pulled over after he had a tire blow out on Lake Shore Drive and was awaiting the tow truck. He said he'd eaten dinner at the hospital but would definitely welcome a drink. I discovered I had one bottle of Prosecco on the dining room wine rack, so I chlled it and served him an Aperol spritz--complete with a slice of the one blood orange I had left in the fridge.

    • JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      I think I have reached the end of my ability to “take it easy sitting around”! My boob is a little sore, but no pain. The incision is unattractive. I am hopeful that will change with time! I do plan on taking a shower today covering the incision with Press and Seal. My back is sticky from several monitor leads.

      Yesterday I went to a consultation appointment with the RO. My first impression was that he is very young. He also is very smart and willing to talk. Both good things! We discussed how the SBRT might not change the prognosis, but it will kill off the known lung tumor cancer cells. It will also leave the door open for other treatments should those become necessary. There will be five treatments of pinpointed radiation. The main side effect could be a cough and shortness of breath. I will keep my fingers crossed that does not happen. It will probably be August before it actually happens.

      Hope everyone stays out of the heat. It is supposed to feel like 109 degrees here today. DH and I are thinking of going to see the movie, Yesterday. Something light in an air conditioned building. I will get back to my usual chores and activities next week.

    • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,852

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Boy oh boy it's gonna be a schortchah today. It's not even 9 am and it's already getting uncomfortably sticky. Definitely gonna be a lounge around and do very little but drink fluids day. Going to make some sun tea, go the ice cube bin filled up, going to make some ice cream. That's about the extent of the work I'm going to do other than load Sadie in the car to go to the town landing. Sadie has already indicated that she is very happy with that plan, as long as I take some treats along for her to munch on!

      Goldie--I think you have a point, after a certain level, hot is hot. Take it easy this weekend, give your body all it's energy to work on whatever infection has its nasty hold on you.

      Cammy Cat--Actually, I walked on it, Mom drove across it.I'm trying to download the video, it was on her camera and she just sent it to me.

      Jazzy--With all the technology in the world these days, why can't they find a better, easier, more comfortable way to do biopsies?And it's sad when we cantell from when we get the follow up call if the news is good, bad, or questionable!

      Chi--Don't blame you for cooking inside.I'm probably going to turn on the AC at some point today, given how miserable it's feeling already. The Prosecco sounds so good, I've got to make sure I've got some in the fridge chilling!

      Summer is a few weeks old and, for much of the country, we're getting into the hot, humid, hazy days. The types of days where we feel like we have to change our shirts multiple times because it's so damp and sticky. If you decide to spend time outside instead of hiding away inside with central air conditioning, you're going to need a few beers to survive. You can grab a kolsch, pale ale or lager, but in our minds hazy, humid weather calls for hazy beer.

      From <>

      Trillium Congress Street IPA

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (25) alt="Image result for Trillium Congress Street IPA">

      Bissell Brothers Here's To Feeling Good All The Time

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (26) alt="Image result for Bissell Brothers Here's To Feeling Good All The Time">

      Weldwerks Juicy Bits IPA

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (27) alt="Image result for Weldwerks Juicy Bits IPA">

    • jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,944

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Good morning ladies- i got through the imaging yesterday, and everything went well. Except during the MRI, I put myself in a pretty deep meditative state (all that banging even with the jazz going on the headphones). I felt a bit un-grounded after but it was a thousand degrees here yesterday (okay, really just 100) and think the combo of heat, contrast in the veins, etc. was just a challenge for this old body of mine.

      My bc yoga class I love and have not been to in a while was there in time for me to join up (right across the street) and the tech running the MRI said okay to do yoga after. I had an hour break and did some shopping, and then told yoga teacher of my current state. All of us bc gals were in a low energy place with the heat, so we did an easy restorative practice. Felt better after but not really back to normal until today. Drinking lots of water still to get everything out of my system. Now we wait......

      New Mexico is in the roaring 100s now but the news says it will be dropping into the 80s this week. Seems to be our new normal, our spring was cool and temps went straight from the 70s into the 90s mid June. Those big swings in temp seem to be the new normal.

      Chi- sorry to hear of the loss for your family. Sixty two seems young, but heart disease is everywhere. I think you were smart to opt out of the burial part with the heat. I don't do as well with the heat now with being menopausal.

      Goldie- how are you feeling?

      NM- I stopped at Trader Joes this week and found more refreshing beers. This is the new one I bought to try called Lemon Peal. What I like about Trader Joes and also Cost Plus World Market is they sell some nice singles to try so you can see if you like it before you buy more. I have not consume this yet, so no jazzy review on this but thought some of you would be interested to check this one out. I love anything lemon or lime in the summer months!

      JCS- so is your incision jagged, bumpy, or something else? Things don't always look good right after and the area will probably have some bruising too. So be patient, the body has some amazing ways to heal and it all takes time. I have a big "zipper" incision on my stomach from open abdominal surgery that looked so horrible for so long but through time, has really calmed down. I hope you continue to feel better.

      Time to binge watch some things on TV friend, let us know if you need some recommendations! I became a bigger HBO fan during my cancer treatment and recovery process, but now so many more things to access. Do you have Amazon prime, Hulu, Netflix, something else?

      Cami- what is happening in your neck of the woods? I expect a lot of calls for AC service? Anything fun going on today?

      Going to make two things today- some navajo peach crisp from one of my favorite cook books someone gave me from Mark Miller and the world famous Coyote Cafe in Santa Fe (one of my favorite places to eat). Also going to make some mexican street corn, and will share the recipes when done if you want them along with pics?

      Okay ladies, have a good day and stay cool.....

    • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,852

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Good Morning, Loungettes!My prediction about doing nothing yesterday came true. Saide and I just lounged around snoozing in the heat and humidity. This ayem isn't any better, 80 degrees in the house, 78 outside, 82% humidity, 71 degree dewpoint. Didn't get to the pond yesterday, must do so today. Leaving the bedroom AC on today, hope to at least pick up clothes off the floor before they get all bundled into a new Sadie bed. Did make ice cream with the new Pampered Chef Ice cream maker, it came out really good! Pretty easy base recipe, going to be fun adding in things.Doesn't make a big batch, which is good both for the freezer space and my calorie intake.Hmm,looks like the pics I tried to post yesterday didn't go through.Have to try harder today.

      Jazzy--I've heard about the banging and noises during an MRI, not sure I could manage to get through one. I'm amazed at the people who can and do! Between the heat, noise, contrast and scanxiety anyone would feel off.I wish there was a Trader Joes around here. There's only one in Maine and it's a 3 hour drive from here. I love lemon and lime and other citrus flavors, would definitely try one of those. I would try lots of things if I could buy just one and not a whole 6 pack.Maybe time to visit some of the smaller locally owned shops I know and haven't been to for a while.

      Good morning to all the Loungettes not yet up and moving in the heat and humidity!

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (30)

      Watermelon Margaritas



      • 2 cups seedless watermelon, cubed
      • 1 cup sugar


      • 2 cups seedless watermelon
      • 1/2 cup water


      • 4 ounces silver tequila
      • 4 ounces watermelon juice
      • 2 ounces lime juice
      • 1 ounce watermelon simple syrup
      • Garnishes: Coarse salt, lime wedges

      How to Make It

      Step 1

      FOR SIMPLE SYRUP: Combine the watermelon and sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat. Use a potato masher or another utensil to mash the watermelon and sugar together, pushing out the liquid and dissolving the sugar. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Pour the mixture through a fine mesh sieve set over a bowl or jar, pressing the watermelon to extract all the liquid. Set aside to cool completely. Makes just over 1 cup of simple syrup.

      Step 2

      FOR WATERMELON JUICE: Combine the watermelon and water in a blender. Blend until smooth, pour through a fine mesh sieve set over a bowl or jar.

      Step 3

      Combine the tequila, watermelon juice, lime juice, and simple syrup in a co*cktail shaker with ice. Shake until thoroughly chilled, about 30 seconds, and pour into glasses rimmed with lime juice and coarse salt. Garnish with lime wedges and serve imediately.

      From <>

    • goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Cami, MO just talks with me and looks at labs. No kind of exams and I've alreadt had scans. Going to ER and seeing primary, nobody can seem to tell me what is wrong with me.

      NM, I would walk the bridge, I don't know about driving on it though! I hope you and Sadie had a nice time. Do you have AC, or is it just in the bedroom? I would die if we didn't have anything to cool the house. We are having non stop days of mid 90's to triple digits and no rain.

      Jazzy no, biopsies are not fun, none of this is for that matter. Glad you are confident that all is ok, because of how they usually manage appts. I'm jealous of your up coming 80 temps and rain. Still a thousand degrees here! I'm feeling better (I think). I'll have to keep Trader Joes in mind, for those single drinks. DH would like to try some different things, but usually only come in 6 pack. Will have to wait tho, as we don't have one of those here.

      Sandy, I'm with you on cooking inside, instead of out on the grill. Altho, I hardly ever use my grill anymore. Iron skillet it is. Sorry for the loss of Gordy's friend.

      JCS, glad you are feeling better. You can do things, just do it in moderation. Take it easy, it's still early and you can still make things take longer to heal. Looking at the movie theater when we went by it Friday, was all kid stuff. There are 2 good movies we want tot see coming in August. My DD saw Toy Story, she said it was awesom, and a friend of hers saw Lion King, and said it was good.

      Feeling better, but still feeling hestant. I've felt good before and relapsed. It's only been a few days, need a week or more before I can say I think I'm better. This is just rediculous. I have not had a fever in a couple days either, not even low grade ones. Gonna try and finish painting the back of the house. Thankfully it faces North, so no sun for a bit.

    • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,852

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Morning, Goldie, looks like we bumped into the pool!Meet you at the swim up bar!Drinks are on me!

      I have a window AC in the bedroom that I've had for years, works great so I can sleep at nightwhen it's hot and sticky like this.The heat pump I had put in last summer also does AC, and I used it some last summer. This hot and humid weather is supposed to break tomorrow, so I'm doing ok with the fans during the day, but if it continues I will be turning on the AC feature in the afternoons when I get home from work. We're fortunate to not have to deal with weather like this as much as you do. A heat wave for this area is 3 consecutive days or more of temps of 90 or higher. I'm not sure we hit 90 on Friday, so this may not even be an official heat wave yet!I would drive across the wire bridgeafter seeing a couple of pick ups towing jet skis and such go across it. I was just as happy to stay and video Mom doing it, though!Be sure to take lots of breaks as you paint and drink lots of non-alcoholic fluids!Maybe use a timer and paint for 20 minutes, rest and rehydrate for 10, rinse and repeat?

    • JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      The movie we saw was Yesterday. A very sweet movie about a young man that is the only one that remembers the Beatles after a power outage. It is a love story and social commentary rolled into one. Ed Sheerin and Kate McKinnon are in the movie and play interesting parts. The theater here is an independent locally owned very small venue. There are three screening rooms that hold about 50 people each. They serve craft beer, local wines and good pop corn!

      Still feeling well. The incision is on the side of my boob. I had thought it would be underneath in the fold. It is feeling better every day and looks less raw. My armpit aches from the mammogram that happened before the surgery. The machine really pressed down on my left shoulder/armpit area at an angle that was not natural. Still pretty much sitting around today. Monday I will get back to walking and “light” housework. Weather is supposed to be kinda nice. Highs in the 80s.

    • jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,944

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Happy funday sunday- I hope everyone is staying cool. It hit 102 here yesterday and probably will do the same today. No rain, but hopefully tonight or into tomorrow with the cold front moving through. I was out to meet a friend for coffee today and it was already roasting outside at 9 a.m. I was also up early making my peach crisp for the party later today and before the heat came in.

      Here is the output and a pic of the recipe. I don't think it is on line so a pic will need to do.

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (35)

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (36)

    • minustwo Member Posts: 13,163

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Thanks Jazzy.

    • jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,944

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Look what is at the party ❤️

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (39)

    • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,852

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Getting up to a much nicer feeling day. Humidity is still 92% but the dew point is down to 62 and the temp is down to 64, so it feel so much nicer than yesterday.Sadie and I went swimming yesterday, didn't stay very long, lots of kids there and they were chasing her and trying to get her to stop swimming to pay attention to them, not understanding that she couldn't stand still when the water was deeper than she is tall!They were up inmy face quite a bit, too. Not bad kids, just being kids, but apparently I don't have the tolerance I used to! We stayed long enough to get a nice cool off, so all is well.

      Librarian--glad you are feeling well.When you start walking you might want to carry a small pillow, one that you can tuck into your armpit. It will buffer the rubbing ofyour arm swinging when you walk and make you much more comfortable.

      Jazzy--that peach crisp looks very yummy! You've got way more ambition that I do in the heat, and I'm not dealing with triple digits! Awww, look at the kittehs!

      Good morning to Cammy Cat, janky, Super, Chi, Gigi, Karen, Illi, Muddling, and everyone else!

      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (41)

      Good Morning Brasilia


      Açaí sugar

      2 oz VeeV Açaí Spirit

      3⁄4 oz Orange juice

      1 oz Agave nectar

      3 Mint sprigs


      1 Mint sprig



      How to make The Good Morning Brasilia co*cktail

      Coat the rim of a highball glass with açaí sugar, fill with ice and set aside.

      Add the remaining ingredients to a shaker and fill with fresh ice.

      Shake, and strain into the prepared glass.

      Garnish with a slapped mint sprig.

      From <>

    • goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      NM, thanks for the bump and the drinky. I was pretty sure you had an AC, at least in the bedroom. There are people out here where I live and even in town, which is a lot of trailers, that don't have any means of cooling. I would die, but then again, I wouldn't have it. Anything new or interestine (gossip) from that old place you worked at??? Glad you and Sadie got a swim in, sorry about the annoying kids.

      JCS, light housework indeed. Too much will just set you back. But glad you are feeling better.

      Jazzy, so how was your peach crisp? Still no rain here. Looking at the forecast, next 10 days still in the 90's. Cute kitties. Why can't kitties and puppies and even babies, stay that way!

      Still feeling good....knock on wood! If I continue to feel well, we may head to Moab on Monday, but will be glamping.

    • goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (44)

    • jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,944

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Hi friends- the peach crisp got touched a little, but there were not as many people at the party as I thought there would be. This same gal had a music party in June and there must have been like 60 people there. Yesterday, maybe 25-30 so there was A LOT of food. I left half of it and took the other half to bring to work this week.

      Those kitteh's are being fostered by my friend. They have another month to go, including their surgeries, but were so cute to play with. I don't get nearly enough kitten or puppy time in my life. And yes, Goldie, it would be great if they could stay that size forever......

      Off to work, let the fun and games begin.....

    • camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      how about drinking? - Page 1930 (47)

    • super52 Member Posts: 61

      July 2019 edited July 2019


      Happy Monday, everyone! Goldie, I'm glad to read that you are feeling good right now; I hope that continues! JCS, I'm glad you are feeling well and getting out and about. Jazzy, that peach cobbler looks delicious, and thanks for posting the recipe, as well as posting the picture of those adorable kittens! My father loves peach cobbler, so I think I am going to make it for him. The weather where I am has cooled down significantly overnight; it's actually cold and raining here this morning but is supposed to be gorgeous the rest of the week. NativeMaine, when I read about you and the air conditioning, I was reminded of the first house my husband and I lived in. It was adorable, and I loved it, but it had no ac. We spent some brutal summer nights there until we got a window unit for the bedroom. I couldn't wait to have a home with central air, but now that I have one, I find that I actually prefer open windows most of the time. Work, however, is a different story. I am a teacher, and my school is one of only two in our district that has not yet been renovated to include ac. The first month of school is always brutal since the building is brick with small windows that only push out. No air gets in, the sun just reflects off the glass and intensifies the heat, and the building was built to conserve heat. Then throw in the body heat of all those high school students. Ugh. I'm not looking forward to going back in a few weeks, especially since I sometimes run a bit warmer these days anyways thanks to the anastrazole.

      We traveled out of town this weekend to attend a surprise party for my husband's uncle's 80th birthday. It was terribly hot and humid. I allowed myself my one alcoholic beverage. I went with an ice cold beer which I haven't had in a long time since I usually drink wine when I do drink. It was too hot for wine, and that beer tasted great! (As did all of the party food!) Yesterday, I walked 18 holes of golf , and, feeling as though that warranted a treat, I enjoyed one hard root beer when we got home. Delicious!

      Hope everyone has a great day, and that anyone who is waiting on test results, has doctor appointments, etc. receives only good news!



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