An Extraordinary Journey - Fmfan1980 (2024)

Chapter 9: The Academy and the Return

Chapter Text

Third year, A.F Academy.

The third year of her time at the Academy was an eventful year for Willow. She went on missions with various SG teams while spending her semester breaks and weekends at the SGC. However, the only thing that she was not really happy about was the fact that none of the missions was with SG1, which frustrated her a little. After she had returned from a research mission one day did she asked Colonel O'Neill why she couldn't go with SG1 on missions.

"Red, you're still technically a cadet at the Academy. Although I agree that you are the most experienced cadet at the SGC, I don't want to put you in the firing line yet. You still have one more year to go. Trust me, you should enjoy it because once you hang with SG1, you'll keep on getting fired at. I mean literally fired at for almost every mission by some crazy snake" Explained the Colonel.

"Please let me go with SG1 next time, sir?" said Willow pouting.

"No, your pouting magic shall not work on me" said O'Neill as he raised an eyebrow at the redhead.

"Well I thought I'd try" said Willow smiling as she saluted the Colonel. He then turned and left for a briefing with General Hammond.

Willow didn't visit Sunnydale in her third year mainly because she felt that she wasn't ready to face Dawn after the outburst at her house last year. However, she did hear from Xander that the gang brought out a new and improved Buffybot that was designed to take over Buffy's slayer duties. In the meantime, Tara was trying to get Giles' help in performing a resurrection spell to bring Buffy back.

"Are you sure that's a wise thing to do?" asked Willow over the phone to Xander.

"Well Tara and Giles think it's possible. We need Buffy back Willow, the vamps are getting more and more thick skinned. I think they recently found out that Buffy's dead so they're trying to get rid of the Buffybot and then they'll be coming after us" Xander explained.

"I'm sorry I'm not able to do anything, it's been so long since I've done anything magical" Willow replied.

"It's ok. I think we can actually do it. Once Buffy's back, maybe we'll come for your graduation next year. That is if you'll have us" asked Xander

"Of course" said Willow smiling, "I'd love to tell you guys about my new job and meet my friends" she continued excitedly.

"That would be great Wills; I gotta go get some things that Tara needs for the spell to work. I'll keep you posted. Who knows, maybe Buffy will call you by the end of the week" said Xander.

SGC Off-World Base, Alpha Site

Two days later, Willow was at a training session with Teal'c and Daniel at the Alpha Site. They participated in various training sessions involving armed and unarmed combat with Teal'c and his former mentor, Master Bra'tac who she was very pleased to meet. She kept on asking many questions about the Jaffa and their home planet Chulak, and was excited about helping them fight for their freedom. Bra'tac even came up with a nickname for Willow; he started calling her 'Willow of the Flame Hair', and this made her feel proud. During the training sessions she learned new moves and techniques at an extremely rapid pace. Then during the final sparring session of the day using staffs, she and Teal'c faced off against one another.

The sparring session between Willow and Teal'c had been going on for a little less than five minutes with both combatants fighting each other with wooden staffs. After a while day of training. Willow was showing more fatigue than Teal'c, who seemed as if he could go on for several more hours. Willow was panting as she struggled to block one hit after another, but she still did her best not to show it. She followed the techniques that Teal'c and Bra'tac had shown her and fended off the former First Prime for the first minute. WIllow suspected Teal'c was taking it easy on her for a little while, and a part of her was glad. But there was another part that knew she would be able to get better if everyone took it easy on her. Using her smaller frame, Willow got a few hits in on the second minute, and then pulled back to blocking Teal'c hits. Willow saw that she had 'woken' Teal'c up upon glancing at a smiling Bra'tac as she blocked a hit from Teal'c. The former First Prime then quickened his attacks on Willow, caused the redhead to struggle in keeping up Teal'c's hits. She was hit on her side, her arms, her abodomen. The last hit was a 'poke' to her solar plexus after she blocked a swing with gritted teeth; and a body that was crying out in pain and fatigue.

Bra'tak watched Willow stumble down onto the floor and then, with pain she was trying to hide, get up to her feet. He looked on as Teal'c brought his staff down hard on Willow's staff, effectively breaking it in half which made the redhead stumbled back onto the floor once again before she dropped both halves of the broken staff. It was then that the Jaffa warrior stood up straight and walked towards Willow with an extended hand. Grabbing the hand, Teal'c pulled Willow back onto her feet before he stepped back and bowed at the redhead.

"You have done well, Willow Rosenberg" said Teal'c as he looked at the panting Willow, and the pained expression on her face, "however, you have failed to maintain your balance at the end. If I were an enemy Jaffa, you would have been dead. You have improved a great deal, Willow Rosenberg. However, there are still aspects in your techniques that have flaws."

Smiling while her body was screaming for an ice bath, Willow replied, "oh, one day I'll win."

Teal'c simply bowed his head before telling Willow it was time to return to the SGC so that she could get some medical attention, "the day has been long. I am surprised you have no called for a respite?"

"Yeah, I'm not really that tired," Willow said as she rubbed the back of her head while walking towards the Jaffa after picking up the two halves of the broken staff. As she bent down to pick them up, pain shot up her body, and it made her flinch before she stood back up with a pained smile on her face, "yeah, not painful at all. I could go on all day."

"One more round?" asked Willow as she gave Teal'c a wide eyed smile, "I should try and win at least one."

"Very well, Willow Rosenberg" said Teal'c with a nod of his head, "however, you should remember that it takes time for a warrior to learn from a defeat, or a draw."

"All a learning experience, I guess. Which is why one day, after more of this training," said Willow, "I'll win... somehow."

"Very well," the Jaffa said with a nod before they walked towards Bra'tac.

"That was indeed a good session Willow Rosenberg. Well done" said Bra'tac as he and Daniel were handed the wooden staff from Teal'c and Willow respectively.

"Shall we get back to the SGC now Daniel Jackson?" asked Teal'c.

"Yep, let's go. Willow, can you go ahead and dial up the gate?" asked Daniel before she jogged towards the DHD and started to dial the SGC.

"Daniel Jackson, I am most impressed at how fast she has improved in both weapons and hand to hand combat" said Teal'c quietly as they followed close behind Willow.

"Me too. So are Sam and Jack. I don't think anyone expected her to improve so much. However, she did say that she picks new things up very fast so maybe we shouldn't really be surprised" said Daniel as he approached the gate and input the iris code into the GDO before stepping into the gate.

Within a few seconds, the three of them found themselves at the SGC. As they were heading down the ramp, Willow felt something like a wave hit her and the next thing she knew, it looked as if all the lights had been turned off.

General Hammond, Major Carter and Colonel O'Neill were in the operations room when they saw Daniel, Teal'c and Willow appear from the Stargate. Then they looked on in shock when Willow simply stopped moving and fell forward onto the ramp.

"Medical personnel to the gate room" shouted the on-duty gate technician into the microphone while the senior officers standing behind him rushed to the gate room to check up on Willow.

As Daniel was kneeling over Willow, he turned her over and felt for a pulse. He was visibly relieved when he found one.

"What happened" asked General Hammond.

"I'm not sure, she just fell" replied Daniel as he shrugged his shoulders.

Just then the medical team arrived with a gurney. They picked Willow up and lay her down on the gurney before wheeling her to the infirmary. The other members of SG1 followed Willow back to the infirmary where they were asked to wait outside by Dr. Frasier.

45 Minutes later, SGC Infirmary

It was nearly forty-five minutes later that SG1 met with Dr. Fraiser outside the infirmary while Willow was lying down on one of the beds. All of them were worried about Willow's sudden tumble onto the ramp, and it was Colonel O'Neill who asked the first question.

"So how is she Doc?" asked Colonel O'Neill.

"We were sparring for some time at the Alpha Site, maybe some of her injuries caused her to fall?" said Teal'c as he looked at both Dr. Fraiser and Colonel O'Neill.

"She's doing fine now, Colonel" replied Dr. Frasier before turning to look at the Jaffa, "Teal'c, I couldn't find anything injury related that would explain her black out."

"Can we talk to her?" asked Daniel.

"Yes, she's awake" she replied.

Dr. Fraiser then led SG1 through the double doors and into the infirmary where the saw Willow turning her head to look at them walking in before she slowly used her elbows to push herself into a sitting position.

"Hey kiddo, you gave us a scare again. You do know I'm getting old right?" smiled Colonel O'Neill.

"Are you feeling alright, Willow Rosenberg?" asked Teal'c.

"Yes, Teal'c, I'm feeling better. Sorry to scare you guys" said Willow sheepishly, "that never happened before… I mean I don't always fall down like that…. I mean I never just black out like that."

"Willow, do you know what happened?" asked Major Carter as she stood next to the redhead.

"I don't even remember falling, Major. After we reached the gate room, I felt a rush going through me. I can't really explain it" said Willow

"What kind of rush?" asked Major Carter

"It felt more like some kind of a wave of energy... maybe not energy but it was something, that just went through me" said Willow, "then I just saw everything get dark and then I woke up in the infirmary."

The truth was that Willow had a feeling about what had happened, but she needed confirmation. The next day Willow was able to go back to her room at the Academy dorm. Once she returned to her quarters at the SGC, she made a call to Xander.

"Xander, Tara and Giles succeeded in bringing Buffy back didn't they?" asked Willow.

"Yeah Willow" said Xander happily. "She's back with us. Wait a minute, how did you know that we succeeded. I was gonna have Buffy call you tomorrow after she spent time with Dawn" said Xander.

"I may not practice magic anymore Xander but whatever spell they used, it was powerful enough to cause a ripple effect. Even I felt it from Colorado. Although I'm so happy, you just can't imagine how happy, that you succeeded, I'm worried about the consequences of doing this spell. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" asked Willow.

"Yeah Wills, I understand. But no matter what the consequences are, I think we can handle it without too much trouble" said Xander.

"Alright Xander, oh oh oh, promise me you and the gang will show up for my graduation next year" said Willow excitedly.

"Of course we'll be there. Won't miss it for the world" said Xander.

"Sure, the more the merrier" relied Willow happily.

After talking to her oldest friend, she couldn't help but feel a certain amount of pride towards Tara as she was growing to be a good magic user. But Willow was still very worried about what may be coming in the future for her friends in Sunnydale. In the meantime, she was thinking about whether it would be a good idea to let her new friends know that Buffy was back or keep them in the dark about it, at least until graduation day.

"Oy, how the hell am I going to explain this one" thought Willow to herself.

Little did she know, however, that her participation in the Stargate program is where she would encounter one of the most emotionally difficult moments in her young life.

Chapter 36: An Alternate Land (Part 1)

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Planet Designated P8D-767, 1400hrs.

Willow was sitting down panting on the ground under a large tree a little distance away from the entrance to the ruins. Her face was still covered in soot when she tried to start a fire through vibrating the air molecules in a localized area among some dry branches that they were going to use to start a campfire. Instead of starting a small and controlled fire, she created a small explosion.

"You alright Willow?" asked the Colonel as she handed her a MRE for lunch.

"Yes ma'am" said Willow, "My ears are still ringing a bit though."

"I'm impressed" replied the Colonel, "but you still need to control the area you're trying to ignite though."

"Oh trust me" said Willow, "it's not as easy as it looks."

"Think about it this way though, in a combat situation you'll need to do it in a split of a second" said the Colonel, "but it should maybe be used as a backup, remember your first choice should be whatever weapons you have on you."

"You're right Colonel" said Willow, "I'm still not used to this, makes me exhausted"

"Which is why we're taking a break and having our lunch" said the Colonel smiling.

Willow nodded as she opened her MRE and tasted the mysterious food inside.

"Tastes like chicken" said Willow as she dug into the food.

"Really?" said the Colonel smiling, "I think you have the beef meatloaf."

"Maybe going through the gate affects the tastebuds?" said Willow, "makes everything eaten taste like chicken."

"Could be" said the Colonel laughing.

"Hey guys" said Daniel as he and Captain Grogan walked up to where Colonel Carter and Willow were sitting down and sat down for their lunch.

"Here you go Carl, Daniel" said Willow as she handed them a MRE each.

"Thanks Willow" said Daniel as he looked at the pack, "Ummm…. Beef meatloaf, yummy."

"Ah.. does it taste like chicken?" asked Grogan as he looked at the pack suspiciously.

"Yeah" said Willow as the two men just stared at her "really good chicken though, if you can get past where it says 'beef' on the pack. You should be just fine."

"Ah well" said Daniel as he tucked into his MRE, "it could be worse."

"I don't know how it could be worse Sir" said Grogan.

"Sam could have cooked the food" said Daniel as he ducked to avoid a fork being thrown at his direction from Colonel Carter.

"I'll have you know Daniel that I can cook" said Colonel Carter as she brandished a spoon towards Daniel.

"Sam" said Daniel, "your fire alarm went off when you were cooking a pack of ramen noodles."

Willow was taking a drink of water when she suddenly laughed and spilled out the water from her mouth.

"Really ma'am?" asked Willow.

"Sam put the ramen into the boiling water and then forgot about it" said Daniel, "she found out something was wrong when the fire alarm was going off thanks to the small fire in the pot."

"That only happened once" said the Colonel.

The four members of SG1 spent the next hour simply sitting down under the tree, and eating their lunch while trading embarrassing stories about their pasts. Very soon, Daniel and Grogan made their way back to one of the caves where they had found what looked to be artefacts and cave drawings. In the meantime, Willow stood up and got ready to get back to patrolling the perimeter when she stopped and turned around to face the Colonel.

"Colonel" said Willow, "permission to speak freely?"

"Of course, is this about that woman-to-woman talk you wanted to have?" asked Colonel Carter.

"Well yes but the first thing I wanted to ask you about that offer from Dr. Weir to join the Atlantis expedition" said Willow.

"OK, what about it?" asked the Colonel as she slowly got up and tidied up her gear.

"Would you go if you were in my place?" asked Willow.

"I would" said the Colonel, "I think it's a fantastic opportunity. Come on Willow, it's the city of the Ancients. It's something we've been aiming for quiet some time now."

"I know ma'am" said Willow, "I know it's a huge opportunity and with the Ancient gene maybe I could be of some use there. But I also know that there are other people out there who have the gene who would be much better than me, which makes me think that maybe I should stay where I am right now, at the SGC."

"Well, you should think about what you want to do" said the Colonel.

"Ma'am" said Willow as she closed her eyes, "would you still go if you were to marry Pete?"

"Huh?" said the Colonel as she turned to Willow in surprise, "where's this coming from?"

"Would you go if you married Pete?" repeated Willow.

"I honestly don't know what I'd do if that happened" said the Colonel, "he hasn't talked about marriage or anything yet, but I guess I'd like to think he'll be happy for me if I did go. Why do you ask?"

"Well" said Willow as she stopped right before reaching the camp, "I kinda like someone on Earth, and I'm not sure how this person will feel if I decide to go to Atlantis."

"Ah" said the Colonel, "the age old question of 'to go, or not to go', because of liking someone. All I'd say to you is that I hope this person, whoever it is, understands no matter if you decide to go or don't decide to go."

"So what was the woman-to-woman thing you wanted to talk about?" said the Colonel.

"Umm…." Said Willow, "It's about Pete."

"Pete?" said the Colonel in surprise as she stopped walking and turned to face Willow, "What about Pete?"

"I really don't know how to say this" said Willow as she looked at Colonel Carter, her blue eyes staring back with curiosity, "so I guess I'll have to be blunt and get it over with. I think Pete has been following you around without your knowledge."

"What?" said Colonel Carter, "You're joking right?"

"No ma'am" said Willow.

"Willow" said the Colonel, "I know that you and Cassie don't like Pete, I mean I know he has his hang-ups, but I really hope that you and Cassie would be happy for me."

"Colonel" said Willow, "I know you have feelings for him but I still feel it's something you should know about."

"Do you have proof of what you're saying Willow?" asked the Colonel.

"I just know what I saw and heard ma'am" said Willow.

"Heard?" asked the Colonel.

"He thinks really loudly" said Willow, "I can't help but to overhear his thoughts sometimes."

"But" continued Willow, "I could show it to you in full High Definition and with stereo sound to boot."

"Huh?" said The Colonel as she looked confusingly at Willow

"With your permission" said Willow, "I would like to link my mind to yours, and you can see everything I've seen and heard so far. You can go through my memories and see the times when I noticed Pete following you, and even what he was thinking at the time."

"Willow, while I don't doubt your sincerity" said the Colonel, "There's no way for me to know what you show me is the truth."

"Which is why through this link I'll give you full access to my memories, from my days in Sunnydale to the present" said Willow, "the link will be one way, you can see everything from my point of view but I won't be able to look into your mind. I still remember everything that happened to me ma'am."

"But?" said the Colonel.

"You may also feel the entire range of emotions I felt, from abject terror to fear to love" said Willow, "but this is the best way for me to prove to you what I'm saying is the truth."

Quietly Colonel Carter looked into Willow's eyes, when she saw no deception there she agreed to Willow's suggestion.

"Ok" said the Colonel, "what do we have to do?"

"Let's go back to camp, ma'am" said Willow, "its better if we did this there while seated."

"Alright" said the Colonel as she and Willow turned around and headed back to the camp.

Once they were back at the camp, the Colonel contacted Daniel and Grogan on the radio.

"Daniel" said the Colonel over the radio.

"Yea Sam?" came the reply.

"I need you and Grogan back here" she said.

"Umm…. Is everything ok?" asked Daniel.

"I'll explain when you get here" said the Colonel.

"OK….. give us ten minutes" said Daniel.

Ten minutes later, Grogan and Daniel had come back to the camp where Colonel Carter briefed them on what was about to happen.

"You're kidding?" said Daniel as he looked at both Colonel Carter and Willow.

"Daniel" said the Colonel as she pulled him to one side, "Willow said that Pete has been following me around."

"What?!" whispered Daniel, "You need to tell Jack."

"I don't even know if it's true Daniel" said the Colonel, "which is why Willow come up with this idea."

"Willow, is it safe?" asked Daniel as he and the Colonel walked back to where Willow and Grogan were standing.

"I don't know Daniel" said Willow, "Colonel Carter will have access to all of my memories but I don't know if that will affect her physically in anyway."

"I need to find out about Pete" said the Colonel as she turned to Daniel, "and to do that in relative peace, I need you and Grogan to stand guard. From what Willow tells me, once it starts, we'll be defenceless until I signal Willow to deactivate the link."

"Will she retain your memories?" asked Daniel as he looked at Willow.

"She'll remember what she saw" said Willow, "but it won't be her memories. What I mean is that she won't be able to confuse my memories as hers. It won't be like her experience with Jolinar."

"Let's start then" said the Colonel as she sat down facing Willow.

"Alright ma'am" said Willow, "I'm going to put my hands on your temples, just close your eyes and remain calm. Breathe normally."

"OK" said the Colonel as she closed her eyes and she nodded in agreement as Willow placed both of her hands softly on her temples.

"Now Colonel" said Willow as she closed her eyes as well, "I'll open my mind and link to yours; do you see a door in front of you?"

"Yes" said the Colonel softly.

"Once you're ready, open the door and you'll be in my mind. If you want to get out at anytime, just imagine the door again and then go through it; you'll be back out to reality" said Willow.

"OK" said the Colonel.

"So shall we?" said Willow.

"Yes" replied the Colonel as she opened the door and walked into Willow's mind.

While all this was going on, Daniel and Grogan looked at each other worried about what might happen. But they knew that the Colonel was right, while they were joined like this, the two of them were vulnerable in case of an attack and the two men had to watch over them and defend their position until they were finished.

"Hey Captain" said Daniel to Grogan, "How long has it been?"

"About ten minutes Sir" he replied, "any idea when they may be done sir?"

"No idea" said Daniel when suddenly the Colonel opened her eyes and gasped before she quickly got up and ran towards the entrance of the ruins.

"Sam?" said Daniel as he ran after her, "Carl, stay with Willow!"

"Sure" said Grogan as he crouched down to where Willow was sitting down with her hands now on her thighs and her eyes closed, "Captain?" said Grogan as he saw tears coming down her cheeks, "are you alright"

"Yes" said Willow as she slowly opened her eyes and wiped the tears away.

"What happened?" asked Grogan.

"She saw everything" said Willow as she slowly got up, "where did the Colonel go?"

"I think she ran over to the entrance. Dr. Jackson's with her now" said Grogan.

"Thanks" said Willow as she stepped forward on her unsteady feet.

"Whoa there" said Grogan as he held her up to prevent her from falling over.

"I need to get there" said Willow.

"Ok" said Grogan as he aided her over to the entrance where Colonel Carter and Daniel were standing.

"Sam" said Daniel as she was bent over and panting hard, "What happened?"

"I saw everything Daniel" said Colonel Carter as she slowly stood up, "I saw everything that girl has been through in high school and in college. Everything she said about her past was true, everything about vampires, demons… everything"

"Seriously?" said Daniel surprised, "Then about Pete?"

"True too" said the Colonel, "She saw him a few times. The first time was outside her apartment and then there was another two times during team nights at General' O'Neill's house."

"Sam" said Daniel.

"I know" said the Colonel, "I need to talk to him."

"Colonel" said Willow as she was being helped by Grogan, "are you alright? I'm sorry, I didn't know that the connection would be so…"

"Scary? Tiring?" said Colonel Carter with a smile as she approached Willow, "I'll take over from here Grogan" said the Colonel as she put Willow's arm over her shoulder and helped her back to camp.

"Glad you're alright ma'am" said Willow, "found what you needed to find?"

"Yes, I'll talk to Pete when we get back" said the Colonel as she looked at Willow, "you are one brave girl you know that? Having to face all of those horrors while you're still in high school, I don't think I could've done the same thing."

"I didn't do anything Colonel" said Willow, "you saw from my memories that Buffy did most of the heavy lifting, I either got captured or attacked mostly."

"Don't sell yourself short" said Colonel Carter, "it took guts to face all that and from what I saw, you did save your friends too, even fought against vampires when the odds were stacked against you."

"Thanks ma'am" said Willow.

"But I didn't go further than the memory of you being held against your will at the Slayer Council HQ" said the Colonel, "But now, I'm ordering you to get some sleep for a couple of hours. Then we'll do some training again. What do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan ma'am" said Willow as the Colonel helped her to get into the tent. Willow then unarmed herself and slipped into her sleeping bag and dozed off.

"Sleep well, Willow" said the Colonel as she looked at Willow sleeping for a few seconds before closing the tent flap and heading towards Grogan and Daniel.

"You guys should take a break too" said the Colonel, "it's already 1530hrs."

"I think we'll go back to the cave I was checking out Sam" said Daniel, "there are a lot of cave systems here, and maybe we could find some important archaeological discoveries that would give us more insight about the Ancients."

"Alright" said Colonel Carter, "check-in every thirty minutes."

"Yes mom" said Daniel smiling as he and Grogan walked away.

"I heard that Daniel" said the Colonel smiling as she turned back and sat down next to the tent.

Planet Designated P8D-767, 1745hrs.

It had been almost two hours since Willow dozed off. When she awoke, she found herself back in her tent with Colonel Carter outside talking on the radio.

"Sam" said Daniel, "You should check this cave out."

"I'm sure it's interesting Daniel" said the Colonel, "Found a lot of paintings?"

"Better than that" said Daniel, "Grogan noticed the walls in this cave looked a bit off, so after a quick test, we think that the cave we're in now has traces of Naquada."

"What?" said the Colonel as she quickly stood up and picked up her gear.

Upon hearing that the Colonel was ready to go, Willow got out of her sleeping back and slowly exited the tent carrying her vest and weapons including her combat knife, sidearm, a zat and her P90.

"Hi Willow" said the Colonel, "feeling better now?"

"Yes ma'am" she replied as she put on her vest and latched the P90 onto it, "Sorry I overheard you talking to Daniel about the cave, so I thought I'd go accompany you there."

"Let's go then" said the Colonel, "I want to be back here before dark. I guess we'll do the rest of your training at the firing range back on the base?"

"Sure ma'am" replied Willow.

"Daniel" said the Colonel on the radio, "Willow and I are on our way, we'll be there in less than thirty minutes."

"Ok Sam" replied Daniel.

It took the two female members of SG1 almost 20 minutes to reach the cave entrance where Daniel and Grogan were standing. Once they reached the cave, Colonel Carter took out some equipment for measuring the concentration of Naquada and collected some samples.

"You're right Daniel" said the Colonel after running a quick test on the samples.

"Any readings on the previous cave you found?" asked the Colonel.

"Nothing at the other one ma'am" said Grogan.

"There's another cave entrance about ten minutes away from here" said Daniel, "I'll take Captain Grogan and check it out, just don't disturb the artefacts that are along the cave walls. I wanna take some back with me to examine them more closely."

"Alright Daniel" replied Willow, "any idea how deep it goes?"

"Nope" he said, "we just went a few meters in before we found out about the Naquada."

"Alright" said the Colonel, "just be careful."

"Will do" said Daniel.

As they watched Grogan and Daniel walk off to the other cave, Willow and Colonel Carter turned around and slowly walked into the cave where they found the Naquada.

Unknown: "Help me!"

"What?" said Willow as she turned around to the entrance and then back towards the cave

Unknown: "Help me!"

"Colonel" said Willow, "did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" said the Colonel as she was feeling the wall of the cave before crouching down to collect some more samples, "I'll take these back to the SGC for further analysis."

Unknown: "Aaaagh… Help me!"

"Ma'am" said Willow, "Are you really telling me you don't hear that?"

This time Colonel Carter turned around while crouching to face Willow, "I don't hear anything Willow."

"I'm hearing someone shouting for help" said Willow as she switched on her flashlight and pointed it at the darkness of the cave.

Unknown: "I wanna go home.. help… please!"

"It's a girls voice. It sounds familiar but it's a bit garbled, I can't make out who it is" said Willow as she looked at inside of the cave, "she's saying she wants to go home. Whoever it is sounds terrified."

Unknown: "Oh God my head…. my arm's broken! It hurts so bad….. she crashed the car… its coming.. please someone help us… its coming for us… Buffy, Spike, somebody, anybody… help us please!"

"Dawnie?" said Willow stunned as she tried to look into the cave using her flashlight.

"Willow?" said the Colonel as she looked at Willow's terrified face, "Willow! What's wrong?"

Dawn: "Damn it we missed the movie, what's she doing in that other room anyway. I don't wanna stay next to this weird guy."

"I'm hearing Dawn's voice, Colonel" said Willow.

"You mean Buffy's younger sister right?" said the Colonel, "the one who'll be staying with you?"

"Yes ma'am" said Willow, "except the voice I'm hearing in my mind is so clear that it sounds like its coming from this cave, somewhere inside. Right now she sounds calm, but a little while ago she sounded terrified."

Dawn: "What's she been doing? Her eyes, her eyes are just… what's going on? She looks like she's high or something."

"Something's wrong ma'am" said Willow, "you really can't hear that?"

"No Willow" said the Colonel.

Dawn: "Somethings following us, I can feel it. I'm scared… Why is she telling me to go home alone.. I can't… I wish I was at home now…. Aaaaaaaaagh….. it's a demon…. Oh God, it scratched my cheek… it tasted my blood…. Buffy.. help…. Oh no! She's scared too…. Run… run….!"

"Dawnie" shouted Willow as she ran into the darkness of the cave.

"Willow" said the Colonel on the radio, "Stop. Wait for backup."

"I'll be alright ma'am" replied Willow on the radio, "she needs help… she's in danger."

"Damn it" said the Colonel as she went back on the radio, "Daniel.. Grogan, I need you back to this cave immediately. It's an emergency."

Daniel and Grogan were almost at the other cave when the call came in from Colonel Carter via their radio. They looked at each other when once they heard Colonel Carter's tone of voice and immediately turned around and ran as fast as they could towards the cave they left Willow and the Colonel in.

As Willow kept on running further and further into the darkness of the cave she sensed the danger that Dawn, and whoever was accompanying her, was afraid of kept getting closer. Because of the darkness of the cave, Willow never saw a slippery patch of moss on the ground which in turn made her slip and fall hard onto the cave floor.

"Oh God, that hurts" said Willow as she suddenly felt herself slipping down an incline until she landed with a thud at the bottom.

She was lying on her back as she reached for her radio, "Colonel Carter?"

"Willow" said the Colonel, "Are you alright?"

"Just fell a bit ma'am" said Willow as she winced in pain, "be careful a few hundred meters in, the floor gets really slippery. Plus it starts to incline a bit so I'd probably recommend some climbing gear, just to be on the safe side."

"Are you at the bottom of the incline?" asked Daniel.

"Yea" said Willow as she struggled to get up. She unhooked her P90 and put it onto the floor so that she could slowly get up. It was then that she noticed that the floor that she hit felt smoother than the cave floor.

"Are you injured?" said the Colonel.

"Just some scrapes and bruises" said Willow, "which I deserve for running off half assed. Sorry Colonel."

"Don't worry Willow" smirked the Colonel, "I'll forgo the court marshall for now."

"Captain" said Grogan on the radio, "I think we found the incline you mentioned, can you give us a signal?"

Willow turned on the flashlight on her P90 and pointed it to the top of the slope.

"Alright Willow, we see your light" said Daniel, "looks like you're some way down there."

"I'm looking around Willow" said the Colonel as she pointed her flashlight around the walls and the floor of the cave, "but I don't see any stairs or any other way to get down to where you are, and the incline is too smooth to try walking down."

"I'm guessing we need the climbing gear huh?" said Willow.

"Can you get up?" asked the Colonel over the radio.

"Gimma a minute ma'am" said Willow as she slowly got up and clipped her P90 back onto her vest and looked up the slope to see three flashlights pointed down towards her location, "so far no major injuries but I think I got a cut on my face though."

"That can be fixed later on" said Colonel Carter, "What do you see down there?"

Dawn: "Help me!"

Dawn: "Help me!"

"There it is again, Dawn's voice" said Willow into the radio as she turned around, "oh no!"

"What is it Willow?" asked the Colonel.

"Daniel, do you know if this trading post was for selling Quantum Mirrors?" asked Willow.

"I don't think so" said Daniel, "I haven't seen any indication among the ruins or the artefacts near the entrance to suggest that."

"Well, maybe this is where they keep their extra stock for a big sale that never happened, because I found a few Quantum Mirrors down here" said Willow.

Daniel, Colonel Carter and Captain Grogan looked at each other worriedly before the Colonel got on the radio again, "What do you mean by a few?" asked Colonel Carter.

Willow turned around facing the mirrors before she got back on the radio, "maybe about fifty or sixty of various sizes."

"What?" said Daniel.

"What do you mean by various sizes?" asked Colonel Carter.

"Some are quite huge and others are about the size of something you would use as a decoration for a living room or something. There are others that look like Geodes as well, although I cant tell how they would work without the mirror" said Willow as she shone her flashlight alongside the floor and the walls when she noticed something on the wall.

"Ah… stand by" said Willow on the radio as she walked towards what looked like a recessed panel on the wall.

Once she reached the panel, she instinctively knew to put her hand on it. With her hand pressed against the panel, Willow it flash white when suddenly ring transporters activated on the middle of the floor.

"Colonel" said Willow on her radio, "I think I just activated some ring transporters. Do you see a pad up there?"

The group at the top of the incline turned around and noticed a pad had appeared a few feet behind them. They walked over to the pad when suddenly the ring transporters activated and they were transported to the bottom of the incline where Willow was standing by the wall.

"What just happened?" asked Daniel.

"I just touched this panel" said Willow, "and the transport pads opened up."

"Let me try" said the Colonel as she pressed her hand against the panel but no light flashed. Daniel and Grogan tried as well but the results were the same.

"Maybe it could be only activated only by those who have the Ancient gene?" asked Willow.

"Considering that, other than you, none of us here have the gene" said Colonel Carter as she walked towards the mirrors, "I'd have to say that you may be right."

Dawn: "Aaaagh… Help me!"

Dawn: "Oh God my head…. my arm's broken! It hurts so bad….. she crashed the car… its coming.. please someone help us… its coming for us… Buffy, Spike, somebody, anybody… help us please!"

Dawn: "I wanna go home.. help… please!"

"There it is again" said Willow as she pressed both of her hands onto the sides of her head, "Dawn's screaming, and it's louder."

"It can't be possible" said the Colonel, "These mirrors are inactive."

Willow slowly walked past SG1 and the mirrors she saw pictures of in the mission reports of the incident that occurred a few years back when an alternate Dr. Samantha Carter and Major Kawalsky had come to the SGC from an alternate reality. She also read the mission report of the time when Daniel went to an alternate reality where the Goa'uld had launched an invasion of Earth. Willow continued walking towards the back where there were a group of medium sized objects that looked like Geodes near the back of the cave wall.

"I can sense it coming from here" said Willow as the rest of SG1 followed her to one Geode in particular.

"Willow" said Daniel, "it looks nothing like any Quantum Mirror that we've seen."

"I know" said Willow, "but the material around it looks like Naquada doesn't it Colonel?" continued Willow as she placed her hand on the rock like structure that surrounded the Geode when suddenly, the crystals inside lit up.

Willow and the other's quickly stepped back, watching as the light emitted by the crystals grew brighter until it released an energy that looked similar to the event horizon produced by a Stargate. They looked on as the event horizon started to freeze.

"That's new" said the Colonel as the frozen event horizon took on the reflective qualities of a regular Quantum Mirror.

Willow then put her hand on the Geode again causing a picture to activate on the mirror. They looked on as the mirror showed various pictures at a fast pace before stopping at one that seemed to show the inside of a darkened shop.

"The Magic Box" said Willow to herself.

"Magic Box?" asked Grogan.

"It's a name of a shop in Sunnydale" said Willow as she turned towards the rest of SG1, "I recognize the stacks and the ladder that's going up to the forbidden spells section."

"Magic?" said Grogan, "Really?"

"You're at the SGC Captain" said Colonel Carter, "You know you should expect anything."

"I know ma'am" said Grogan, "But magic?"

"One day you should ask Willow how she came to the SGC" said Daniel as he looked around the activated Geode.

"Sam" said Daniel as he stood behind the activated Geode, "Looks like these new types of mirrors are connected directly to the cave wall, which I can bet with you is made up of Naquada."

"You could be right" said the Colonel as she moved behind the Geode, "looks like this version of the mirror uses the direct connection to the Naquada in the cave as a superconductor, just like the Stargate."

Dawn: "Help me!"

Dawn: "Help me!"

"There it is again" said Willow as the others looked at her, "I can hear Dawn screaming."

"Ma'am" continued Willow, "Permission to go through."

"Sorry Willow" said the Colonel, "but I have to refuse that request."

"Sam" said Daniel.

"Daniel" said the Colonel, "Not now."

"But…" said Willow before she was interrupted by the Colonel.

"Willow" she said, "what happens if you go through but can't come back? You'll be stuck in another reality."

"Colonel" said Willow, "I'm sure the SGC of that reality can help me to return here if it comes down to that. We still have our regular Quantum Mirror at Area 51 don't we?"

"What if there's no SGC in this reality?" said the Colonel as Willow suddenly looked between her and the activated mirror. The Colonel could see that Willow hadn't thought about that.

"Colonel" said Willow, "since there's obviously a quantum mirror on the other side, wouldn't it make sense that the Ancients also occupied that reality? Which means that they also created the Stargates there, which leads to the high chance that the Stargate in Giza was found in 1928. And thus the formation of the SGC or SGA, or whatever it's called there."

"There's no way to confirm that though" said the Colonel, "You'll be going into an unknown environment."

"Will all due respect Colonel, isn't that what we do at the SGC every day?" said Willow, "We take risks, no matter how calculated they are, and step into unknown environments without knowing whether we'll come back home again."

"She's got a point Sam" said the Colonel.

"Ok, tell me this then, what if this alternate reality is only connected to this mirror here Willow?" said the Colonel, "What if it doesn't connect to any of the other mirrors here?"

"Ma'am, she needs help" said Willow as she referred to Dawn, "How can we leave her there when we're unsure if Buffy or anyone could save her."

"Willow" said the Colonel, "what about Entropic Cascade Failure? I saw what happened to Dr. Carter when she came here with Major Kawalsky, it was extremely painful for her".

"Ma'am" said Willow, "I read the mission report. That didn't happen until about forty eight hours later, and I know I'll be back before then."

"How can you be sure Willow?" asked the Colonel.

"Please ma'am" said Willow, "She needs help, she's asking for someone to help her. Buffy and the others may be busy battling something else and from what I heard, whoever she's with is incapacitated."

Dawn: "Help me!"

Dawn: "Help me!"

"There she is again" said Willow as she turned around to face the mirror.

"Willow" said Colonel Carter, "we don't know how long the energy created by this version of the mirror can last for. It could turn off just as soon as you've gone through."

"Wouldn't our Naquada generator work Sam?" asked Daniel, "Couldn't they provide power?"

"This is nuts," whispered Grogan.

"I don't like this, Willow" said the Colonel.

"Ma'am, if I don't do anything then Dawn could die in the other reality" said Willow, "I can make it back, just leave me a sign here and next to the one in Area 51 so that I know I'm coming back to the correct reality."

"You have two hours" said Colonel Carter softly, "two hours to save her and then come back, do I make myself clear?"

"We'll wait for you here" said Daniel.

"Grogan" said the Colonel, "You and Daniel stay here, I'll take the ring transporters and head back up to the Stargate, contact the SGC and ask them to send in SG2 and SG11, and some signboards and check with Dr. Brightman if anyone else has the Ancient gene. We may need them to operate the mirror again in case something happens."

"Yes ma'am" said Grogan.

"I can come too Sam" said Daniel.

"It's alright Daniel" said Colonel Carter, "I need you guys to stay here."

"Colonel" said Willow as she took off the patches of the SGC and SG1 from her BDU's and turned them over to Colonel Carter along with her Zat, "maybe it would be best of these remain with you."

"Alright" said the Colonel as she handed Willow an extra clip for her 9mm and one extra clip for her P90.

"Thanks ma'am" said Willow as she put them in her vest pockets before she turned back towards the mirror.

"Colonel.. Daniel, I'll be back in two hours" said Willow as she put her hand onto the mirrored surface, and gave a little scream.

"Willow!" shouted the Colonel as she, Grogan and Daniel saw what looked like electrical energy engulf Willow and pull her into the mirror before forcibly throwing her out the other side.

Alternate Reality, Magic Box, 2230hrs

"Son of a…!" said Willow as she felt herself get forcibly ejected out into the other side of the Quantum Mirror and was thrown onto the floor a few meters away. Her head narrowly missing the ladder that led to the forbidden spell books.

She grabbed her sides and felt for any broken bones of which luckily there were none.

"That was extremely lucky" said Willow to herself as she looked around the darkened Magic Box, "Looks like everyone went home."

She turned back to the still active mirror and saw Grogan, Colonel Carter and Daniel looking at her worriedly. Willow gave them the thumbs up sign to indicate that she was ok. She saw that the Colonel was talking to her in sign language, she reminded Willow that she had two hours to save Dawn and then get back.

Willow signalled her acknowledgement and checked her P90 which held the regular armour piercing rounds and her 9mm sidearm. As she was checking the rest of her gear, Willow immediately sensed Dawn who happened to be with someone.

"Is that the other me from this reality?" said Willow to herself, "why are her thoughts so jumbled and incomprehensible."

Dawn: "Damn it we missed the movie, what's she doing in that other room anyway. I don't wanna stay next to this weird guy."

"Oh no" said Willow as she ran towards the entrance of the Magic Box and unlocked it from the inside before leaving and closing the door. Since she didn't have the keys to the door, she mentally locked it from the outside.

Dawn: "What's she been doing? Her eyes, her eyes are just… what's going on? She looks like she's high or something."

"The other me does drugs in this reality? And she took Dawn with her?" said Willow as she started running towards where she was sensing Dawn's presense.

Willow: "Dawnie where are you?"

Dawn was walking along an alleyway next to a seemingly light headed and over stimulated Willow when she heard Willow's voice in her head.

"I'm right next to you Willow" said Dawn as she looked worryingly at her companion.

"I know" said the alternate Willow, "let's go and have some fun."

Willow: "Buffy, where are you? Damn it Buffy where are you? Dawn's in danger."

Buffy was walking and arguing with Spike when suddenly in the middle of telling spike to get out of her life, she stopped in her tracks.

"What's wrong" said Spike as he stared at a surprised Buffy.

"Willow?" said Buffy as she was contacted telepathically by SG1's Willow.

While she was running, Willow had finally pinpointed the location where Dawn and her alternate were through her telepathy. The downside was that it was too far away to make it just by running from her location. Just before she hit the downtown area, Willow spotted a group of motorcycles parked outside a restaurant. Sensing that no one was in the immediate area, she got onto a black motorcycle and started to hotwire it.

"Thank you Colonel Carter for teaching me how to hotwire a motorcycle" said Willow to herself as soon as she was done with what she needed to do. She pressed the ignition button on the handlebar and was smiling when the engine started. She reversed the bike before taking off towards Dawn and her alternate self just as the owner of the motorcycle came through the entrance. The owner was stunned as he saw his motorcycle being ridden away at full speed with the tyres smoking and having left marks on the road.

Meanwhile, Dawn and the alternate Willow were walking in an alleyway completely unaware that there was something following them.

"What was that? I'm getting out of here" said a scared Dawn when she heard a noise.

"Oh Dawnie, don't. It was probably a cat or something like that" said the alternate Willow.

Dawn: "Something's following us, I can feel it. I'm scared… Why is she telling me to go home alone.. I can't… I wish I was at home now…. Aaaaaaaaagh….. it's a demon…. Oh God, it scratched my cheek… it tasted my blood…. Buffy.. help…. Oh no! She's scared too…. Run… run….!"

"sh*t" hissed the SG1 Willow as she sensed both Dawn's and her alternates' fear, "Damn it!"

Willow pushed the throttle on the motorcycle as much as possible until she sensed that Dawn and her alternate self were just around the corner. As she turned the corner at speed, Willow two people running into a blue car which promptly drove away while being chased by a creature.

"What kind of a demon is that?" said Willow to herself as she opened the throttle on the motorcycle again and sped towards the car.

Dawn sat in the passenger side of the car terrified as she saw Willow driving the car just by using her magics. She looked back only to see the demon still running after them. It was then she noticed the headlights of a motorcycle coming up real fast behind the demon until it was right beside it.

As SG1's Willow sped up right beside the demon, she was thinking about what she could do to stop it. Using the guns during a high speed chase were out of the question on a motorcycle and she was going at such a high speed that she couldn't telekinetically use her knife against the creature accurately. So she did the next best thing which was to telekinetically push the creature onto the side of a building.

Dawn looked on stunned as whoever was on the motorcycle simply stopped after the demon was flung onto the side of a building. She then turned back towards Willow who was still driving the car with her magics and made a tight left turn into another alley.

"Willow, stop the car" said Dawn.

Just then Willow took her eyes off the road and looked behind her.

"Willow!" screamed Dawn just as the car crashed onto a wall.

SG1's Willow had gotten off the motorcycle with her 9mm sidearm in her hand with the safety off. She ran towards the side of the building and saw the Demon starting to get up from the ground. The demon looked at her and snarled.

"Witch" said the demon as it pointed its fingers at her.

"No" replied SG1's Willow.

The next thing Willow knew, the demon was running towards her. Without giving any warning, Willow emptied an entire clip from her 9mm into the demon which at first seemed to have stopped it in its tracks as it fell onto the ground unmoving. Just then she sensed that Dawn and her alternate were in trouble.

Dawn: "Oh God my head…. my arm's broken! It hurts so bad….. she crashed the car… its coming.. please someone help us… its coming for us… Buffy, Spike, somebody, anybody… help us please!"

Willow quickly ran to the motorcycle and started it up again before she opened the throttle to full speed and rode towards the car crash. However, she didn't notice the demon moving a finger, and then shortly after its arm, before it picked itself up and stood looking at the girl who was riding the motorcycle away. It looked down at its body and saw the bullet holes and the blood coming out of them. It then started to run towards the scent of SG1's Willow, the alternate Willow and Dawn. As it was running, it was going through in its thoughts about how to best torture the one who had shot him with the human weapon.

Willow: "Buffy you're needed. I'm telepathically sending the location to you. Come quick, they're in trouble."

"Spike" said Buffy as she took off running, "I know where they are."

"How?" said Spike as he ran behind her.

Just as they rounded a corner, both Buffy and Spike noticed a motorcycle turning into an alley in the distance. The same alley where the voice in Buffy's head had told her to go to.

"Come on Spike" said Buffy as she ran toards the alley.

"Willow?" said Spike out of Buffy's earshot

Willow was riding the motorcycle at full speed through the alley until she saw the smoke coming from the car wreck just a few feet away. She stopped the motorcycle and quickly ran to the car not caring whether Dawn or her alternate self saw her. As she was running towards the car, she sensed that both Dawn and her alternate self were alive but Dawn could be more injured.

She quickly ran to the passenger side and opened the door.

"Dawnie?" said Willow as she crouched down to slowly take off her seat belt, "are you alright? Where does it hurt?"

"Willow?" said Dawn as she stared between the SG1 Willow and he other Willow who was lying slumped on the steering wheel.

"Long story sweetie" said Willow as she sensed her confusion, "can you move your legs? Where does it hurt?"

"I can move my legs" said Dawn, "my head and my arm hurts… I think its broken."

"Listen I need you to come out of the car ok?" said Willow, "I'm scared there may be a fuel leak or something and a spark could set it off."

"Ok" said Dawn as Willow ran over to the driver side to check up on her alternate. Dawn looked on as the other Willow, the one wearing some kind of a uniform with a big gun strapped to her vest ran over to the drivers side and felt for a pulse from the Willow who was slumped.

"She's alive and breathing" said SG1's Willow as she looked at Dawn.

Dawn was already out of the car and heading to where the uniformed Willow was when all of a sudden something hit her and she got thrown underneath an overpass. Looking up, she saw that it was the same demon as before and when it was almost on top of her, she screamed for Buffy.

Upon hearing Dawn's screams, Buffy and Spike ran even faster than before.

"Get away from her" shouted SG1's Willow as the demon was on top of Dawn and almost ready to slash her with its claws before she could crawl away to safety.

Willow telekinetically pushed the demon until it hit the other side of the concrete wall under the overpass.

"Easy Dawn" said SG1 Willow as she slowly lifted her up and leaned her against one of the pylons, "I can sense Buffy and Spike coming, they're close by. You'll be ok."

"Alright" said Dawn as she stared at the SG1 Willow.

Suddenly Willow tensed up as she felt claws going through the back of her vest and her skin.

"Damn it" said Willow as she turned around to face the demon which had already stood up after having been being crashed onto the wall.

Dawn saw the vest Willow was wearing fall off her and land with a thud onto the ground. Looking closely, she saw that the vest already had some drops of blood on it. As she looked at Willow's back, she could see the place where the demon had scratched her, blood was slowly coming down her back from the scratches. Worried, Dawn looked towards the alley and could see two figures quickly running towards them.

Willow: "Dawn, Buffy and Spike are here. Run towards them, I'll hold this thing off.. Go now!"

"But…." said Dawn before she was interrupted by Willow.

Willow: "Go now Airman, that's an order!"

Upon hearing the anger in Willow's voice and knowing the danger she knew she was in, Dawn quickly ran off towards the approaching Buffy and Spike.

Willow sensed that Dawn had already run towards her best friend and could sense that the demon was prepared to do anything before Dawn could reach Buffy and Spike. So she gave an all-out pre-emptive attack with her telekinesis. Ignoring the pain in her head and the pain coming from her back, Willow blasted the demon on to the wall and held it there.

"Buffy! Spike!" shouted Dawn as she ran towards her older sister and the vampire.

"Dawn" said Buffy, "Are you ok?"

"I think my arm is broken" said Dawn.

"Who else was in the car with you?" asked Buffy.

"Willow" said Dawn crying.

"Spike, watch over Dawn and Willow" said Buffy as she ran toward where Dawn said the Demon was and stopped in her tracks just as she reached the car and looked at the person under the overpass.

She looked shocked at the red head who was somehow holding a demon on a wall and the similar red head who was slowly coming to in the driver's seat of the car.

"Witch" said the demon again as it pointed to SG1's Willow.

"No, I thought I told you that when I pumped one clip of bullets into you" she replied.

"Slayer" it said.

"Wrong again" said Willow, "that would be my best friend who just happens to be standing a few feet behind me. Wanna try again? By the way, nice dress Buff" she continued without turning around.

The demon caught the scent of both Willow's in the vicinity and finally knew there was something wrong.

"Abomination" it said.

"You're so rude" said Willow as she mentally grabbed her combat knife and unsheathed it, "I mean I've been called that before, but it still hurts my feelings."

She then walked towards the demon in anger and as she started to slowly crush its hands and feet, she noticed blood dripping down from her nose.

"You tried to harm someone I care about Demon, I won't let that slide" whispered Willow before she mentally plunged the knife into its head and twisted its head around 360 degrees. As Willow continued to hold the Demon on the wall, she blasted it again with her telekinesis at close range, crushing every bone in its body and then one last time to make sure it stayed dead. She then let go of the demon and watched in fall onto the ground before wiping the steady stream of blood that was now flowing out of her nose.

"Worth it" thought Willow to herself.

Just when she let go of the demon, it started to glow with red sparks coming from inside it before it spontaneously combusted. Surprised Willow turned around to only see her alternate self leaning against the one of the pylons with Spike and Dawn standing behind her. Buffy must have noticed that Dawn, Spike and this reality's Willow were behind her because she turned around to face her Willow.

"It's time I slipped out of here" said the SG1 Willow to herself as she telekinetically grabbed her knife, P90 and her vest before slowly slipping away, "I guess reading comic books are useful, kind of gave me the idea to change a person's perception of things and people. Hopefully they won't see me until I actually leave."

She slowly walked towards the motorcycle knowing that once she starts it, everyone would be able to see her riding it away, but it would be too late to stop her by then. As she was walking away, she closed her eyes as she heard her counterpart beg Dawn and Buffy for forgiveness.

"Dawnie, I'm so sorry" said the alternate Willow to her best friend's sister, "I'm so sorry."

"Stay away from her Willow" said Buffy as she helped to lead Dawn away.

"Buffy, where's the other Willow" asked Dawn, "she was just here."

"I don't know" said Buffy as she looked around before turning to Spike, "have you seen her leave Spike?"

"I guess she must have slipped away" said Spike as he saw the uniformed red head walking towards a motorcycle.

"I'm sorry.. Oh God… I'm so sorry" said the alternate Willow.

"Seriously Willow, stay away from her" said Buffy as she protectively shielded her sister from Willow.

SG1's Willow could do nothing but sense Dawn's fury and disappointment at her counterpart, she felt the slap that the alternate Willow had gotten from Dawn before Buffy asked Spike to take her to the hospital.

"Buffy, I'm so sorry" said SG1 Willow's counterpart, "I'm so sorry."

"You could have killed her" said Buffy as she faced her Willow.

SG1's Willow turned around as she saw her counterpart go onto her knees and cry, and beg for forgiveness from Dawn and Buffy. She didn't stay for the rest of the apology as she quickly started the motorcycle and rode away with Buffy, Spike and Dawn staring at the retreating red head.

After travelling at the speed limit for ten minutes, Willow reached the restaurant from where she took the motorcycle and left it secured at the parking lot. She even took out a pencil and paper from her vest and wrote an unsigned thank you note for the owner.

She then ran towards the Magic Box on foot.

"I'm almost home" said Willow to herself as she was a stone's throw away from the Magic Box. Sensing something amiss, she quickly slowed down and took cover in an alley. She took out her 9mm and changed the clip before she holstered the weapon and cautiously crept up to the shop window. Just then she noticed that her vision was getting blurred and she was feeling dizzy.

"Not now" said Willow to herself, "please not now, I can crash when I'm in my own reality."

Taking a peek inside, she noticed it was dark, too dark.

"Where's the light from the Quantum Mirror?" said Willow softly to herself before she noticed movement in the shop and she took cover under the window.

It was then that she noticed that the door to the shop seemed to have been tampered with. She peeked through the window again and when she noticed whoever it was had gone to the back of the store, Willow slowly crept in and took out her 9mm and released the safety.

When she was just outside the entrance, Willow sensed that whoever it was had returned and seemed to be very angry about something.

"Hold it" said Willow as she stepped into the shop with her gun aimed towards the person, "don't move."

"Wait, wait" said a very familiar voice, "I can explain."

"What the hell?" said Willow as she mentally switched on the shop lights.

"Xander?" said Willow with her gun pointed at her and her alternate's best friend.

"Willow?!" said Xander as he dropped a broom while putting up his hands, "did I miss Halloween or something?"

"Xander! Why couldn't they pay for whatever they steal?" said a voice from the back of the store.

"Ummmm….. Anya, sweetie" said Xander nervously, "can you come here please?"

"What is…." Said Anya as she walked out of the back of the store and immediately put her hands up once she saw the gun.

"Ok" said Willow as she engaged the safety on her gun and holstered it. It was then that she noticed the missing Quantum Mirror, "this really, really isn't good."

Xander put his hands back down and looked at Willow confused, "Wills, I thought you were taking Dawn to the movies."

"No….. not your…." Slurred Willow as she stepped forward onto the table of books where the Quantum Mirror used to be. And she dropped to both of her knees before collapsing onto the floor. Willow knew that the adrenaline she was running on the whole time had run out and now she was feeling the effects of her blood loss.

"Wills" said Xander as he ran towards Willow which was when he noticed the blood dripping from the cuts on her back and her nose. "Anya call an ambulance now" shouted Xander.

"No ambulance…. No doctor…" whispered Willow, "not supposed to remain….. complicated."

"You need a doctor Wills" said Xander.

"No… please" said Willow, "need to go home… mirror."

"Willow" said Xander, "don't sleep, stay awake."

"Anya!" continued Xander, "Where's that ambulance?"

Willow slowly opened her eyes only to see a white light forming behind Xander as Anya kneeled down beside him. Their voices were now fading into the background as she focused on the white light which began to take form. Willow gave a small smile as she recognized the woman who was standing behind Xander and Anya as they were desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

"Hi Oma" said Willow smiling before she closed her eyes.

"Hello, Athena" said Oma Desala as she looked down confusingly at Willow.

"What's an Oma?" said Xander as he looked at Anya before turning back to Willow, "Wills? Wills?" continued Xander as he felt for a pulse.

Chapter 37: An Alternate Land (Part 2)

Chapter Text

Magic Box, Alternate Reality Sunnydale, 2 hours elapsed

"Willow! Willow!" shouted Xander as she closed her eyes and went limp in his arms.

"The ambulance is on its way" said Anya, "What happened to her?"

"I don't know" said Xander, "there are cuts on her back but the main question is why is she in this uniform and carrying some heavy hardware."

"Maybe she's practising for Halloween?" said Anya.

"Come on we need to get all of this off her before the ambulance comes" said Xander as she took off Willow's belt and holster along with her sidearm. He then took off her bloodied vest along with her P90 and he combat knife and gave it to Anya.

"Lock these away Anya" said Xander he noticed that all Willow was wearing was her BDU's.

Just then the door to the shop opened and the paramedics rushed in to tend to Willow. Xander stepped back with his hand on his head as he saw the paramedics give her oxygen. Once she was stable and they managed to stem the blood loss, she was put on the gurney and taken to the ambulance with Xander following close behind her.

"I'll go with her" said Xander as he grabbed his jacket and turned to Anya, "Call Buffy and tell her to meet us at the hospital.

"Go" said Anya as she picked up her phone to call Buffy's house.

En route to Sunnydale General Hospital, Alternate Reality.

"Wills," said Xander as she held her hand, "we're almost there, hold on."

Willow could feel someone holding her hand and she was hoping that it was Faith as she squeezed the hand tightly. She opened her eyes slightly and thought that she was in a dream; she had no idea what was going on or where she was. Then suddenly everything went black again.

"She's coding" screamed the paramedic to the driver as the wavy line on the heart monitor suddenly went flat and a loud beeping sound was heard.

"What's going on?" asked Xander as he looked on worryingly.

"Sir, you need to move to the side please" said the paramedic as the ambulance was speeding along.

"Wait, wait!" said Xander as he saw Willow's heartbeat on the monitor stabilize to the familiar wavy lines.

The paramedic took some readings just to be sure that Willow was stable, "Ok, I haven't seen that before. Someone coding who then quickly recovers on her own."

"Willow's always been a very lucky girl" said Xander.

"Just hold her hand like you're doing now" said the paramedic as he looked at Xander, "hey looks like she's trying to talk."

Xander looked at Willow's face and noticed that her lips were moving, so he leaned in to better hear what she was saying.

"Comdo asordo amacus," repeated Willow over and over again as Xander kept on listening

"Willow" said Xander, "What language is that?"

The O'Neill Residence, Alternate Reality.

Willow found herself in the living room of Genera O'Neill's house. She looked around the darkened home and, at least visually, she could see that the house looked just like the one in her own reality. She walked around the living room until she noticed a picture in the living room, it was of SG1 which consisted of the General, Teal'c, and Daniel. She smiled to herself as she recognized the picture, it was the same picture that was framed in her own apartment, except that picture also included Colonel Carter and herself.

"Where's Colonel Carter?" asked Willow to herself.

Suddenly, she heard a noise behind her and noticed that someone opened the restroom door and was walking out of it. As she moved to get a good look at who it was, she made the mistake of revealing herself. What she saw surprised her, it was a little girl who could be about four or five years old.

The little girl opened her eyes wide when she saw Willow and, slowly walked towards her. Willow crouched down and took in the girl, she had blonde hair and brown eyes and was just dressed in pyjamas with rockets on them.

"Hello" said the little girl who had her hands behind her back and smiling at Willow.

"Hi" replied a surprised Willow who gave a tiny wave at the girl, she had thought the girl would be running and screaming back to her parents by now.

"Are you a ghost?" said the little girl, which made Willow smile.

"You believe in ghosts?" asked Willow.

"Sometimes I do, but mummy doesn't. She says they don't exist" said the little girl.

"Your mummy is very smart" said Willow, "you should listen to her."

"Daddy says that mummy is the smartest woman in the whole wide world" said the little girl as she stretched her tiny hands as far as they could go, "but mummy say daddy is like me sometimes."

Willow couldn't help but smile at the little girl.

"What's your name, lady?" said the girl, "do you work where daddy and mommy work?"

"My name's Willow" she replied.

"Like the tree?" said the girl.

"Yep, like the tree" said Willow.

"I like your dress" said the little girl which made Willow look down at herself, instead of her regular BDU's she was wearing a pink sundress with pink sandals.

"Thanks" said Willow as she looked back up at the girl.

"I like your hair" said the little girl again, "Can I touch it?"

"Sure" said Willow as the little girl put her hand through the air where Willow hair would have been and giggled.

"Can I colour my hair like yours?" asked the girl.

"Maybe you have to ask your mommy and daddy" said Willow, "so what's your name?"

"I'm Grace, but my parents and uncles call me Gracie. They always bring me lots and lots of presents, my birthday was yesterday and they brought me many things. Wanna see?"

"Happy belated birthday then Grace, and maybe you can show me your presents next time?" said Willow smiling, "can I call you Gracie?"

"Ok" said Grace, "Can I call you Willow?"

"Of course you can, you cutie" said Willow with a smile.

"Wanna meet mommy and daddy?" asked Grace.

"What's your mommy and daddy's names?" asked Willow.

"I call them mommy and daddy" said Grace which made Willow try her best not to laugh.

"Ok Gracie, what do your uncles call them?" asked Willow with her finger crossed behind her back.

"Unca Teal'c calls them O'Neill and Samantha" said Grace, "and Unca Danny calls them Jack and Sam."

"Oh thank God" said Willow under her breath, "Hey Gracie, can you call your mommy and daddy?

"Ok, Willow wait here?" said Grace.

"Ok" said Willow, "I'll be right here when you get back."

"Ok" said Grace as she ran into what Willow knew as the master bedroom.

Grace opened her parent's door slowly and walked over to where her mother was sleeping.

"Mommy, mommy" said Grace as she shook Samantha.

"Gracie, not now. Go back to sleep. You have school in the morning."

"But Mommy, the nice lady with the red hair wants to meet you" said Grace.

"You're just having a bad dream, the only one we know with red hair is your Aunty Janet" said Samantha sleepily.

"But she's outside in the living room" said Grace, "she'll be sad if you don't come and visit. I also want you to see her red hair, she said she will give help me colour my hair red if you say its ok."

"Alright Gracie, let's go meet your imaginary friend" said Samantha as she slowly got up if only to placate her young daughter that there was no one in the living room.

As Grace and her mother walked out the door, the both of them saw Willow standing in the living room with Grace quickly running towards Willow.

"Hiya Colonel" said Willow smiling as she saw this reality's Colonel Carter.

"Gracie, Gracie" said Samantha in fear for her daughter, as she tried to signal Grace to come back to her arms, "came back to mommy, stay away from that lady. That lady bad."

"Ma'am, I need your help" said Willow as she stepped forward, "I don't have much time."

"Jack!" screamed the Colonel as she quickly ran towards Willow only to grab Grace and walk backwards towards the safety of her master bedroom.

"I don't know what you want" said the Colonel, "but you should know that my husband is a General with the U.S Air Force. Jack!"

"Please Colonel Carter, I need your help" said Willow.

"Listen, I'm not a Colonel anymore. I'm just an astrophysicist now."

Willow was surprised at that admission, "You retired ma'am?"

Just then the door to the master bedroom opened and out stepped General O'Neill carrying a golf club.

"Sam" said the General as he looked at his wife, "What's going….." he stopped as he saw Willow standing there with her hands up, "Who're you? And what are you doing in my house?"

"General O'Neill, I come in peace. I'm not here to harm anyone. I hope that you can help me" said Willow, "Please tell me you're with Deep Space Radar Telemetry at Cheyenne Mountain?"

The General and Samantha looked at each other in surprise, "How do you know about Deep Space Radar Telemetry?" asked the General.

"Because I work there" said Willow.

"I'm the commander of that base young lady, and I've never seen you there before" said the General.

"Not in this reality Sir" said Willow.

"Wait… what?" said the General.

"Sir, I just need confirmation that the work you do involves a certain ring shaped device, am I right?" said Willow.

"Who are you working for?" asked the General.

"Please Sir" said Willow, "I need your help and Dr. Carter's help too. It is Dr. Carter now, right?"

"Carter-O'Neill actually" said Dr. Carter.

"Sam" said the General.

"Come on Jack" said Dr. Carter, "she obviously knows about the Stargate and I doubt that she can hide a weapon anywhere on that dress."

"Thanks ma'am" said Willow as she looked down at her dress again.

"Please just call me Sam."

"Yes ma'am… I mean Sam" said Willow.

"Sam" said the General, "take Gracie with you into the master bedroom."

"But daddy" said Grace.

"Sweetie" said Sam as she tried to lead her away, "Come with me."

"Bye bye Willow" said Grace as she waved at Willow.

"Bye Gracie" replied Willow before looking at the General.

"General" said Willow, "please you have to believe me, my name is Captain Willow Rosenberg. I'm from Sunnydale, California and I've been a part of the SGC since I was a cadet in the Academy and I've been a part of SG1 for almost two years. I came to this reality through a Quantum Mirro.r"

"From an alternate reality?" asked the General sceptically, "The Quantum Mirror has been destroyed, for all we know you could be a member of the Trust. Here to kidnap Gracie."

"Sir, what's the Trust?" asked Willow as she noticed that Sam had left Grace in the master bedroom and was standing next to the General.

"Jack?" said Sam.

"She said she came through the Quantum Mirror" said the General as he glanced over at his wife.

"But ours has been destroyed" said Sam as she stared at Willow.

"Ma'am, I don't know how things played out here" said Willow, "But in my reality, you were host to the Tok'ra symbiote known as Jolinar for a while. She sacrificed her life to save yours and since then you have had Naquada running through your blood stream."

"Ok" said Sam, "That happened here as well."

"Then you met with the Tok'ra?" asked Willow as Sam nodded, "After meeting them, your father was given clearance by General Hammond so that he could blend with the Tok'ra know as Sel'mak, in doing so his cancer could be cured."

"No" said Sam surprised, "My Dad died before we could give him that option. My dad's alive in your reality?”

"Yes ma'am" said Willow, "he's acting as a liaison between us and the Tok'ra."

"He's alive" said Sam as she looked at Willow.

"Yes ma'am" said Willow smiling as she turned to look at the General.

"General" said Willow, "You had the Ancient Repository of Knowledge downloaded into your head, twice. The second time that happened, you took SG1 to a power source on Praclarush Taonas that was used to power an extremely powerful Ancient weapon in the Antarctic."

"Again, you could have read that from the mission reports" said the General.

"In my reality, I was there when you put yourself in stasis. Your last words to all of us together were 'Aveo Amacus' and I know that that was never put in the mission report" said Willow, "When you downloaded the knowledge the first time, you looked at the circle of symbols from P3R-272 and were able to pronounce the Ancient language before even Daniel could, which you told me he was really jealous about. I remember what you said because that's one of my favourite mission reports to read. The symbols said 'Nou ani Anquitas. Hic Qua Videum' which Daniel translated as 'We are the Ancients. This is the place of our legacy."

The General and Sam looked at each other in surprise before turning to Willow, "Then you must have read about the revolutionary way of calculating the distance between planets that Jack came up with using Base 10 math" said Sam.

"Sorry ma'am" said Willow, "It was Base 8 math that the General used to calculate the distance between planets."

"Jack" said Sam as she looked at the General, "There's no way she could have know that what I said was a lie."

"Sam, she could have found that out from just reading a report" said the General, "I still think she's with the Trust."

"General,” continued Willow, "you once told me that the reason you don't keep guns in your home anymore is because of what happened to Charlie."

"What?!" said the General.

"Jack" said Sam as she squeezed his hand.

"Oh for cyin' out loud" said Willow which surprised Sam and the General, "Ok General, you like the Simpsons. Actually you love the Simpsons, you once told me and Daniel that you thought Burns was Goa'uld."

At that the General slowly put down the hand that was carrying the golf club and seemed to relax just a bit, "Well its true" he said as he looked at Sam.

"And Sam" said Willow, "your favourite Jell-O is the blue type. Well, at least that's the type the Colonel Carter of my reality likes. The commissary has to always have an extra batch ready just in case. Everyone remembers what happened to the new Airman who dared take the last cup of the day which was usually reserved for her. General Hammond suggested that he spend a week over at the Alpha Site until she had calmed down."

"Well that did happen here as well" said Sam laughing.

Willow breathed a sigh of relief as the both of them visibly relaxed but still walked cautiously towards her.

"So you really are from an alternate reality?" asked Sam.

"Yes ma'am" said Willow.

"Like the General said, we destroyed ours" said the Sam, "how did you get here?"

"Ma'am" said Willow, "I was with SG1 on P8D-767 when we found a cave with traces of Naquada inside. It was there we found what seemed like a storage area for various types of Quantum Mirrors, some looked like the regular version while the others look like those Geodes that people keep in their homes for decorations. The one I came through to this reality was the Geode variety which seems to react to my Ancient gene"

"You have the Ancient gene?" asked the General.

"Yes Sir" said Willow.

"How did you get into my house?" asked the General as he noticed that his windows were intact and his door was still locked.

"I have certain abilities Sir" said Willow, "this is just an astral protection of my consciousness, my real body is lying injured in an ambulance in Sunnydale. Please I'm asking for your help, I think the Geode type Quantum Mirror was stolen, I need it to get back home."

"How much time do you have left?" asked Sam.

"A little less than forty-five hours" said Willow.

"Wait, did you say Astral projection" asked the General.

"Yes" said Willow as she walked towards the General and his wife and held out her hand.

Sam tried to grab a hold of Willow's hand but her fingers just went through them.

"Where are you now?" said the General.

"In the ambulance, heading towards Sunnydale General Hospital" said Willow.

"Alright" said the General, "we'll secure the floor you'll be in. But has anyone seen you?"

"Unfortunately yes" said Willow as she looked on at their surprised faces, "I'm sorry, I only intended to save a friend in this reality. I sensed her crying out for help so I came here to save her and then fully intended to leave before they could ask any questions. But then someone stole the Quantum Mirror, and now I'm stuck."

"Wait" said Sam, "What do you mean by sense?"

"It's a long story ma'am" said Willow, "and I really don't have much time. The connection here takes a lot out of me."

"Ok" said the General as he scratched his head, "I can't believe I'm gonna say this but get back to your body Captain. I'll notify the hospital administration that they're to secure the floor and post guards at your door. You are not to speak to anyone, not even your friends until we get there. We'll be there in a few hours. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir" said Willow smiling as she started to fade away.

"Oh Captain" said the General, "The word of the day is Scorpion."

"Yes Sir" said Willow as she saluted the General before vanishing.

Then Willow vanished right in front of their eyes.

"Alright Sam, you should call Dr. Frasier and go with her to Sunnydale General Hospital, Danny should be on his way to Los Angeles by now so I'll call and ask him to meet up with the both of you there. I'll make sure the both of you and Teal'c get the first transport out of Peterson. Transport will be ready for you when you reach Sunnydale. Meanwhile I'll ask Dixon if his wife can babysit Gracie for a while. Then I have to call Hammond and tell him about what's happening" said the General.

"You think what she said is true?" asked Sam.

"We need to check up on it" said the General, "and anyway, we can't have a Quantum Mirror out there in the wild, even if public disclosure of the program is only a year away."

Two miles away from Sunnydale, 10 minutes later

Dr. Daniel Jackson; author, linguist, archaeologist, caffeine nut and expert on all things Ancient, was driving towards Los Angeles from Santa Barbara for a lecture at UCLA when a call came in.

"Hi Jack."

"Daniel" said the General, "where are you?"

"In my car Jack" said Daniel, "I was visiting Nick, and you know that."

"Yes I know you went to visit your Gramps but I need to know how far you are from a town called Sunnydale."

"I just went past the exit about twenty minutes ago" said Daniel as he drank his second cup of coffee.

"I need you to turn around and meet Sam, Teal'c, Dr. Frasier and SG3 at the Sunnydale General Hospital" said the General.

"Ok, why?" asked Daniel as he took the exit and went around to the other side, "What's going on?"

"Someone came through a Quantum Mirror" said the General.

"Jack" said Daniel, "I thought we destroyed ours."

"I thought that too" said the General, "but we received a visit from the young lady who came from the other reality."

"She was there? At your house?" asked Daniel.

"It's a long story Danny-boy" said the General, "Sam, Dr. Frasier, Teal'c and SG3 will be there in about 3 hours."

"Alright" said Daniel, "What's the young lady's name?"

"Captain Willow Rosenberg" said the General, "and she's already met her counterpart and her other friends."

"Oh no" said Daniel.

"Exactly" said the General, "I've talked to Hammond and the President and they've authorized full disclosure since the Program will be publically revealed by this time next year anyway. They still need to sign the NDA though which would be in effect until that time."

"Aren't you coming?" asked Daniel.

"I'll be coming with Hammond" said the General.

"So… are you there yet?" asked the General.

"No" said Daniel.

"Ok…. Are you there yet?" asked the General again.

"Jack!" shouted Sam in the background as Daniel smiled, "let the poor man drive."

"Ok…. Are you there yet?" said the General again.




"Oh, before I forget" said the General, "the word of the day is Scorpion, just in case her counterpart tries to impersonate her."

"Thanks Jack" said Daniel, "see you there."

"Yep" said the General as the call was disconnected.

"Looks like SG1's vacation plans have been cancelled" said Daniel to himself as he voiced dialled the university to cancel his lecture due to unforeseen circ*mstances. A few minutes later, he took the exit leading to Sunnydale.

Sunnydale General Hospital Emergency Room, Alternate Reality.

"Come on Dawn" said Buffy as she guided Dawn into the emergency room. It was just sheer luck that even though the damage to the car was bad, Spike was able to get it somewhat working again.

"Dawnie" said Willow, "I'm so sorry."

Dawn angrily stared at her before she followed Buffy to the counter leaving Willow next to Spike.

"She hates me" said Willow as she turned towards Spike.

"I know why you were at Rack's, Red" said Spike, "Only one reason to see that ass; he dosed you with black magics didn't he?"

"Yes" said Willow.

"You'd probably hear this from Buffy later but you endangered the kid" said Spike, "that was idiotic of you, I don't care how addicted you are to the magics.. You voluntarily put the kid in danger. You're out of control. What would have happened if that demon had gotten to her?"

"It wouldn't have" said Willow softly, "Buffy would have been able to save her."

"But she didn't, did she?" shouted Spike which made everyone look at the platinum haired vampire and the red headed witch, "sorry, sorry…. I know, I know, I'll be quiet" he said as he turned and looked at all the faces, including that of Buffy and Dawn as they stared at him.

"You simply got lucky today" said Spike as he turned back to look at Willow.

Just then, Tara ran into the emergency room from the other side of the building and was the first to notice Dawn holding her arm with Buffy at her side. She ran towards them with worry etched on her face.

"Buffy, Dawn, what happened?" said Tara, "I got a frantic call from Anya saying that something happened to Willow, that she was badly injured". Just then, Tara noticed Dawn's injuries, "Hold on, what happened to your head and arm Dawn?"

"Willow used her magics to summon a demon and then drive a car into a wall" said Dawn.

"What?" said a very shocked Tara.

"I'm sorry Tara" said Buffy as she pointed over to where Willow was talking with Spike at the other entrance, "you should ask her, she's right there". Then suddenly Buffy realized what Tara had said, "wait, what do you mean badly injured?"

"Anya was hysterical when she called saying that Willow collapsed on the floor of the Magic Box and was bleeding out" said Tara, "I thought that something bad happened to her, that's why I drove here as fast as I could."

"Buffy" said Dawn, "You don't think?"

"What's going on?" asked Tara.

"After Willow crashed the car" said Dawn, "I saw another Willow help get me out of the car before she fought the demon that Willow, I mean our Willow, had summoned."

"I saw her too" said Buffy, "she used some sort of magic to crush it before our Willow used a spell to disintegrate it."

"But I guess in the aftermath, the other Willow must have slipped away" said Buffy.

"I saw that she was injured though" said Dawn, "the demon used its claws to cut her back."

"You think our Willow used magic to summon this other Willow?" asked Buffy, "I remember she and Anya summoned another Willow when we were in high school. That Willow was a slu*tty vampire biker chick."

"Willow told me about that" said Tara as she stared at Willow who was facing away from her.

Sensing that she was being watched, Willow stopped talking to Spike and turned around to look at Tara who was at he counter with Dawn and Buffy. She gave her a small smile before Anya came running through the door behind her and almost ran her over.

"Spike… Spike" said Anya as she ignored the red head right next to him, "Willow's hurt really bad, where's Buffy?"

"No she's not" said Spike as she pointed to Willow, "and Buffy's right down there."

"Hi Willow" said Anya before she turned back to Spike, "No silly, Willow collapsed at the store, Xander was riding with her in the ambulance and they should almost be here. I have the blood on the floor to prove it…". Anya suddenly stopped and turned sharply towards Willow who was just standing there stunned, "Willow!" she said as she gave her a hug, "You're alright, but I saw you injured and in a Halloween outfit. You even had the real guns and everything."

"What?" said Willow and Spike together.

Just then the ambulance carrying Xander and SG1's Willow came rushing to the emergency room as it stopped at the main entrance with doctors and nurses standing by to receive Willow. Xander was the first one out as he helped the paramedics to take out the collapsible gurney that she was lying on from the back of the ambulance.

"There's Xander" said Anya as she, Spike and Willow ran over to where Xander was standing while the people gathered at the entrance were taking readings from the person lying on the gurney. The alternate Willow was the first to reach Xander and she was speechless and shocked when she saw herself lying on the gurney in an uniform.

"Hey Willow" said Xander as he turned to face the alternate Willow before turning to face the SG1 Willow. It was then he did a double take and stepped back shocked, "ok, what's going on here?" said Xander as he looked between the two red heads.

"Oh my" said Spike as he looked at SG1's Willow whose face was covered with an oxygen mask and her eyes were closed.

"Her pressure's dropping again and she has a very high fever" said one of the doctors as he pushed the gurney into the hospital and past a stunned looking Tara, Dawn and Buffy; "get her to Exam 1" continued the doctor as he and the nurses put her into an elevator and took her up to the fifth floor.

"Buffy" said Dawn, "isn't that…?"

"Yea" said Buffy.

"Buffy…. Dawn… what's going on?" asked Tara.

"I don't know" replied Buffy just as the rest of the Scooby Gang and Spike came over to them.

"Ok," said Xander, "Who was that?"

"It was Willow" said Dawn.

"No" said Xander as he point to his left, "Willow's right here."

"Xander" said Anya, "she knew your name, plus she had all of that hardware on her that you said was real."

"What hardware are you talking about?" asked Buffy.

"A nine millimetre semi automatic pistol and another weapon, it looked more firepowery" said Xander as everyone stared at him.

"Willow" said Tara, "Did you summon her here like you did the demon?"

"No" said Willow as she looked down, trying to avoid Tara's eyes.

"Ok" said Buffy, "I'm taking Dawn to see the doctor. Tara…. Can you take Willow back home?"

"I'll stay Buffy" said Willow softly, "at least until Dawn's ok."

"What about me?" asked Spike.

"Go home" said Buffy.

"Look I can tell you something's not right about that one there" said Spike as he pointed to the direction that the doctors took SG1's Willow, "she smells different."

"No kidding Sherlock" said Xander, "there are two of them now you know."

"No I mean different" said Spike, "that one doesn't belong here."

As the others were talking among themselves, Tara glanced over at Willow who was standing in one corner with her head down, her arms folded around her body and shivering even though the weather was warm. She slowly walked over to the girl she loved and stopped just a few inches away from her.

"Hey you" said Tara.

"What have I done?" said Willow quietly, "I put Dawn in danger… I can't believe I did that…" she said as she raised her head towards Tara.

"Willow" said Tara as she stepped forward.

"I need help Tara" said Willow as she hugged Tara and broke down crying, "please help me… please help me."

Tara hugged Willow tightly as she tried to soothe her soul mate, "Of course, I'll be here for you. We're all here for you. We'll help you get over this."

"I'm done" said Willow between her sobs, "I'm done with magic, its over."

"I'm glad" said Tara, "I just want my Willow back, I don't care about the magic."

"Please help me" said Willow as she buried her sobbing face into Tara's neck.

"We will" said Tara.

The other Scoobies were watching this scene playing out on the other side of the half empty emergency room.

"Alright" said one of the staff at the counter, "I'll need to ask you all to take a seat while the doctor tends to Miss Summers". Buffy nodded as she accompanied Dawn to see the doctor about her broken arm.

Just as the Scoobies went to take a seat, Xander overheard one of the counter staff talking about a recently arrived fax.

"Hey Jane" said one of the Staff, "I just received a fax from the Air Force about a Captain Willow Rosenberg, I think that's the one who was just wheeled in to Exam One."

"OK" said Jane, "So?"

"Well, her floor is supposed to be quarantined and guards posted to her room once she's out of there" said the staff member, "also they want all blood taken from her to be returned untested, the letter said something about national security."

"National Security?" thought Xander to himself as he slowly walked back to the other Scoobies and told them about what they had heard. They all looked at him in surprise at the fact that one of them would join the military after what happened with Adam the Franken-demon and that Willow's blood, at least the Willow that was injured, was considered to be a national security matter.

"I'm telling you that the military got a hold of Willow's blood somehow and cloned her" said Xander.

"That's silly Xander" said Willow, "why would anyone want to clone me?"

"Maybe to use your clone's powers as a weapon?" said Xander as everyone stared at him.

"Xander" said Tara quietly, "this isn't science fiction."

While they were talking to each other at one end of the emergency room, they failed to notice a bespectacled man along with two officers from the Sunnydale Police Department walk in.

"Good evening, my name is Dr. Daniel Jackson" said Daniel as he handed the lady his I.D, "I'm here from NORAD about a Captain Willow Rosenberg of the USAF."

"Please hold" said the lady as she checked a list, "yes, your name is on the approved list of people who can see the patient. She will be moved from the examination room to a secured floor as per instructions from a General O'Neill once she's stabilized."

"Alright thanks" said Daniel before he turned around to face the police officers, "You guys should go ahead and guard the Captain's room. There'll be a detachment of Marines coming later on so you'll be relieved then."

"Alright" said one of the officers as he and his partner when to Willow's room to stand guard, at least until the Marines came in.

After the officers left, he approached the lady at the counter again, "My colleagues should be arriving in about three hours would it be alright if I waited here?"

"Yes" said the lady, "it won't be a problem."

"Thank you" said Daniel as he wasn't to take a seat nearby a small group of people who was talking amongst themselves, "they must be waiting on someone as well" thought Daniel to himself.

As he took a seat, he heard something that made him very surprised; "And you know what" said the dark haired man, "When I was in the ambulance with Willow, she kept on repeating 'Comdo asordo amacus'; Tara you know what it means?"

"No" said Tara, "maybe it's some sort of spell?"

Daniel almost jumped out of his skin when he heard that, "where did that guy hear Ancient?", and then he recalled the name he talked about, "This Willow could be Captain Willow Rosenberg? She knows the Ancient language?"

Daniel quickly got up and approached the group, "Excuse me" he said, "I'm Dr. Daniel Jackson, I'm sorry but I overheard what you were talking about, ummmmm.. Where did you hear that language?"

"Hey glasses" said Spike, "stay out of peoples conversations."

"Spike, shut up" said Xander before he turned to face Daniel, "My name's Xander, I accompanied someone in the ambulance. I heard it from her."

"I see" said Daniel.

"Do you know what it means?" asked Tara.

"Sorry but no" said Daniel, "it just sounded like an unique language". Of course Daniel was lying; this Captain Rosenberg used the language of the Ancients while asking for help.

Willow's room, Sunnydale General, Alternate Reality, 12 hours elapsed

Willow slowly opened her eyes as they slowly refocused to take in her unfamiliar surroundings. She knew that this wasn't her room in Colorado Springs or her quarters at the SGC. She slowly moved her head and saw the sensors that were attached to her chest taking measurements of her heartbeat, pulse and some other stuff she didn't understand. Then she noticed the IV line going into her hand.

"Am I in the hospital?" thought Willow to herself before she remembered riding in the ambulance with Xander holding her hand tightly. She then recalled the fight she had with the demon after rescuing Dawn and her alternate self; she remembered she used what should have been her full power to crush the demon before her alternate finished the job.

"Oh my head" said Willow to herself before she sensed that the presence of this reality's Scooby Gang was no longer in the hospital. As Willow tried to sit up, she felt a stinging pain coming from her back and she cried out before taking a hand to her back, next to her neck and feeling the bandage. Suddenly she heard someone knocking in the door to her room, "Come in" she said.

Willow looked in shock as who else but the ever reliable Dr. Janet Frasier walked into her room and stopped by her bedside.

"Hi there" said the doctor, "I'm…."

"Dr Frasier" said Willow stunned.

"Yes" said the Doctor equally surprised, "And you must be Captain Willow Rosenberg, our guest from another reality."

"You're alive" said Willow shocked, "This isn't a dream is it?"

"No it's not Captain" said Dr. Frasier as she looked at Willow puzzled, "Wait you mean I…."

There was another quick knock on the door as General O'Neill and Sam walked in, alongside Major Paul Davis.

"General O'Neill.. Major Davis" said Willow as she saluted her superior officers but not before wincing in pain.

"At ease Captain" said the General as he flinched at her painful expression.

"Hi Colonel….. Sorry, I mean Sam" said Willow.

"Hello" she replied, "Gracie says hi."

Willow smiled as she thought about Grace, "Please tell her I said hi too. You have a very beautiful daughter."

"All right" said the General as he got into full command mode, "enough of this chit chat Captain, we need to get you back to your own reality after a debriefing; Doc can she be moved?"

"Yes Sir" said the Doctor, "her vitals have stabilized and the majority of her injuries have healed, especially the trauma to the brain. The other injuries will heal in time". Then she turned to face Willow, "don't worry Captain, I believe that the Ancient gene with help in your recovery."

"Thanks Doc" said Willow, "How's Cassie? Hold on, is there a Cassie in this reality?"

"Who's Cassie?" said all four people together.

"Oh boy" said Willow, "I think this is going to be a long and complicated debriefing."

"Here are some BDU's for you" said Sam, "I kind of guessed your size so I hope they're alright."

"Thank you ma'am" said Willow, "uh General?"


"I think my sidearm and other weapons may be at a shop called the Magic Box" said Willow, "Xander Harris should have kept them safe."

"Alright Captain" said the General, "I'll ask Sam and Daniel to get them for you."

"Captain" said Major Davis, "I need the names of everyone who knows you in this reality. I mean the people who know the Willow Rosenberg from this reality since chances are that they've been told that there are two Willow Rosenberg's running around here."

"What will happen to them Sir?" asked Willow.

"The President has authorised full disclosure" said the General, "he felt that since the program will be disclosed to the general public next year, we might as well get the reactions of some individuals first."

"Wait Sir" said Willow, "Disclosure day is coming?"

"Like you said Captain" said the General, "We have a lot to talk about, so put on your BDU's and the Marines outside will escort you to the conference room."

"Yes Sir" said Willow.

Chapter 46: Willow vs Willow

Chapter Text

Willow's Apartment, One week after Tegalus Incident

"Hey Dawn!" shouted Faith, "are you ready to go?"

"Yeeeesh" said Dawn as she held her palms against her ears, "I'm not going deaf you know, and yes I'm ready"

"Cool" said Faith with a smile, "Let's get out of here"

"Where's Willow?" asked Dawn

"She's at Cheyenne Mountain" replied Faith

"So I take she backed out of going at the last minute huh?" asked Dawn with her arms folded around her chest, "afraid to face Tara?"

"Nope" said Faith, "and stop that will you"

"If she's going, then where is she?" asked Dawn, "I haven't seen her pack anything the entire week"

Faith then picked up a small black carry-on bag and showed it to Dawn.

"This is it" said Faith

"What?" asked Dawn, "That?"

"It's her to-go bag" said Faith, "she asked me to bring this with us"

"OK" replied Dawn, "So we're picking her up from work?"

"She'll be meeting us at the airport" said Faith, "despite what you may think about her, she's actually excited to see what the BPRI has done in Sunnydale. She and Paul will be going through everything with Angel and Cordelia, while I'm helping to train the Potentials for a week"

"Paul?" asked Dawn

"Major Davis" said Faith as she closed and locked the door behind her, "the guy from the Pentagon"

"Oh" said Dawn, "that guy"

"Yeah" said Faith, "That guy"

"He's kinda hot" said Dawn with a smirk.

"Ok" said Faith, "I'll let Red know"

"Don't you dare" said Dawn

"Come on" said Faith laughing as she got into the car with Dawn.

After a two hour drive to the airport, Faith parked the car in the long term parking zone and walked over to the main terminal with an excited Dawn.

"How do you think Tara's doing?" she asked.

"I got no clue kiddo" said Faith as she looked at the younger Brunette, "you miss her don't you?"

"Yep" smiled Dawn, "after mom died, she's the one who looked after all of us. Willow can never replace mom or her. Heck, she's not even good enough to replace Buffy"

"Red doesn't want to replace anyone of them" said Faith, "she's just trying her best to make sure you have a chance out there in the real world. You know very well that everyone, and that includes Tara, Buffy and even Xander, had kept you protected from the outside world. Red's just trying to make you see that not everything is black and white"

"Do I feel bad about some of the things I said to her? Maybe" said Dawn, "but I'm not going to apologize for it. I think she deserves most of it. Anyway, I'll be going back to Sunnydale permanently after Buffy's done with her sentence. I'll even try going to Sunnydale more often once Xander is released in six months"

"Red may not tell you any of this, ever" said Faith, "but if you leave just like that, you're going to hurt her very deeply"

"I won't hurt her" said Dawn smirking, "I'll actually say good-bye"

Faith sighed as she and Dawn walked into the terminal. Upon entering, they saw Willow standing near the entrance with a black coat bag containing her Dress Blues.

"Hey" said Faith as she handed Willow her to-go bag, "let me guess? The flight's delayed?"

"Nope" said Willow smiling, "for the first time ever, it's actually on time"

"Nice" said Faith.

"Hi Dawnie" said Willow, "ready for the trip?"

"Yea" said Dawn, "really excited about meeting Tara. It's been a long time since I've seen her"

"I bet" thought Willow to herself.

Faith: "So how's that virtual reality training simulator for the new SGC recruits?"

Willow: "Not bad. Teal'c has dibs on it though. I just finished helping Colonel Carter work out the kinks for the test tomorrow"

Faith: "He put dibs on being the first to try it?"

Willow: "Yea, all of us stared at him when he said 'O'Neil, it is I who shall be placing dibs on this device'"

Faith: "I wish I was there"

Willow: "Thanks for helping pack"

Faith: "No problem Red"

"Excited about your training sessions?" asked Willow.

"Yeah" said Faith, "Can't wait to see if Kennedy's improved any, I want to spar with that co*cky chick first"

"Well" said Willow laughing, "Looks like you'll be getting your chance. Wait a sec, isn't she the one you wanted to introduce me to?"

"Maybe" said Faith smiling, "But not anymore"

Willow smiled as the three young women checked in before walking over to their gates. Before long, they had boarded their flight which was going to Sunnydale via Los Angeles.

Magic Box, Alternate Reality

After Willow left her room with her hands and shirt covered in Tara's blood, she walked down to the foyer only to blankly see Xander watching paramedics put Buffy into an ambulance. She had already invoked Osiris' name to bring back Tara, but due to her death being one that was natural and caused by humans, and thus the laws of natural passing could not be violated; there was nothing that could be done. In her rage, Willow use magical energy to cast Osiris out of her room in a flash of lightning.

"Willow" said Xander after looking at the blood on her hands and shirt, "Oh God, are you alright?"

"How did this happen?" asked Willow quietly

"It was Warren" said Xander, "He had a gun, I tried to stop him"

However he could only look on as Willow simply walked away at a fast pace.

"Willow!" shouted Xander as he started to follow her before the paramedics called out to him.

"Sir" the paramedic said, "we need to go now, are you coming with us?"

Xander looked on as Willow walked away before he made his decision and turned to the ambulance, which then sped off to Sunnydale Memorial.

It took some time, but Willow eventually reached the Magic Box.

As she walked in, most of the ceiling fixtures exploded due to the magical power that was radiating out of the enraged red head.

Willow turned towards Anya who was standing behind the counter, her face reflecting something akin to fear. Anya was aware that something had gone horribly wrong as Xander had already called her about the attempt on Buffy's life by Warren.

"Willow" said Anya as she headed to the front of the counter

"Where do you keep the books of the dark arts" asked Willow as she looked at Anya

"Willow" said Anya, "I know something horrible has happened, but you don't have to…"

Anya was interrupted by Willow as she stared at the bookshelves on the loft, "I need power"

"Not with those books Willow" said Anya as she came out from behind the counter, "I can't let you"

Before Anya could finish what she wanted to say, Willow put up her hand and shot purple coloured bolts of magical energy towards Anya, paralysing her.

Now paralysed, all Anya could do was look on in alarm as Willow gestured with her head and all the books on the loft shelves simply flew towards her land landed in a heap on the table next to the book stacks on the main floor.

Willow walked towards the heap of books as she looked down at the tiny writing before she slowly plunged her hands into the pages, melding her fingers into the books themselves. Anya could only look on in shock as the writing slowly moved up Willow's arms, chest and face. Eventually she had absorbed all the writing in all of the books and as she looked up at Anya, her eyes and hair were all black.

Willow then lifted her hands out of the books which were now all blank and looked at Anya as she walked towards her, "Now that's better"

"Can't speak?" said Willow calmly as she looked at Anya, "it won't be too long, and it should wear off soon. Anyway, I gotta go. I have a couple of errands I need to run"

Willow then walked towards the Magic Box entrance while Anya was still paralysed looking at the heap of books on the table. As she headed towards the entrance, Willow passed the Geode Quantum Mirror that SG1's Willow had come through months ago and took a quick glance at it. She noticed that some of the crystals were already glowing. Willow smiled to herself as she knew that there were two people who were responsible for Tara's death. She knew that no matter what happened, the both of them would pay the price for what they had done to her life. They were both responsible, one had shot the love of her life and the other had created the situation that caused Tara's death.

"Warren" thought Willow to herself as she stared at the Quantum Mirror, "You're first and then, I take care of the one who caused all my pain. After she's gone, I'll get my Tara back. No matter what happens, I'll get my Tara back."

Sunnydale City Airport, four hours later, 1230 hours (Prime Reality)

"Ah good ol' Sunnydale" said Dawn as she walked out of the gate followed by Willow and Faith

"Come on" said Willow as she motioned to the counters near the baggage claim area, "I've got to get my rental"

As the three young women were heading towards the rental car counters, Dawn and Faith saw someone that they recognized.

"Kennedy!" said Dawn as she ran up to the Potential and gave her a tight hug.

"Hey squirt" said Kennedy as she whispered into her ear, "How are you?"

Dawn nodded her head at Kennedy as she slowly stepped back from the hug.

"Faith" said Kennedy as she looked at the Slayer

"Kennedy" said Faith as she nodded her head.

"You guys ready to go?" asked Willow just as she returned from picking up the keys to her rental car and saw Faith and Dawn talking with someone she didn't recognize.

"Willow Rosenberg" said Faith, "meet Kennedy, one of the Potential Slayers"

"Wait" said Kennedy with her eyes wide open as she glanced at Dawn, "That Willow Rosenberg? The one who brought down the Slayer Council and got Buffy and the others arrested?"

"The one and the same" smirked Dawn.

"Hi" said Willow as she held out her hand.

Kennedy suddenly turned to face Dawn and Faith, without shaking Willow's hand, "hey guess what, Rona and Vi are waiting outside in the car for you guys. They were kinda excited when Cordelia and Angel announced that you and Faith were coming"

"And I wasn't expected?" asked Willow as she stared at Kennedy.

"They just mentioned a Captain Rosenberg and a Major Davis were coming" said Kennedy as she turned to look at Willow, "had no idea the Captain Rosenberg was going to be you though"

"How about we go?" said Faith as she held Willow's hand and walked towards the section where they would pick up the rental car.

"Faith" said Kennedy as she grabbed her other arm and pulled her the other direction, "why don't you travel with us? I mean Rona and Vi missed you too you know, they wanted to catch up with you on the latest news and gossip"

"I can meet you and the others at the BPRI with Red" said Faith.

"Come on Faith" said Dawn as she ran towards Kennedy's car.

Willow looked on as two other girls got out of the car and ran over to Dawn excitedly before giving her a tight hug. She looked on at Dawn as she talked excitedly among the three of them.

Faith: "You alright Red?"

Willow looked at Faith and gave a smile that was tinged with sadness.

Willow: "Yea"

Faith turned around and looked at the smile on Dawn's face and knew exactly what was wrong, why Willow suddenly got upset and squeezed her hand even tighter.

Faith: "Give her more time Red"

Willow simply nodded as she walked towards the two unfamiliar girls just as Kennedy stepped between Willow and them.

"Sorry Captain" said Kennedy, "afraid my car is already maxed out with these three and Faith"

"What makes you think I'm coming with you? I'm just going there to tell Dawn I'll see her later" asked Willow confused, "and seriously speaking, I don't even know you. What's your problem with me?"

"You know, I may not have been Buffy's best friend but I did respect her and what she tried to do" said Kennedy, "you'll find that the same thing is true among all of the other Potentials here"

"I see" said Willow as she folded her arms across her chest, "and your point is?"

"We really don't like traitors" said Kennedy, "You betrayed your friends…"

"Kennedy!" said Faith as she interrupted the Potential by stepping in between her and Willow.

"Come on Faith" said Kennedy as she gripped her arm and pulled her towards the others, "Captain America here can drive her own car to the BPRI"

"Damn it" said Faith as she pulled her arm back from Kennedy's grip before Willow stepped forward and put her hand on Faith's shoulder.

"We're at an airport Faith" said Willow as she put her hand on Faith's shoulder, "no need to make a scene anymore than we already have"

Faith looked around her and noticed people looking at the small group of young women.

"You should go with them" said Willow, "I've got the address and a GPS"

"Faith!" shouted Dawn who was sitting in the front passenger seat, "come on, let's go"

"I'll see you there Faith" said Willow as she kissed the slayer on her check before turning around and walking towards her rental car with her bags hanging on her shoulder.

"Come on Faith" said Kennedy as she dragged Faith to her car. Faith was dragged backwards as she looked at Willow walking away towards her rental car.

"Hi Faith" said Rona and Vi as they moved further inside the car to give the Slayer space to take a seat beside them.

"Listen guys" said Faith, "I'll go with Willow and meet you there alright"

"Awww, come on Faith" said Dawn pouting, "It's been a long time since all five of us were together"

"Yea" said Kennedy as she looked at Willow get into her rental car, "we've been together longer as a team than you've been with her"

"Dawn?" said Faith as she looked at her housemate

"Come on Faith" said Dawn as she turned around to face Faith excitedly, "we're together again, why spoil it by adding her into the mix and anyway, she just left. Let's make it a race back to the BPRI, what do you say?"

"I'm game" said Kennedy as she looked excitedly at Faith and the others in the car.

"Let's do it" said Rona excitedly.

"Get in Faith" said Kennedy, "if we don't leave now, she'll have to much of a head start on us"

"Let's go" said Faith sighing as she got into the car to cheers from all the girls.

As Kennedy pulled out from the sidewalk, Faith could only imagine the hurt that Willow was feeling at the moment.

Bureau of Paranormal Research and Investigation HQ, Sunnydale (Prime Reality)

It took Willow and the others just under two hours to reach the BPRI headquarters due to the heavy traffic. Willow recalled how Kennedy had wanted to race to the BPRI, and that Willow's refusal to race meant that she was called a coward by the Potential Slayer before she put down the accelerator and sped off.

Faith: "I'm sorry Red"

Willow: "It's alright. See if you can slow them down. Looks like traffic is starting to get heavy"

Eventually, the other car did slow down into a crawl due to a traffic jam caused by an accident on the highway. But once they were clear, Kennedy sped off once again.

Willow didn't know what hurt more, the fact that Kennedy was childish enough to think that Willow could be taunted into a race to their destination; or that Dawn had been laughing hysterically when Kennedy called her a coward.

Once Willow reached the headquarters, she was visibly impressed with the building and the surrounding area. It looked very different than the Slayer Council building. She looked at the three story structure that was located within a secured and gated location with high walls.

"Ah, NID funding at its best" thought Willow to herself as she parked her car and got out.

"Hey Red" said Faith who ran towards her from inside the building.

"Hey" said Willow smiling, "the place looks nice, doesn't it?"

"Yea" replied Faith before she stepped in front of Willow, "about before, they really didn't mean that"

"Yes, they did Faith" said Willow, "do you think I'm a coward?"

"Are you kidding me?" replied Faith, "You could be a Slayer"

"Thanks" said Willow laughing, "how about we go inside?"

"Let's" said Faith as she placed her hand on the small of Willow's back.

Once Willow entered the building, she looked around impressed at the scale of the BPRI's operations. There were NID trained guards at most of the entry and exit points, she could also sense that there were more on the roof. The Potentials also were involved in guarded the perimeter of the premises along with the guards from the NID.

"Captain Rosenberg" said Agent Reed as he ran down the stairs from the second floor, "it's a pleasure to have you back in Sunnydale"

"Agent Reed" said Willow as she nodded at the NID man.

"Hello again, Miss Lehane.. Miss Summers" said Agent Reed as he turned towards both Faith and Dawn.

"Hey" said Faith as she simply nodded at the man.

"Nice to meet you again" said Dawn as she shook his hand.

"Well, come on" said Agent Reed excitedly, "off to see Mr. Angel and Miss Chase"

"Oh Kennedy" said Agent Reed as he quickly turned to face her, "Can you confirm that our three guests have rooms available?"

"Umm… Andy" said Kennedy as she looked on a list of names before looking at Agent Reed, "I'm afraid we don't have a room for Captain Rosenberg"

"Why am I not surprised?" thought Willow to herself.

"Let me see that" said Agent Reed as he grabbed the name list from Kennedy and then pointed to a blank slot in the list, "how about this? It's empty"

"Oh sorry" said Kennedy as she looked at the date on the paper, "that room list is the old one, we've got a new potential from Japan coming in later today, and that room has been assigned for her"

"How about Miss Lehane and Miss Summers?" asked Agent Reed afraid that their rooms had also been reassigned.

"Yeah" said Kennedy, "they still have their assigned rooms"

Faith and Dawn looked at each other as Agent Reed and Kennedy were having a discussion on what would be Willow's living arrangements.

"Well, this is awkward" said Dawn.

"I know" said Faith as she looked at an increasingly uncomfortable Willow before she stepped forward, "Kennedy, how about Red stay with me and Dawn?"

"Can't do that" said Kennedy, "it's a room occupancy issue"

"What?" said Faith incredulously.

"I'm sorry" said Agent Reed as he looked apologetically at Willow, "I'm afraid she's right"

"No choice then" said Willow, "I'll stay at my parent's house"

"Actually" said Kennedy, "seems like your parents rented out your old house to us, it's now home to some of our staff"

"Wait? What?" said both Faith and Willow.

"I guess they must have forgotten to tell you" said Kennedy as she smirked, "but don't worry, all of your stuff has been put into storage"

"Please excuse me" said Willow as she walked out of the building and took a deep breath before reaching for her secure phone.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" said Faith angrily as she looked at both Agent Reed and Kennedy.

"Miss Lehane" said Agent Reed with his hands up, "I swear I had no idea, all room assignments are handled by Kennedy"

"Kennedy?" said Faith as she looked at the Potential Slayer.

"I just found out thirty minutes before she arrived" said Kennedy innocently.

"Sure you did" replied Faith as she looked at Dawn was smiling to herself.

Just then Willow walked back into the building and met with Faith and the others.

"Anything?" asked Faith as she looked at Willow.

"I just called Walter" said Willow, "asked him to find me a hotel room"

"Ah" said Faith

"Sorry about this Captain" said Agent Reed

"I need a place to change into my uniform before I go upstairs" said Willow as she looked at Agent Reed, "is there any place that's free, or do I have to make an advanced booking?"

"Umm… this way Captain" said Agent Reed as he took her to a darkened office on the first floor, "Please, use my office to change into your uniform"

"Thanks" said Willow as she shut the door to the office.

Agent Reed then walked over to Kennedy, "May I talk to you outside? Now"

"Yeah" said Kennedy with a smile, "Sure"

Once they were outside Agent Reed laid it into Kennedy, "What the hell was that?"

"What?" asked Kennedy innocently.

"There's no Potential from Japan coming is there?" asked Agent Reed.

"There is" said Kennedy, "next week"

"Apologize to her and tell her you were mistaken" said Agent Reed, "then give her that room"

"No" replied Kennedy.

"I don't really care if you're the senior Potential here, Kennedy" said Agent Reed, "the Air Force is helping us with our logistical needs so that we could go anywhere in the country to battle supernatural threats so show some respect to her. Oh, and by the way, you just lied your teeth off to a psychic"

"I do show respect to Air Force personnel, just not to her" said Kennedy, "and she's not a psychic"

"She is" replied Agent Reed, "and she has enough pull to get you into trouble with Angel and Cordelia"

"She wouldn't do that" said Kennedy non-chalantly just as they saw Willow walking out smiling from Agent Reed's office in her Dress Blues.

"Let's go back in" said Agent Reed as he stared at Kennedy, "and apologize to her"

"No" said Kennedy softly.

"Agent Reed" said Willow as she nodded at him.

"I take it you have good news Captain?" he asked.

"Yep" said Willow, "got a room at a hotel downtown, so really can't complain much"

"That's great" said Faith.

"Yep" said Willow smiling.

"Captain" said Agent Reed as he started to walk up the stairs, "shall we?"

"We shall" said Willow as she walked beside Agent Reed with Dawn and Faith right behind them. They were walking for quite some time until they reached a closed office door on which Agent Reed promptly knocked.

"Come" said a very familiar female voice.

Agent Reed walked into the room followed by Willow and the others. She had looked around and noticed Major Davis sitting on a couch in his Dress Blues as well.

"Cordelia" said Willow as she nodded at her high school friend who also happened to slap her in D.C, Willow had already been mentally prepared for another one.

"Willow" said Cordelia as she rounded the table and held her hand out, "Welcome to the BPRI"

"Thanks" said Willow slightly surprised, as she took her hand and shook it, "nice place you got here"

"I know right" smiled Cordelia.

"Willow" said Angel as he gave the red head a tight hug.

"Hi Angel" replied Willow as she returned the hug and whispered into his ear, "I'm sorry, about what I did before. To you"

"You defended yourself" whispered Angel as he stepped back and stood next to Cordelia.

"Major Davis, Sir" said Willow as she saluted her superior officer.

"Captain" said the Major as he returned the salute, "had a nice flight?"

"Oh yea" said Willow smiling.

"Dawn… Faith" said Angel as he hugged both of the girls.

"Dawnie?" said a quiet voice from behind the new arrivals.

Dawn turned around grinning as she quickly ran into the arms of Tara and hugged her tightly.

"Dawnie" said Tara as she returned the hug, "How are you?"

"I've missed you so much" whispered Dawn into Tara's ear as tears of happiness started to fall from her eyes.

"I love you Dawnie" said Tara as she tightened her hug on the younger girl.

Willow could only look on at Tara and Dawn as she wished that her relationship with the younger Summers sister could be as similar.

"You look great" said Tara as she stepped back

"Red here kept her well fed" said Faith as she looked at Willow.

"Willow" said Tara as she looked up at Willow from, "Thank you"

Willow nodded her head and then walked up to Major Davis, who happened to be talking to Faith, Angel and Cordelia.

"Willow" said Angel, "While the others are going for the grand tour, mind if I talk to you? In private?"

"Sure" said Willow as the others led by Cordelia and Agent Reed went for the tour of the facilities.

"Thank you" said Angel as he stood beside Willow who was staring out at the city through Cordelia's office widows.

"For?" asked Willow

"What you did for the others" said Angel, "Agent Barret told us"

"Ah" said Willow as she shrugged her shoulders.

"He also said that you helped to put my name on the approved visitors list for Buffy" said Angel, "special exemption to visit her at night"

"Xander's on that list too" said Willow, "At least after he gets out in six months"

"He'll be working here as well" said Angel, "he'll be coordinating training sessions with instructors from the Air Force and Marines; and deployments of the Potential Slayers with Wesley"

"I see" said Willow as she looked out the window.

"Are you ok?" asked Angel.

"What do you mean?" asked Willow.

"Don't take this the wrong way" said Angel as he turned to face Willow, "but your scent is different"

"Its kinda rude to tell a girl that, don't you think?" said Willow smiling as she looked at Angel

"Willow" said Angel as he looked at Willow with concern.

"I'm alright Angel" said Willow, "I had a terrible lab accident that almost killed me, but I recovered"

"Willow" said Angel softly, "that's the worst cover story I've ever heard"

"The almost killed me part is true" said Willow as she looked at Angel.

"Classified?" asked Angel smiling.

"Yep" said Willow as she looked at Angel, "I know you and Cordelia have clearance but this is more of a need to know kinda thing"

"And we don't need to know" said Angel as he nodded in understanding.

"I wish Buffy was that understanding" said Willow, "I really do."

"Willow" said Angel as he put his hands on her shoulder, "I've known you almost as long as I've known Buffy, Xander and Giles. So you can tell me the truth, are you really alright?"

"Trust me Angel, I'm fine. After a very long time, I'm finally fine" smiled Willow, "I have a fantastic life."

"In that case" said Angel as he hugged the red head again, "I'm really, really glad."

"Thanks" replied Willow before she stepped back, "so wanna show me around this place?"

"Sure, come on" said Angel as he walked beside Willow out the door, "so, you and Faith huh?"

"Damn enhanced senses" said Willow laughing as the two friends walked down the hallway.

Unknown Woods, Sunnydale, Alternate Reality

Warren had found himself on the run from Willow, a very angry, a very rage filled Willow. A few hours ago, he was warned by the dark magic dealer, Rack, that Willow would be coming after him because of the life he took; Tara's life. Rack told Warren that Willow was running on pure fury now and that Warren would be punished for his actions. So Warren begged, begged Rack to help him with anything and everything that could protect him from the rage filled witch who was coming after him.

As he ran through the trees, Warren had tried everything to stop her including an axe to her back, a flying bomb, and lastly some restrictive goo that slowly covered her whole body. And Warren still ran and ran, never noticing that Willow had magically melted the goo off her body.

Still standing where she was, Willow said just one simple word, "Irretite"

Within a few seconds, the vines from several nearby trees wrapped around his wrists and legs. Now trapped, he was spread eagled between two trees as he waited for the one he had angered.

Willow then walked around a tree and smiled at him. Looking at the spread eagled Warren; she felt a feeling of accomplishment.

Hours earlier, the same day

Earlier in the day, Willow had gone to the hospital and saved Buffy's life by taking the bullet out of her and healing her wound. She then convinced them to take Xander's car and go after Warren, she could sense where he was going; he was escaping. After driving for some time, Willow sensed that they were getting close and immediately took control of the car magically; making it head towards the stretch of highway that the bus Warren was travelling on would pass by. All the while Buffy and Xander were trying to convince her that using magic wasn't the way to go.

"But you didn't lose what I lost" she thought to herself angrily

After finally finding Warren, or at least the bus he was on, Willow walked out of the car and stepped onto the highway waiting for the bus. As Buffy and Xander went after Willow, she shot out the same black-purple magical bolts that she shot Anya with, immobilizing them.

She then stood in front of the incoming bus as the driver slammed on the brakes and screeched to a halt just in front of her. Willow then calmly walked over to the now open door and said, "Get out". The passengers looked on as a terrified Warren got up from his seat and walked out of the bus.

Buffy and Xander looked on helplessly as Willow grabbed Warren by the neck and squeezed hard. But instead of the crack of bones, there was the sound of machinery getting broken as Willow realized that the 'Warren' in front of her is just a robot.

It was then that Willow became even more determined to catch up to Warren, but Buffy tried to stop her after watching what Willow did to the robot version of Warren. It was at that time when Buffy and Xander tried to convince her that killing was not the way; it was then that she told her two friends that Tara was dead and that Warren was one of the people responsible. After a few minutes of arguing on the morality of murdering a murderer, Willow flung her friends onto the side of the road before disappearing.

"Buff" said Xander, "Oh God, Tara…."

"I know" replied Buffy quietly, "We need to stop Willow"

"Where did she…..?" asked Xander as he already realized the answer.

"The Magic Box" said Buffy and Xander together as they head back to his car.

"No" said Buffy as she remembered Dawn would be coming home soon, "Tara"

"Home?" asked Xander as he got into the car

"Go!" said Buffy as he drove away.

Unknown Woods, Sunnydale, Alternate Reality

Back in the forest, Willow finally had Warren where she wanted him.

"Cute tricks" said Willow as she approached Warren

"It wasn't personal" said Warren

"Oh I see" said Willow sarcastically, "so instead of killing my best friend, you killed my girlfriend?"

"It wasn't personal" said Warren loudly, "Look, I wasn't aiming for you or your girlfriend. I wanted to find that other version of you and kill her. Your girlfriend was just an accident"

"I see" said Willow calmly

"Damn it" said Warren, "You know what, you're just asking for it now"

"I'm asking for it?" asked Willow incredulously

"You're one of the good guys, which means that I'll be walking away from this" said Warren smugly, "and when I do, you'll be begging me to join your little girlfriend"

Willow slowly and silently walked ever closer to Warren, just like a predator that just caught its prey. She walked closer and closer until she was just a few inches away from him. She looked behind her slightly as she sensed Buffy, Xander and Anya coming after her, they wanted to try stopping her from killing one of the people responsible. She then turned back and looked at Warren calmly; she knew that once Warren paid for his role in Tara's murder, her friends would do everything to stop her. They'd never guess that she'd be going back to the Quantum Mirror in the Magic Box, instead Willow's betting that they go and protect Jonathan and the other one.

"Stop looking at me like that" shouted Warren, "Help!"

"Shhhhhh" said Willow as she held her hand out with her palm facing up, next to Warren's chest.

"Wh… what are you doing?" asked Warren as Willow materialized the bullet that Warren had shot into Buffy and waving her other free hand, she ripped open Warren's shirt.

"I… I'm sorry ok" said Warren as he begged for his life, "Please, I'm sorry"

"Do you really know what a bullet feels like Warren? You know, as it goes slowly through your body?" said Willow as she pushed the bullet slowly through Warren's chest, "it's nothing like in the movies or comic books"

Willow looked on as Warren closed his eyes in pain and started to whimper.

"So" said Willow as she walked closer to Warren, "can you feel it? The metal pushing through your body. It's going to go through your spine soon and destroy your nervous system."

"So, can you feel it Warren?" repeated Willow

"You… you're not a bad person" said Warren hoping to get through to her by trying every desperate tactic he could think of through the pain, "You…. You don't want to do this…. You're not like me"

Just then, both Willow and Warren could hear Buffy and the others walking closer and closer to their location. Willow could sense that they were only a few hundred meters away as she looked back into the woods before turning to face Warren who seemed to have a small smile on his lips now.

"When you get caught, you'll lose them too" said Warren while panting from the intense pain, "I know you're in pain but…."

Warren never got to finish his sentence.

"Bored now" she said as she makes a gesture with her hand just as Buffy and the others come into view of Warren and Willow. They bore witness to Warren's skin tearing off his body in one single and clean piece.

Buffy, Xander and Anya looked on horrified as Warren's skinless body sagged lifelessly against the vines still holding him in place as Willow simply looked on.

"My God Willow" said Buffy horrified, "What did you do? What did you do?"

Willow then turned around and looked at her friends as she magically burned the body, leaving no trace of it. Willow kept on looking at the three people staring at her knowing that she had already crossed a line, and she liked it. There was one more person she'd be going after now. But if she was as powerful as her, she needed a power boost before activating the Quantum Mirror and destroying her counterpart for her part in Tara's death.

"One down" said Willow calmly to her friends as they came running towards her. Even before they could reach her, Willow had disappeared herself from the woods to just outside Rack's hidden place ten minutes later. She was going to take every bit of magic that the black magic dealer had for herself, even if she had to kill him to get it. Nothing was going to keep her away from revenge on her counterpart; all she could think of as she stepped through the hidden barrier was that if her counterpart hadn't come, then the so called Trio wouldn't have been jailed, leading to Warren's escape from the Sunnydale jail, which in turn led to Tara's death.

"Ultimately" thought Willow to herself, "she's the cause of my grief. Warren may have caused her death, but she was the one who made it happen. She'll die, and I'll bring Tara from that reality back here, we'll be together again. Always together. My love"

Bureau of Paranormal Research and Investigation HQ, Sunnydale, 1400 hours (Prime Reality)

"Not bad Angel" said Willow, "you guys have a lot of neat stuff."

"The NID's been pretty helpful" said Angel as he showed Willow the shooting ranges and the armoury in one of the sub levels of the BPRI.

Just then, the tour group which was now led by Kennedy and Agent Reed came down to the armoury and the firing range.

"Andy….. Kennedy" said Angel.

"Major Davis Sir" said Willow.

"Captain" replied the Major, "How's it going?"

"Not bad sir" said Willow, "we just got here ourselves"

"Hey Captain" said Kennedy mockingly, "how's your shooting?"

"It's ok" said Willow, "Why?"

"Come on" said Kennedy, "I challenge you, an Air Force officer against little old me, a Potential Slayer; you know, a nobody"

"Kennedy" said Faith and Angel.

"What?" said Kennedy, "if she can shoot, then what's the problem?"

"Are you qualified to shoot these weapons?" asked Major Davis.

"Oh yea" said Kennedy as she smiled at Dawn.

"Kennedy's the best when it comes to shooting" said Dawn, "both the projectile weapons and the traditional weapons"

"Sir?" said Willow as she looked over at Major Davis.

"Up to you Captain" said the Major, "if you think you can do it, then make the Air Force proud"

"Alright Sir" said Willow as she stepped up to Kennedy, "You know, I really don't know what problem you have with me. But if you want your ass kicked, then I'll gladly do it"

"You're the guest here" said Kennedy smiling, "take your pick"

"Alright" said Willow, "Nine millimetre, disassembled, two clips; loser buys lunch for the whole group"

"I'll take that bet" said Kennedy as she went to get the weapons from the armoury with Tara following close behind her.

"Kennedy" said Tara as she held her arm, "why are you antagonizing her?"

"She put you in jail" said Kennedy as she gently rubbed Tara's cheek

"After what I did, I deserved it" said Tara, "she helped us get extremely light sentences and now, you and Dawn are treating her like some sort of pariah"

"It's her own fault" said Kennedy as she kissed Tara's cheek, "just watch me as I beat her ass"

Kennedy then walked back to the firing range with the two weapons and four clips of ammo.

"Major" said Willow as she handed her weapon to her superior officer, "if you'd do the honours?"

Willow looked on as Kennedy handed her weapon to Agent Reed to disassemble it.

While Major Davis disassembled her weapon, Willow walked over to Faith and handed her Dress Blues to her for safe keeping.

"Red" said Faith, "you really don't need to do this. You don't need to prove anything to anyone"

"I know" said Willow, "but that girl rubs me the wrong way, she needs to be taken down a peg or two"

Willow and Faith then noticed Tara heading towards them.

"Willow" said Tara, "I… I'm sorry about Kennedy. Usually she's not like this"

"It's alright Tara" said Willow.

"And I'm sorry about how Dawn's been acting with you" said Tara.

"It'll take time" said Willow, "do I wish she can forgive me overnight? Yes, but I know that's not going to happen"

"Thanks for looking after her" said Tara, "have you met with Buffy or Xander yet?"

"No" admitted Willow, "not yet"

"I see" said Tara, "maybe you should visit Xander while you're here?"

"Maybe I will" said Willow.

"Captain" said Major Davis, "we're ready"

"Yea" said Kennedy, "are you chickening out now?"

"Sorry" said Tara.

"Faith" said Willow as she took off her white uniform underneath her Dress Blues leaving Willow in only her regulation dress skirt and black short sleeved undershirt, "can you hold my uniform, don't really want to explain to the General why I've got gunshot residue on my white uniform"

"Have I ever told you I love you with guns?" whispered Faith with a smile.

"Yep" said Willow with a grin as she stepped up to her booth and put on the safety goggles and earplugs.

It took under three minutes for Willow to reassemble the gun, unload both the clips and get maximum points from her target at the end of the range. Once she was done, Willow put down the gun and looked at Kennedy just as she finished her last clip. After Agent Reed and Major Davis tallied up the points, they declared Willow the winner by only three points.

"Not bad" said Willow as she looked at Kennedy who didn't look happy, and demanded that a recount be done.

"We did it twice Kennedy" said Agent Reed, "you owe us lunch"

"Damn it" said Kennedy as Willow approached her, "what?!"

"That was good" said Willow as she leaned to whisper into Kennedy's ear, "I was trained by some of the best people in the Air Force and the Marines, don't ever challenge me to anything like this again or else I'll kick your ass from this planet to the moon. Understood?"

Kennedy could only glare at Willow as she smiled and turned around to head back to a grinning Faith.

"Nice" said Faith as she handed Willow her uniform which she put on before putting on her Dress blues

"Wanna go to the coffee shop for lunch?" asked Willow as she looked at Faith

"Sure" said Faith smiling, "I don't start the training stuff until tomorrow so I got time today"

"Sir" said Willow as she looked at Major Davis, "if it's alright with you, Faith and I would like to go a favourite haunt of ours for lunch"

"Sure" said the Major smiling, "Will you be coming back soon?"

"Most likely" said Willow, "I'll be dropping off Faith and then I'll going to my hotel"

"Hotel?" asked the Major as he looked at Agent Reed and Willow

"Apparently there was some kind of a screw up with my room" said Willow, "so I called Walter at NORAD and he hooked me up with a room at a downtown hotel"

"Alright then" said the Major, "I'll be off to the Pentagon later today after lunch so I'll see at NORAD sometime"

"Yes sir" said Willow as she saluted the Major, "enjoy lunch"

"You too" said the Major

Magic Box, Alternate Reality

Willow smiled as she opened the door to the Magic Box and saw that it was empty, there was absolutely no one there.

"I was right" she said to herself, "They thought I'd go after Warren's friends, by the time they realize where I am, they'll be too late. I'm now fully charged after taking everything that Rack had, wish someone had been there to watch my handiwork. It was a vast improvement when compared to how he usually is"

Willow remembered what her alternate self had done and put her hands on the mineral like substance that covered the Quantum Mirror. She looked on and smiled as the event horizon slowly formed before it froze into the surface of the mirror. She stepped back and saw the mirror activate and she saw the greyish wall covered with computers and other technology.

"Looks like they moved the mirror on the other side to some kind of a lab" said Willow to herself, "that Carter woman must be right, this mirror must only connect to that particular one once its been activated. Too bad the Council had to interfere and force the government to keep it in Sunnydale under Buffy's protection"

Just then Willow heard a sound behind her.

"Anya" said Willow as she turned around.

"Willow" said Anya, "I know you're hurting, but this isn't the way"

"And you know what is?" asked Willow calmly

"I'm sorry she's gone Willow" said Anya, "we all miss her"

"Don't" said Willow calmly smiling, "I'll bring her back"

"Willow" said Anya, "I know what you want to do but she's not our Tara; the Tara we know and love is gone. I'm sorry but she's gone"

"No" replied Willow, "She's with Tara, she caused all of this to happen. She needs to go and then Tara will come back with me"


"Buffy" said Willow as she turned to face her best friend.

"Don't do this" said Buffy and Xander.

"Don't worry" said Willow with a smile, "I'll be back in a few hours, I gotta take care of myself"

Then Willow touched the mirrored surface as she felt an electrical charge go through her body as she gave a little screamed before she was pulled into the mirror.

"No" said Buffy as she ran to the front of the mirror and saw Willow on the other side in what looked like some kind of a lab surrounded by scientists. She saw Willow turn and smile at her before she waved her hand and flung the scientists onto a wall.

"Buffy" said Xander, "we need to do something"

Buffy touched the mirrored surface and nothing happened. She then looked at Xander and said something she hoped she would never have had to say.

"We need to call General O'Neill" said Buffy, "maybe he can help get her back before she does anymore damage"

Science Lab One, SGC, 1800 hours

Dr. Bill Lee is one of the civilian scientists working at the SGC assigned to research alien technology. The piece of technology his assistants are looking over in his lab now is something he has never seen before, but something he knew Captain Rosenberg was very familiar with. She had used this specific type of the Quantum Mirror to go to another reality and then came back home again.

Dr. Lee recalled that General O'Neill had ordered this mirror destroyed but no matter what they did, it couldn't be damaged. Although at first glance the Geode looked fragile, it was anything but. They had used staff weapons to damage it unsuccessfully, all the way up to C-4 but nothing was successful. Wanting to study the device further, Colonel Carter and Dr. Lee had convinced General O'Neill that it could be brought back to the SGC and kept under heavy guard in case someone else did come through. Little did they realize that today was that day.

"Uh…. Dr. Lee?" said one of his assistants, Dr. Bryd.

"What?" said Dr. Lee

"You may want to see this" said Dr. Bryd, "the mirror just activated"

"What?" said Dr. Lee as he ran over to where Dr. Bryd was and looked at the activated mirror before he went to the intercom and called for security and Colonel Carter.

He then cautiously walked back to the mirror and saw as Willow's counterpart pressed her hand onto the mirror and land on his side.

"Ummmm….." said Dr. Lee nervously, "Captain Rosenberg?"

"No" said Willow smiling, "I'd love to meet her though."

"I…. I'm sorry but she's not here" said Dr. Lee as Willow looked back at the mirror at Buffy staring at her.

Willow then waved her hand and flung Dr. Lee and Dr. Bryd onto the wall.

"Come now" said Willow, "is that any way to treat a guest to this reality?"

"I.. I really don't know where she is" said Dr. Lee just as four SF's ran in and aimed their weapons at Willow.

"Captain Rosenberg?" said one of the SF's

"You military and your guns" said Willow as she waved her hand and made the guns the SF's were carrying simply vanish before she pushed all four of the SF's against the wall in a sudden gush of air.

"Captain?" said Dr. Lee

"Where am I?" asked Willow calmly, "tell me and I don't hurt you, all I want to know is where I am, and by that, I mean my counterpart."

"Willow?" said Colonel Carter as she ran in and saw the SF's crumbled on the floor, unconscious but breathing before she looked at Dr. Lee and Dr. Bryd as they were hanging against the wall.

"You must be the Carter woman my Counterpart kept on rambling about" said Willow, "Colonel Carter this, Colonel Carter that.. blah.. blah… blah…"

"Willow" said Colonel Carter as she held her hands up, "I'm unarmed, just talk to me"

"I'd rather talk to myself" said Willow, "You know what I mean right?"

"Captain Rosenberg's on a mission right now" said Colonel Carter as she slowly walked back towards the alarm button.

"No, no, no" said Willow as she shot Colonel Carter with a magical purple bolt immobilizing her.

"Willow" said Colonel Carter just before she became fully paralysed.

"Shhhhhh" said Willow as she held her finger onto the Colonel's lips, "You know what your Captain Rosenberg did? She killed my girlfriend; the love of my life died because of her"

The Colonel tried her best to move or even speak but she couldn't do anything except stand paralysed.

"Ok, So maybe she didn't kill her" said Willow as she shrugged her shoulders, "the one who did has already been taken care of, but she created the situation"

"Willow Rosenberg" said Teal'c, alongside Daniel, who had run in through the door and pointed a zat at her.

"Ah" said Willow, "The alien and the archaeologist. You know, that would make one hell of a bad joke. Now all I need is a bar"

"Red?" said General O'Neill as he ran in after being alerted by security.

"Carter?" said the General as he turned to look at Colonel Carter.

"She's paralysed" said Willow, "one of the many benefits of magic. Don't worry it will wear off soon"

"Red?" said General O'Neill, "I don't know what's going on but you need to stop"

"Stop, stop, stop, stop" said Willow, "You sound just like Buffy, Xander and Anya"

Suddenly Willow looked to her left and smiled, "thanks for the distraction, I found her."

"What?" said Daniel.

"Don't worry" said Willow, "After I'm done with her, I'll be leaving"

"Wait Red" said General O'Neill as he ran towards Willow just as she disappeared in flashes of lightning and swirling smoke.

"Jack?" said Daniel.

"Get a team together" said General O'Neill, "We're going for a trip to Sunnydale"

Bureau of Paranormal Research and Investigation HQ, Sunnydale, 1810 hours (Prime Reality)

"Hey" said Willow as she sat in the cafeteria of the BPRI drinking coffee with Cordelia and Angel, "this is good coffee. Definitely better than the ones at NORAD"

"Well we try" said Cordelia.

"Where's Faith?" asked Angel.

"She went to the park with Tara and Dawn" said Willow.

"So, you and Faith huh?" said Cordelia, "you know, I'd never have thought"

"Well" said Willow, "stranger things…"

Just then Willow doubled over and clutched her chest.

"Willow?" said Angel, "Willow, what's wrong?"

"Can't breathe" said Willow as her face contorted in pain, "the pain, the anger, the grief… it's too much"

"Willow?" said Cordelia as she looked at Willow falling off her seat and kneeling on the floor, "what are you talking about?"

"Angel…. the anger…... the grief…. Hurts…." said Willow as Angel kneeled beside her.

"Willow" said Angel worried, "what's going on with you?"

"Me" said a very familiar voice as SG1's Willow, Angel and Cordelia looked up in shock.

"Hi me" said Willow as she stared at Captain Rosenberg.

"How?" said Angel as he looked between Captain Rosenberg and the new Willow who just appeared out of nowhere.

"Angel" said Willow, "nice to see you, I thought you were in L.A"

"Who are you?" asked Angel.

"Cordy" said Willow as she ignored Angel's question, "last I heard you were working for Angel. Damn this reality is interesting"

"What?" asked Cordelia as she looked between the two Willow's.

"You don't know do you?" said Willow as she stared at Captain Rosenberg, "about the existence of other realities?"

"Don't, please" said Captain Rosenberg as she clutched her heart while struggling to get up.

"Angel" continued Captain Rosenberg as she struggled to talk through the pain, "get Cordy somewhere safe, and lockdown the BPRI, keep them safe"

"No" said Angel.

"Please Angel, I need you to keep them safe. This is my job" said Captain Rosenberg.

"You should listen to her Angel" said Willow, "I just want her for killing Tara"

"What?" said Angel and Cordelia.

"Tara's out with Dawn and Faith" said Cordelia.

"She's alive here?" said Willow smiling, "she's alive."

"Angel" said Captain Rosenberg, "I need you to call NORAD, tell them Sierra Gulf One dash Five needs immediate assistance. Code Red. They'll know what it means."

"What?" asked Angel confused.

"Go!" shouted Willow, "I'm begging you, please."

"Don't die" said Angel as he grabbed Cordelia and ran towards his office.

Captain Rosenberg grabbed onto the side of the table and slowly stood up.

"Willow" said Captain Rosenberg, "What happened?"

"You killed her!" said Willow as Captain Rosenberg saw her counterpart's eyes and hair become jet black along with black veins on her face, which became slightly pale. The next thing Captain Rosenberg knew, she was hit by some black coloured magical energy that threw her out the glass window and onto the roadway in front of the BPRI building.

"You killed the love of my life!" shouted Willow as she launched a wall of air towards Captain Rosenberg that knocked her off her feet and flung her onto her rental car.

"Attention" said Angel's voice over the P.A system, "all personnel follow lockdown protocols, this is not a drill"

"Ever the goody two shoes huh?" said Willow as she approached her counterpart who was already bleeding from cuts caused by the broken glass on her arms legs and face.

"Don't do this" said Captain Rosenberg as she tried to get off her dented rental car, "please, I don't want to hurt you."

"Aww…. " said Willow smiling, "but I wanna hurt you"

Captain Rosenberg looked on as another energy blast hit her hard and she flew backwards, landing on the asphalt in an odd angle. She knew that with the intense pain from her counterpart's emotions, she wouldn't be able to properly defend herself due to a lack of concentration.

"Willow!" said Angel as he ran out of the entrance and headed towards Willow.

"Keep out of this, Angel" said Willow, "just between me and the murderer here."

Willow then launched an attack at Angel which resulted in him heading at a fast speed towards a tree branch when suddenly he changed direction mid air and fell relatively harmlessly onto the grass instead of having the branch impale his heart.

"You were going to kill our friend" said Captain Rosenberg as she slowly stood up on trembling legs.

Willow looked on silently at Captain Rosenberg before she started to slowly walk towards her.

"Looks like you have some teeth" said Willow as she magically held up her counterpart and flung her onto a tree trunk.

Captain Rosenberg grimaced in pain as she hit that trunk before she fell onto the floor. She could feel her body healing itself but knew it would take some time.

"NID Security" said a group of men in black bullet proof vests who ran up behind Willow with their guns drawn at her.

"Get away from here" shouted Captain Rosenberg as she slowly got up with the injuries to her back, arms and legs already healed, "that's an order, move!"

Captain Rosenberg then saw Willow raise her hands for a magic attack. In turn the Captain raised her hands towards Willow and mentally pushed her away from the NID security men. She then walked up to the men and told them to evacuate the Potential Slayers safely out of the building. But before she knew it, Willow had hit her with another magical attack from her right side which flung her towards another car which she hit hard.

"Go run" said Willow to the NID men as they ran back into the building and she approached Captain Rosenberg, "You're right you know. I just want you gone"

"I know how you're feeling" said Captain Rosenberg as she slowly got up to her feet.

"You know how I feel?!" said Willow incredulously, "you know how I feel? Have you ever had anyone you love die right in front of you?... No? Maybe you should experience it. Maybe I should kill the one you love in front of you, and then you'll know how I feel"

Willow then lifted Captain Rosenberg until she was hanging in the air and smiled at a memory, "You love Faith? Really? Of all the people in the world you love the Dark Slayer"

"Stop" said Captain Rosenberg as she lost concentration again; the emotional pain from Willow was overwhelming her emphatic ability, which in turn was causing her pain.

"Oh" said Willow as she turned and grinned at Captain Rosenberg, "I found her"

"No" said Captain Rosenberg.

"How about we go for a ride?" said Willow as red lightning and black smoke engulfed the both of them and they disappeared.

As soon as Captain Rosenberg and Willow disappeared, there were columns of bright lights that appeared in the same area which lit up the now darkened driveway. Once the lights vanished, General O'Neill, SG1 and SG3 stood there in its place.

"Carter?" said the General, "I thought Red's subcutaneous transmitter showed her as being in this location?"

"It did Sir" said Colonel Carter

"O'Neill" said Teal'c as he saw the destruction around him, "something has occurred here"

"You got that right" said Angel who walked up to General O'Neill slowly.

"You're Angel right?" said the General

"You're General O'Neill" said Angel as Daniel and Teal'c quickly went to him and held him steady, "Willow's commanding officer?"

"Yes" said the General.

"So maybe you can tell me why there are two Willow's, and why one is trying to kill the other one?" asked Angel as he stared at the General.

"Reynolds" said the General, "coordinate with the head of security for this place, make sure everyone's alright"

"Yes sir" said Colonel Reynold's as he took SG3 and went into the BPRI building.

"Carter" said the General, "get Pendergast on the line, i want to know where Captain Rosenberg is"

"Yes Sir" said the Colonel as she dialled her phone

"Listen" said the General as he turned to face Angel, "While Carter is finding the location of Captain Rosenberg, I think we need to have a little chat with you, Miss Chase and Agent Reed."

"Alright" said Angel as Daniel and Teal'c helped him inside.

Sunnydale Park, North End, 1830 hours (Prime Reality)

"Damn that's a lot of shake you're drinking" said Tara as she looked at Dawn drinking the gigantic cup of chocolate shake like a demon.

"Yeah" said Faith, "watch it kiddo, or else you'll get brain freeze"

"Tara?" said Dawn, "Can I stay with you?"

"Dawn" said Tara, "why are you so intent on hurting Willow"

"I don't love her" said Dawn sadly, "I love you. You were always there for me and Buffy, she wasn't"

"Oh Dawnie" said Tara, "how about this? I'll ask Willow if I can come stay with you for a few weeks"

"Here" said another voice that just appeared out of nowhere, "you can ask her yourself"

"Woah!" said Faith as she got up from her seat just as Willow flung Captain Rosenberg onto the table that they were sitting at. She landed hard onto the table which in turn tipped over, making her fall onto Tara and Dawn, who in turn fell onto the ground.

"Willow?!" said Dawn as she looked at the one who was lying on the ground and the one who was walking towards them.

"Willow?" said Tara as she looked between the two Willow's.

Willow then looked at Tara and smiled, "Tara? Baby?"

"Excuse me?" said Tara as Willow came up to her and hugged her tight.

"You're alive" said Willow as she looked into her eyes, "I can't believe it, you're alive"

"Will…. Willow?" said Tara, "Wh…. What?"

"Stay here my love" said Willow, "I want to take care of the one who helped murder you"

"Willow?" said Dawn, "Tara's alive, who are you?"

"I'm Willow, Dawnie"

"Dawn!" said Faith, "take Tara with you and run"

"What?" said Dawn confused as she looked between the Willow who was coming to on her lap and the Willow standing over her in an all black outfit, with black hair and black eyes.

All of a sudden Faith grabbed Willow's shoulder and turned her around before giving her an uppercut that sent her flying back a few feet.

"You know" said Willow as she got up nursing a bleeding nose, "I've always wondered what it would be like to fight a slayer. Come on Dark Slayer; let's see your full power"

As Faith and Willow were fighting furiously, Captain Rosenberg slowly opened her eyes as her wounds started to heal. She slowly got up only to see the confused faces of Tara and Dawn looking at her.

"Willow" said Dawn, "what the hell is going on? Why are there two of you?"

"Dawn" said Tara as she walked towards Willow and helped her up, "she's not from here, is she?"

Willow shook her head.

"What do you mean?" asked Dawn, "its Willow, she's from here. Where else would she be from?"

"She's using dark magic" said Tara as she looked at the Willow who was fighting with Faith, "I can feel it in her"

"Tara" said Captain Rosenberg, "how can I stop her?"

"Make her use all of her magics" said Tara

"Tap her dry?" asked Captain Rosenberg as Tara nodded.

Captain Rosenberg then turned around and watched as both Faith and her counterpart were raining blows on each other before the both of them went into defensive stances and circled one another. Captain Rosenberg looked on in horror as Willow performed some magic on herself before she came down even harder on Faith.

"Tara" said Captain Rosenberg, "I'm going to stop this. Once I distract her, I need you to heal Faith"

"Alright" said Tara

"Dawn" said Captain Rosenberg, "if you want to help, then help Tara heal Faith"

Willow closed her eyes and reached into the minds of people who were still close by, changing their perception of events to make it seem like there was a gas explosion.

Dawn looked on as people nearby started to run away shouting about some gas explosion. Then she stared at Captain Rosenberg who had her eyes closed as if she was concentrating. The next thing she knew, Dawn saw a whitish-grey energy gathering around the palms of both of the Captain's hands. Then she launched the energy directly at Willow who was thrown back by the force of the energy blasts.

Dawn then saw Captain Rosenberg running towards the other Willow while she and Tara ran towards Faith who was lying bleeding and bruised on the ground.

"I thought you didn't have any more magic in you?" said Willow as she slowly got up in a daze.

"No magic" said Captain Rosenberg as she built up another ball of energy on both her palms which she released at close range, which made Willow fly backwards, "this is all me, it's my own power"

Willow smiled as she got up and fired two magic bolts of energy at Captain Rosenberg who had enough concentration to put up a telekinetic shield around her.

"That won't hold" said Willow as she increased the intensity of her bolts, "I'll get you for what you did"

"Come on then Willow" said Captain Rosenberg as she reinforced her shield despite the pain from Willow's raw emotions hitting her emphatic side, "show me how what you can do"

Willow increased the intensity of her magical bolts even more until she could see Captain Rosenberg go down onto her knees with her nose bleeding profusely. She then stopped her blasts once she started to tire out; she knew that the spell she used to strengthen herself in her fight against Faith took up most of her magics and that she didn't have much time until Entropic Cascade Failure set it.

Once Willow stopped firing her bolts, Captain Rosenberg put down her shield and collapsed onto all fours as she struggled to breathe from the strain of both holding the shield together against the force of the magics that Willow used and firing her own energy bolts.

"Willow" said Captain Rosenberg as she slowly stood up and walked towards Willow.

"Red!" shouted General O'Neill who had just arrived with Angel, Cordelia and Agent Reed, along with the rest of SG1.

"Sir" said Captain Rosenberg as he helped her up while she leaned on to the General. She then glanced at Angel and Colonel Carter who kneeled next to Faith as Tara was slowly healing her.

"I take it that Angel, Cordelia and Agent Reed have been read in Sir?" asked Captain Rosenberg.

"Yes" said the General, "having two Reds in one place kinda gave the secret away you know"

"Sorry Sir" said Captain Rosenberg, "It's my fault, if I hadn't gone to that other reality, this would not have happened."

"Not your fault Red" said the General.

"What other reality?" asked Dawn who had sneaked up behind the General as he went to help Captain Rosenberg, "Willow, what's going on?"

"She and Tara are authorized as well" said the General, "I figured you'd want to tell them yourself."

"I have to finish something first Sir" said Captain Rosenberg, "can you help me walk to where Willow is?"

"Of course" said the General as Dawn followed close behind them, curious about what was going on.

"Willow" said Captain Rosenberg as she looked at Willow who was leaning against a tree and looking at her counterpart with those black eyes, "you said I've never felt loss. You have absolutely no idea"

"What have you lost huh?" said Willow angrily, "you caused Tara's death"

"I'm sorry about her loss" said Captain Rosenberg, "I went to your reality because Dawn was in trouble."

"Wait what?" said Dawn who was right behind the General.

"She'll explain everything to you later" said the General as he grabbed Dawn's arm and pulled her towards Colonel Carter and Angel, "and after she tells you the truth, the first thing I better hear out of your mouth is 'I'm sorry'"

"Willow" said Captain Rosenberg as she placed both of her hands on her counterparts temples, "there are somethings that you should see"

Captain Rosenberg showed Willow everything terrible that happened to her from the loss of Dr. Frasier and her inability to save her, the loss of her friendships with the Scooby Gang after their arrests, her capture by the Scoobies because of her work, her nightmare about Anubis destroying the planet, her actual possession by Anubis resulting in the beating of Faith and Dr. Brightman, her sacrifice when she ran through the Stargate into the planet of ice and snow, her near ascension, her return to the SGC, her subsequent death and then cloning into a new body and ended finally with her near mental breakdown due to her being a clone and her original body dying.

"You died" said Willow as she looked in shock at Captain Rosenberg, "You died!"

"Yes, I did" said Captain Rosenberg, "and everything that happened to you until I left Sunnydale happened to me as well"

"She's gone" said Willow as she simply collapsed onto the ground, "she's still gone"

"I know and I'm so sorry" said Captain Rosenberg as she gave her counterpart a tight hug, "Just remember Tara for who she was and what she meant to you, Willow; and then you live your life. That's the best way you can honour her."

"You're almost done with your Doctorate?" asked Willow laughing as she gleaned a stray memory from Captain Rosenberg.

"Yea" said Captain Rosenberg, "you should get it done too, go back to school or defend Sunnydale with Buffy and the others, or travel to other planets through the Stargate. Do something that honours her memory. This isn't the way. I know you lost her but that doesn't mean that you can come to another reality and expect Tara to come back with you. Life doesn't work like that."

"I wish it did" said Willow.

"I'm sorry Willow" said Tara who cautiously came up behind Captain Rosenberg.

"How's Faith?" asked Captain Rosenberg as she looked back at Tara.

"She's asking for you" said Tara still in shock over the presence of two Willows.

"Thanks" said Captain Rosenberg as she looked at Tara and ran towards Faith.

"I'm sorry for your loss" said Tara as she kneeled down next to Willow.

"You look just like her" said Willow as she looked into Tara's eyes and placed her hand on her cheek, "You have her eyes, her smile, her hair...".

"But I'm not her" said Tara softly.

"That's what she just told me" said Willow as she looked at her counterpart while she helped Faith stand up, "that's exactly what she told me".

Suddenly everyone looked up when they heard Captain Rosenberg scream.

"Willow" said Colonel Carter as she ran towards her.

"Stay away" said Captain Rosenberg as she slumped forward in pain.

"Red" said Faith, "What's….?"

All of a sudden everyone looked on as Captain Rosenberg's eyes and hair become jet back while black veins appeared on her face just as it did on Willow some time ago. She screamed as she got onto her knees and held her hands to her chest.

"Hurts" said Captain Rosenberg, "the anger, the pain, the grief, the sorrow… I feel everything"

Willow looked on as her counterpart started to gather some kind of energy on the palms of her hands again, except this time it was jet black in colour.

"She did it" said Willow in shock as she looked at her own hands, "every negative emotion I had towards her, towards life, towards whatever it was that didn't give back my Tara to me; she absorbed it"

"General!" said Captain Rosenberg, "Run! I can't control what's going to happen; hell I don't even know what's going to happen!"

"Sir" said Colonel Carter, "the Gate sir, send that blast to an uninhabited world where it won't do damage to any living thing"

"Carter?" said the General

"Sir" said the Colonel, "trust me"

"Make the call" said the General.

The Colonel called the SGC on her phone and managed to get Walter, "Walter, please tell me the Prometheus hasn't left yet"

"No ma'am" said Walter

"I need you to dial the planet that SG1 was stuck on the first time General O'Neil had the Ancient repository downloaded into his head. The one where there were three suns in the sky and we almost died from extreme heat"

"P9Q-281?" said Walter

"Yes, dial it now" said the Colonel, "and then once you've dialled in, I need a site to site transport for both myself and Captain Rosenberg"

"Yes ma'am" said Walter, "Dialling now"

"Make sure by the time you're dialled in, that the shield and the iris has been disabled" said the Colonel

"Yes ma'am" said Walter.

"Listen up" said the General to Angel, Cordelia, Agent Reed, Tara and Dawn, "what you see now is and will be covered under the non-disclosure agreement. Breathe a word of this to anyone and I'll personally make sure none of you ever see the light of day ever again"

"See what?" said Dawn just as two bright lights enveloped Captain Rosenberg and Colonel Carter before they disappeared.

"Ok" said Dawn, "what the hell was that?"

Gateroom, SGC.

Everyone at the control room looked on as Willow and Colonel Carter were beamed into the Gateroom. They looked on stunned as they saw two balls of black energy gathered at Willow's palms.

"Willow" said the Colonel, "release the energy into the wormhole now!"

"Yes ma'am" said Willow as she pointed her hands towards the wormhole and released all of the energy that was stored in her body thanks to the emotions she absorbed from her counterpart.

After about ten minutes of releasing the black coloured energy, Willow toppled over and fell onto the ramp exhausted.

"Willow?" said the Colonel, "Good job"

"Yes ma'am" said Willow as she slowly got up, "can I sleep now?"

"Not yet Willow" said the Colonel smiling as she led Willow up the stairs to the control room.

"Walter" said the Colonel, "Contact General O'Neill, inform him that everything is ok. Willow released the energy harmlessly through the Stargate. And we'll be ready in five minutes to receive them. And make sure that Mr. Woolsey is on the way here, Captain Rosenberg's counterpart doesn't have too long before Entropic Cascade Failure sets in"

"Yes ma'am" said Walter as he called General O'Neill.

"Ma'am" said Willow as the Colonel helped her up to the briefing room, "are you guys angry at me?"

"Why?" asked the Colonel.

"None of this would have happened if I hadn't gone to that reality" said Willow.

"You listen to me Captain" said the Colonel, "None of this is your fault. You did what you had to do when you went to the other reality to help Dawn. There was no way any of us could have expected this to happen"

"But now five other people know about the Program because of me" said Willow.

"People who happen to be working for the government, including that Tara person, who knows exactly what would happen to them if they ever spilled the beans about the program" said the Colonel, "The president knows about this as well, and he agreed to give them disclosure with the condition that they never ever say anything about this incident to anyone. He has other conditions that he will give to Angel, Cordelia, Tara, Dawn and Agent Reed. But I have a feeling that Agent Barret will take care of Agent Reed himself"

"Yes ma'am" said Willow.

"Ma'am" said Walter as he ran up the stairs to the briefing room, "General O'Neill's ready"

"Alright Walter" said the Colonel as she pressed the button that brought down the blast door to cover the window that looked out at the Stargate, "We're ready too"

Just then brilliant white beams of light deposited Faith, Willow's counterpart, Dawn, and Tara into the briefing room.

"Nice trip?" said the Colonel as she smiled at Faith.

"Oh yeah" said Faith smiling, "We should do that more often, saves money on flying."

"It's not a taxi service Faith" smiled the Colonel

"Ok" said Dawn as she looked around her, "what's going on here, we were just at the park and now we're here and where's everyone else?"

"The General and the others will be meeting with Agent Barret and Major Davis to talk to Angel, Cordelia and Agent Reed about what happened" said Colonel Carter, "while the three of you are our responsibility"

"Where are we?" said Dawn with her hands folded over her chest, "and how did we get here?"

"How do you think you got here?" asked Faith.

"The only way I can think of is teleportation" said Willow.

"But I didn't sense any magics" replied Tara.

"Then that would mean….." said Dawn as she looked on at Captain Rosenberg, "No….. no… no… no… no… no…. no way"

"Dawn" said Captain Rosenberg as she leaned forward, "You wanted to know what I do for a living, now you get that chance"

"Of course there are conditions" said the Colonel as she stared at Dawn and Tara, "the two of you will sign a Non-Disclosure agreement, which means that should you two ever reveal anything to anyone about what you've seen or hear today, you'll be arrested again. This time, the deals you made with the government will be rendered null and void and you will be given the full twenty five to life prison sentence in the smallest and darkest hole we can find. Is that clear?"

"Yes" said Tara.

"How about this Willow?" said Dawn as she pointed to Captain Rosenberg's counterpart.

"She already signed it" said Captain Rosenberg, "I was there when she did it"

"Yes" said Willow quietly as she looked around the briefing room, "but I've never been here. Dr. Carter offered me an internship here but I couldn't accept it at the time. I never even got to see the place, even after disclosure day"

"Today you will" said Colonel Carter, "but after you're all debriefed by Mr. Woolsey from the IOA"

"He's a nice man" said Willow as she looked on sadly at Captain Rosenberg who walked towards her and squeezed her hand.

Faith: "Is she going to be ok?"

Willow: "Eventually"

Faith: "I can't imagine how she's feeling"

Willow: "I can. I took her emotions into me; I know exactly how she felt and how she's feeling now. She needs help or else she'll break apart"

Faith: "She lost the love of her life"

Willow: "Yes"

"Where exactly are we?" asked Dawn again.

"Faith?" asked Colonel Carter, "if you please"

"Guys" said Faith, "Welcome to Stargate Command"


Chapter 124: Going Home (Part 2)

Chapter Text

The Summers Residence, alternate reality; 2145 hours.

The Summers house was quiet ever since Willow escaped from the confines of the room she was being kept in. All of them were confused, not least the Potential Slayers who were still being bandaged up following the incident at the Shadow Valley Vineyards. Kennedy, who was being bandaged by Dawn and another younger Potential, could only look at Buffy's younger sister before looking at the picture on the mantle of Buffy, Giles, Tara, Xander and Dawn laughing together with Willow's arms around the shoulders of both Tara and Buffy. She then saw another picture taken in a club where Tara and Willow were in a deep kiss as Xander looked on with a grin, while Anya was giving the dark haired man a dangerous stare. Kennedy then looked back at Dawn who finished putting bandages on her arms and forehead and gave the girl a nod, telling her that she was alright.

"Alright" said Dawn as she stood up and prepared to help Anya with another Potential before Kennedy called her back, "Yeah?"

"She died, didn't she?" said Kennedy nodding towards the picture of Willow, "I thought you guys said that she died… and before that she was a witch addicted to magic and…."

"She was… is…" said Dawn as Kennedy interrupted her.

"Well" said Kennedy, "she's here now.. supposedly a demon and…"

"I don't believe that" said Dawn as she looked at Giles who was talking to Oz and the others in the sitting room, "I'll never believe that."

"Maybe you shouldn't be fighting her if it came to that" said Kennedy as Dawn looked back at her with furrowed eyebrows, "I'm being honest with you. Having feelings for someone will get you killed; you hesitate and you die. I overheard what the old guy said, that she would most likely be a demon and… look, even if she's not; you guys said that she's an extremely powerful witch who was once addicted to magic. And if this is that same Willow? Then she needs to go before she…. I mean.. it doesn't seem as if she has magic since she didn't use any; but that's probably because she's trying to give us a false sense of security."

"I'm telling you she's not" said Dawn as she glared at Kennedy, "I trust Buffy's vision and…"

"Sorry, Dawn" said Kennedy, "she just led us into something none of us were ready for; and you know that. We've got injured Potentials, Rona is down.. Xander lost an eye because of the creep Caleb. And you know that's because of her. I'm sorry but Buffy's judgement is just…. Look, let's find out more about this Caleb guy alright? We'll talk about Willow, and Buffy, later."

"I…." said Dawn as Anya interrupted her.

"Dawn" said the vengeance demon as she tried to wrap a bandage around the arm of another Potential Slayer, "I need your help."

"Yeah" said Dawn as she turned around and headed towards Anya.

It was then that the phone in the living room rang, and Andrew went to pick it up while Dawn glared at Kennedy before kneeling next to Anya and helping her take care of the injured Potential Slayer. Once the phone was picked up, Giles walked into the room with Tara, and Oz as they looked at the surprise on Andrew's face.

"Oh" said Andrew as he looked up at Giles and the others, "ummm… I guess if she stole your motorcycle then….."

"Spike?" asked Giles as he walked towards the young man and reached out his hand for the phone.

"Yeah" said Andrew before telling Spike that Giles wanted to talk to him. Andrew then handed the phone to Giles before walking away and standing next to Anya with his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Spike" said Giles the phone as the bleached Vampire was walking back to the Summers house, "what happened?"

"She stole my bike" said Spike as he kicked a small pebble on the road as he continued to walk, "I found the house that Tara told us about, went in to check it out…. Caught a bit of her scent so I knew she should be still around. Went up to the second floor and next thing I know, my bike's been started. Ran down the stairs and saw Red riding off on it. Chased her for a few minutes but lost her.. and.. yeah."

"I see" said Giles as he rubbed his forehead before looking up at the worried look on Tara's face.

"Rupert" said Spike, "the house was abandoned, just like many others but it seemed as if she made a call."

"Hold on" said Giles as he covered the microphone portion on the phone and looked at Tara, "Tara, Spike lost the thing trying to be Willow. Please perform another locator spell?"

"Al… alright" said Tara as she nodded her head before looking at Oz who told her that he'll accompany her so that she could perform the spell.

Nodding his head, Giles then went back to talking with Spike and told him to return to the Summers house. He told him that he'll call Principal Wood and talk to him about going after the demon Willow once they find out where she is.

"And that's the thing" said Spike as he rubbed his head in frustration, "if Red.. I mean this Red really is a demon as you think, then how did the location spell work the first time? If the demon is taking on Red's image to lower our guard, then how did it work? Because it shouldn't have."

"The First has many resources at its disposal, Spike" said Giles, "it could have gotten one of its many minions to somehow find a way to make this demon exactly like our Willow, even have it thinking that it really is Willow. Giving it a bit of her so that our location spell would work, so that we'd drop our guard in the knowledge that yes… she is our Willow and take it in. In the meantime, just get back, alright."

"Yeah, yeah" said Spike. He was getting ready to disconnect the phone when he heard Tara shouting on the other line. He then got back on the phone and asked the Watcher if Tara was alright. However, Giles didn't answer him before Spike heard over the open line Tara telling Giles that Willow was heading towards U. C. Sunnydale. Spike then disconnected the call and turned around before starting to run as fast as he could towards the university.

"Yes, but Spike…" said Giles after Spike disconnected the call; he then looked at the receiver before he put it back down onto the cradle. His instincts were telling him that the vampire was going to rush to U. C. Sunnydale, so he frowned before picking up the phone and making a call to Principal Wood.

U. C. Sunnydale, 2150 hours.

Willow just rode through one of the entrances of the university and heading towards the computer sciences building. She remembered that in her own reality, that building had a computer lab that was open for twenty-four hours; she just hoped that what she feared wasn't true. She knew that General Kelley didn't outright say that there was no such thing as Project Chappa'ai, Willow suspected that he was trying to find out how she knew about the project. However, in her heart, Willow knew that she was alone in this world. She knew that the SGC didn't exist and she hoped that gaining access to a computer would prove it either way before she came up with a new plan of action.

Parking the motorcycle in one of the stalls, Willow stepped off before she made her way down the walkway and towards the computer science building. Looking around, she was relieved that there weren't that many people walking about at night.

"The great Sunnydale fear" said Willow to herself as she continued to walk, "never go out at night, and if you do; then go out as a group."

"And maybe you should follow that" said a familiar voice from behind Willow as the redhead turned around, only to come face to face with the Buffy she had seen earlier that night; a Buffy in a purple top and wearing cream trousers.

"Who are you?" asked Willow as she looked at the Buffy in front of her before she looked around her to make sure that there weren't any other surprises.

"The question is" said Buffy as she folded her hands around her chest and circled Willow, "who are you?"

"I asked first" said Willow as she turned around and followed this Buffy, "who are you?"

"You know me, Willow" said Buffy as she stopped, "I'm Buffy."

"No" said Willow as she glared at her best friend while she transformed to the form of Miss Calendar, Mayor Wilkins, Glory, Angel, Spike, Adam and then finally; it transformed into the form of Willow.

"I'm everyone" said Willow's doppelganger as she approached her, "I'm part of the First.. the First Evil."

"Uh huh" said Willow as she raised an eyebrow and took a step towards her doppelganger, "and that means what?"

"No, no" said the First in the form of Willow, "your turn, you tell me who you are. I mean I already suspect that you really are from another reality. The others are idiots when it comes down to things like this, but it really takes people like us to imagine trillions of alternate realities out there where any slight deviation can change the course of the world."

"Looks like you know where I'm from" said Willow.

"D'uh" said the First, "like I said, I'm Willow; I'm not stupid, so who are you? I know you're not a demon despite what dear old Giles seems to think… so…. Come on. Don't leave me hanging here."

"Major Willow Rosenberg, USAF" said Willow as her doppelganger smiled.

"Can't believe I joined the military in another reality" said the First, "especially after the whole Initiative fiasco and…"

"What do you want?" said Willow.

"Where do you stand in the war?" asked the First, "what if I told you I was here to destroy the entire Slayer line, would you try and stop me? Me? The thing that created evil? The thing that's been here since the beginning of time and…."

"Yeah" said Willow as she rubbed her forehead in frustration, "I'm not here to listen to long winded speeches and all that bull, my goal is to go home. I'm already fighting a war; I have no intention of interfering in another one."

"Huh" said the First with a grin, "aren't you supposed to defend the weak, and all that goody goody stuff?"

"Like I said" replied Willow, "not my reality; don't care what happens."

"I surprise myself" laughed the First in Willow's form, "I really do."

Willow then saw her doppelganger's demeanour change from laughter, to rage.

"If you interfere" said the First, "I will bring my army to bear on you; and your…. Well… my friends. Sunnydale will be the site where the line of Slayers is destroyed for all time."

"I don't care" said Willow as she walked towards the First, "I don't care if you destroy the line or not, I don't care if you think you are this so called evil that created other evil… I don't care. But let me ask you this though… one final question."

"What the heck?" said the First as she shrugged her shoulders in Willow's form, "what is it?"

"Prove to me that you are this First Evil.. the evil that supposedly created other evil" said Willow with a smile.

"Little girl" said the First as it took on the form of Buffy again, "I've existed since the Big Bang, before the Word was even spoken and…"

"Yeah, as I thought" said Willow, "just words… no proof. You think just words will make me fear you? Do something. Why don't you do something."

Willow saw the dark look that the First, in Buffy's form, was giving her before she came to a realization, and thought back to the events of earlier that night with the strange robed creatures.

"You can't do anything, can you?" said Willow, "you can't do a single thing. Instead, you have those weird things do things for you. You're a joke."

"My army will move soon" said the First as she walked towards Willow, "my army will move and when they take over this Earth, the balance will tilt in my favour and I will be made flesh. And if you are still here, I will find you and feast on your bones."

"Again" said Willow, "no proof. There may have been a time when I believed you, but you know what, you can tell me you're the First and all that; but that doesn't mean a single thing to me. You say you've been here since the beginning and you have no proof, so… guess what, they're just words to me; meaning that I don't fear you. So, get the hell out of my way and…"

"Make sure you leave this place" said the First as it changed into a huge spectral form of a horned, robed demon while Willow looked up, "or else you will pay when the end of days comes."

Willow frowned when she saw the demon vanish before her very eyes before looking at the clock tower. Seeing that she wasted time talking to the First, Willow ran as fast as possible towards the Computer Science building, aware that Giles would have told Tara to perform a location spell on her.

"Betting that's how Spike found me at that house" said Willow to herself as she ran up the stairs and into the building. Upon going through the doors, Willow entered a smaller room on her left side, and into the twenty-four hour computer lab. As she walked by the rows of empty computer terminals, she noticed little card readers next to the computers and signs on the walls that said an U. C. Sunnydale student card was required to access the computers.

'Damn it' though Willow to herself as she glanced at all of the camera's that were still activated in the room. As she walked around in the lab wondering what her next move would be, she looked into the office of the administrator; the individual who takes care of the lab while it's open. Knowing that the camera's had already seen her face, Willow ducked into the small office and headed to the table where she found the administrator's laptop. Walking to the door of the office and looking around, the redhead headed back into the small office and hurriedly put the administrator's laptop and charger into the laptop bag that lay under the desk. She then looked around and saw two hooded sweatshirts that were hanging on a rack in the corner.

'Yay' though Willow to herself as she took the grey coloured sweatshirt and hurriedly put it on and zipped up, 'I'm now a thief.. officially. I can see the headlines now, 'Dead Woman Comes Back to Life and Steals Stuff'.'

Glad that the sweatshirt was loose, Willow covered most of her face with the hood before she slung the bag over her shoulder and rushed out of there. As she walked out of the lab, she heard footsteps coming from another hallway behind her; and it was those footsteps which encouraged her to get out faster. As she rushed out of the doors and ran down the stairs with the laptop, she walked past a dark-skinned bald man who rushed right past her. Looking behind her as he walked up the stairs, Willow saw him take out a phone which he turned on before he entered the building. Once the doors closed, Willow went into a dead run for Spike's motorcycle. It wasn't long after Willow reached the motorcycle that she looked behind her to find the dark skinned man looking at her from the stairs. Willow concentrated on the man as he ran towards her while she started the motorcycle. However, she didn't notice someone else coming from the other side while she was distracted.

"Spike!" said the man as Willow looked behind her in surprise when she saw the bleached Vampire running towards her, "get her."

Willow hurriedly swung the bag to her front before she moved the bike forward so that the stand would retract. But it was too late as she felt arms from behind her as they wrapped around her waist.

'Hold her, Spike!" shouted the man as the redhead looked behind her at a frowning vampire.

"Spike" said Willow, "this isn't my reality… I need to go home. Please."

"Go" said Spike as he leapt onto the back of the motorcycle, mush to the surprise of Willow and the dark-skinned man, "I believe you, so go."

"Thanks" said Willow as she throttled out of the parking lot with Spike hanging on to her. The dark skinned man just reached the parking lot panting after the motorcycle had left. He then took out his phone and dialled a number before bringing the device to his ear.

"Mr. Giles" said the man, "this is Robin. Sorry, I had it but…. but Spike helped it escape. Maybe he thinks that she's the real deal and wants her to prove it.. or something. But you need to call Buffy. This is getting out of hand. We already have this thing with the First and we can't afford any side fights."

"You're right" sighed Giles from the Summers house as he put the phone down and looked at the Potentials and the other remaining Scoobies, "it escaped with Spike. Principal Wood seems to believe that Spike wants Willow to prove that she's not a demon and…."

"Why don't we already kill the vampire already?" asked Kennedy as she stood up.

"Spike's the strongest fighter we have" said Dawn, "Buffy said so and…"

"With all that's going on" said Kennedy as she looked at Giles and the others, "Buffy's compromised, you know it, and I know it."

"Watch what you say" replied Dawn, "she's saved the world enough times to…"

"She just carelessly placed us in an ambush" said Kennedy as Giles stepped forward.

"Girls!" said Giles as he looked at Dawn and Kennedy, "call Buffy, please. Tell her what's going on. And Kennedy, now's not the time to fight each other… we still have the First and this demon Willow to worry about. But with the First being the greater threat right now…"

"We deal with the First" said Oz as Giles nodded his head.

"I… I'll get another location spell done" said Tara, but Giles shook his head and asked her to wait until Wesley and Connor had come into Sunnydale.

"If Spike hasn't come back by then" said Giles as he shook his head, "then we have to assume that he was either killed, or he ran off with the demon."

While everyone was talking, Oz could see Tara shaking her head before he put his arms around her shoulder and walked back into the kitchen where he helped her to sit down next to the island.

"You alright?" asked Oz as he looked at the dark haired witch.

"She's not a demon, Oz" said Tara, "she's not a demon… I know I'm supposed to feel that she is, so that it makes it easier to….. please, I know she's not a demon."

"I want to believe that she's not, Tara" said Oz as he kissed her forehead before talking to her softly, "but Cordelia's dream was very detailed. Willow standing over Sunnydale, watching it get destroyed while she smiled. From that description of her behaviour, only a demon would have that kind of a reaction to the deaths of people; to the destruction of an entire city."

"I.. I.. I need some rest, Oz" said Tara softly as she looked down, "I'm so tired, I…. I need some fresh air."

"Alright" said Oz he watched Tara open the door to the backyard before he walked into the living room. He made sure that he stood at the doorway between the sitting room and the kitchen while listening to what Giles was talking about. He didn't want to lose Tara's scent like he had lost Willow's.

The Espresso Pump, Sunnydale, alternate reality; 2215 hours.

It was five minutes since Willow and Spike arrived at the Espresso Pump and took their seats at a table near the pedestrian walkway outside. Willow had her hood covering her face, and was sitting away from lights so that shadow would cover her face. She told Spike that she didn't want anyone, especially any of Willow's friends outside the Scooby circle, to find out that she was miraculously alive. As she took the laptop out of the bag, she looked at Spike who was staring at her like a hawk. The redhead frowned as she placed the laptop on the table and opened up the screen before looking up at the bleached vampire.

"You're staring" said Willow.

"You're dead" replied Spike as he leaned back on his seat, "I have a right to stare, don't you think?"

"Fine" said Willow, "you know you didn't have to come with me, now the others think that you're aiding and abetting a demon."

"Nothing new" said Spike as he put his hands and interlocked his fingers at the back of his head, "so… let me understand this now. You are a Willow Rosenberg from another reality; a reality where you joined the Air Force and I'm guessing you've got special training? Special forces? Special Operations?"

"Major, my rank is Major and I was trained by the best" said Willow as she looked at Spike while the computer was still loading, "black ops, special forces, Marines, a Slayer… like I said. Trained by, and with, the best."

"A Slayer, huh?" asked Spike nodding his head, "Buffy?"

"Faith" said Willow as she leaned forward when the desktop showed on screen. Willow then looked up at Spike and told him that there was a camera at the far upper left corner of the Espresso Pump, and that she needed him to stand by her shoulder and block the camera, and what it could see, "just make it casual would you?"

"So you do need me" grinned Spike.

"Since you're here" said Willow as she gave Spike a small smile while the vampire stood up and blocked the computer screen from the camera, "and since this place has the best Wi-Fi signal."

"Yeah" said Spike as he watched her open a browser before typing in some numbers in the search bar. The Vampire looked on as she pressed another button as the screen became black, with only a curser blinking in the top left corner of the screen. Curious, Spike tapped on the redhead's shoulder as she typed some numbers on the screen.

"Hold on" said Willow as she continued to type when the logo of the Department of Defense showed up on the screen, "huh, I guess the backyard keys are the same thing."

"What the hell did you do?" whispered Spike as he looked at the screen while a cursor moved to a link called 'special projects'.

"I have one of the highest clearances on the planet in my reality" said Willow as she typed on the screen, "whenever I have to submit designs after my superiors sign off on it, I have to access a special section of the D.O.D. I know my own access credentials… and I know the backdoor keys, code that anyone with my level of clearance would know to access a backdoor so that we could check progress of our projects. So, yeah…. And.. oh boy…"

"Oh boy?" asked Spike, "oh, boy?"

"Yeah?" squeaked Willow as Spike saw her clicking link after link while she pointed at a number on the top left of the screen, "I've got like a minute before they trace me and…. crap."

"Crap?" asked Spike as Willow typed more information on another screen before the screen with 'Special Projects' listed on it shut down, and she was thrown back to the desktop. Spike saw her lean back in defeat as she rubbed her forehead with her eyes wide open, "Red? You ok?"

"No" said Willow softly, "there's no Project Giza, I was hoping that at least they would have found it in 1928 and then done the experiments in 1945 but…. Spike, that repository has every project kept out of the official record. So secret that it doesn't exist and…. no.. there has to be something."

"Red" said Spike as he crouched in front of Willow and covered her face even more with the hood before a patron walked past them, "what's Project Giza, why is it so important to you? And will the guy who owns this laptop get into trouble?"

"No" said Willow shaking her head, "I exited before the trace could be done… which is disappointing. A friend of mine designed the systems in a way that a trace could be done in thirty seconds and…"

"Willow" said Spike softly, "what's Project Giza?"

"Oh, oh" said Willow as she reached for the laptop again and opened another browser, ignoring Spike's question as the Vampire just looked at what she was doing. Willow opened a few windows and typed in some names, "oh God."

Willow looked stunned at the names that appeared on all the open browser windows, names she hoped that would be able to help her in some way or form.

"Colonel Jack O'Neill" said Spike as he moved the laptop screen towards him, "committed suicide following the accidental death of his son. Leaves behind a wife, Sara O'Neill."

"Oh Colonel" said Willow softly as Spike watched her lean back, "the program didn't exist in this reality, so you…. I'm so sorry."

"Willow?" asked Spike as the redhead leaned forward again and closed the window with the Colonel's suicide before getting to the next name.

"Captain Samantha Carter, USAF" said Willow, "just launched two weeks ago for a six month stint on the International Space Station; Dr. Daniel Jackson, controversial archaeologist living in Egypt. Left the University of Chicago four years ago due to his controversial stance on the role of pyramids in Ancient Egyptian society; Major Cameron Mitchell, still with the Air Force. Just completed a tour of duty in Iraq; General Hank Landry lives in Los Angeles and is now retired from the Air Force."

"Willow?" said Spike as he held on to her hand, "you know these people don't you?"

"Colonel O'Neill is now a General in my reality" said Willow as she looked at Spike, "the others, plus two more who aren't on the list, are… are my friends. We work together, and… without the SGC.. without Colonel Carter's help… how do I… I mean…"

"Willow?" asked Spike as he saw Willow's face brighten up as she leaned forward again and typed something on the computer, "Willow? What's Project Giza? What's the SGC?"

"One sec" said Willow as she typed something on the search bar while Spike looked on, "the Langford Expedition? Hathor? Eye of Ra? What is this?"

"Hold on" said Willow as she read out the first new report on the search results, "Langford expedition loses funding following unsuccessful dig at Giza Plateau, only finding was an empty tomb. Looks like they also found what seemed to be cover stones, but nothing was underneath it… oh dear lord. It was never there."

Spike wanted to say something as Willow went on to the next search but decided to stop, he told himself to wait until the redhead was done doing what she needed to do; and only then will he ask for an explanation. He watched as a smile grew on her face when he saw her read a Peruvian news report about a woman who claimed she was Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of fertility. The report said that the woman was looking for something called the Chappa'ai, and that she could sense it very far away. She tried to seduce some men in a nearby village to bring her to the Chappa'ai but police were called after the wives of the men captured, and drowned, her for trying to take away their husbands.

"Couldn't happen to a nicer, gal" said Willow to herself as she smiled at the screen, and then at Spike before she told him that she found a way home. When Spike asked her how, she pulled up a picture of two people standing underneath what looked like Egyptian hieroglyphics on an archway. She then pointed to the people on the picture, and then at the symbols that were written a little above the hieroglyphics, "that's the Langfords, Paul and his daughter Catherine. And you see those symbols on top? The one above the hieroglyphics?"

"Yeah?" said Spike softly, "and?"

"That's a language from a race known as the Goa'uld and…" said Willow as Spike tightened his hold on her hands before looking around.

"What? Di you just say race?" asked Spike as he looked back at Willow as she deleted all the search history, and any signs of the websites she visited. She then put the laptop back into the bag before she walked out of the Espresso Pump, followed closely by a very confused Spike.

"What if I told you" said Willow as they got to Spike's motorcycle before they faced each other with the vehicle between them, "what if I told you that the galaxy was bigger than you ever thought possible? What if I told you that thousands of years ago, aliens came to this planet and kidnapped human beings to seed them to other worlds through an artificial subspace wormhole using a device known as a Stargate?"

"I'd say poppyco*ck" said Spike as he leaned forward, "that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard… no actually.. wait.. yeah, it is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"Spike" said Willow, "those symbols are their language. If the Goa'uld exist in this reality, then… the Ancients exist.. and if they exist.. the outposts… the Earth outposts. I found a way home… I found a way…"

"Red?" said Spike, "look.. honestly.. this is all weird and…"

"Really?" asked Willow as she put her hands on her hips and looked at Spike with an eyebrow raised, "vampires, witches, demons, wish monters; you can believe that but not aliens?"

"We can see vampires and… wait…. I mean we can see all of them" hissed Spike, "we don't see little green men running around."

"Grey, actually" said Willow.

"Red" replied Spike as made movements with his hands.

"Spike" said Willow, "this is my job. In my reality, I'm part of a secret organization called Stargate Command. We go to other planets through the use of an alien device called the Stargate. MY team… SG-1, we've been one of many SG teams fighting a war with the Goa'uld. We fought them and won, and now we're embroiled in another war…. And I need to get back, and I finally found a way back. Look, the reason I got here in this reality is because I ascended."

"Red" said Spike, "that's not possible. Ascension means you become a pure demon, which means that you just proved Rupert and the others right."

"I know what ascension means, Spike" said Willow, "I fought the Mayor snake in my reality but that's a bastardization of ascension. That's demonic ascension, what I did was different. I let go of my physical form and became pure living energy. I felt the heartbeat of the galaxy, Spike… for an instance I felt the galaxy; it was alive. But to gain ascension I had to give up all my physical wants, I gave up my life at the SGC, my friends, my family; even my wife. All in exchange for unimaginable power and knowledge. Oh the knowledge Spike, the secrets of the universe was at my fingertips; even if it was for a few seconds. Anyway one of the rules of being an Ascended being? To be one of the Others? No interference in the lower plains of existence, meaning I can't interfere in this level. But between mortality and ascension, I was able to use my powers to kill a very powerful enemy, a very powerful enemy that would have taken control of the galaxy and enslaved everyone. But I knew that killing her wouldn't stop the war but I still made the sacrifice. I knew that we had to take at least one piece off the board which leaves us with possibly two more. The Others weren't able to immediately stop me; but after I fully ascended, I felt their wrath. They kicked me out of my reality and into this one as punishment for interfering, stripped me of my ascended knowledge, and they stripped me off my powers as well. But now, now I have a way to get back home and I intend to take it."

Willow stopped for a breath and smiled when she noticed the look on Spike's face that alternated between shock and confusion at what she had just said. She then saw the bleached vampire shake his head and lean forward.

"As unbelievable as that story is" said Spike, "it's true. I didn't hear your heart jump, or anything to show that you were lying."

"Good" said Willow as she put the laptop bag on the motorcycle seat, "now I need you to get that laptop back to that guy from the computer lab. They won't trace it, they won't even know where the system was accessed from.

"And you said, wife?" asked Spike with an eyebrow raised.

"Yea" smiled Willow as she brushed her ring finger, "I… I married Faith."

"Oh" said Spike surprised, "congrats?"

"You were at my wedding" said Willow as she smiled at the Vampire who has his eyebrow raised, "was… was my alternate in love with Tara?"

"Yea" said Spike as Willow got on his motorcycle, with him sitting on the back much to the surprise of the redhead.

"Spike" said Willow as she glanced over her shoulder as she lowered her hood and put on the Spike's helmet, "I need to go all the way into the Sunnydale desert, and you need to get back to Giles and the others."

"In case you don't know, Pet" said Spike, "evil's coming out of the woodwork, and I intend to watch your back while you're looking for your way home. You may not be this reality's Willow, but I'm gonna be damned if I let you go alone and possibly get killed."

Willow nodded her head knowing that arguing any further will the vampire would be a waste of time. As she started the motorcycle, Willow told a surprised Spike that the First Evil appeared to her and that she told it that she won't be interfering in the war; the war to save the Slayer Line.

"I see" said Spike as he looked at Willow while she told him that that what matter is her own reality; that she's not concerned about what happens in this one.

"Will that be a problem?" asked Willow as she looked at Spike.

"No" he replied nodding his head, "no problem at all."

"Good" said Willow as she started the motorcycle and they rode all the way to the Sunnydale dessert after Spike bought some gas for the trip so that the motorcycle wouldn't stop in the middle of the journey.

The Sunnydale Outpost, an hour outside of Sunnydale; 0000 hours.

It had taken some time for Willow to get to the location of the Ancient outpost, located under the sands of Sunnydale on a motorcycle. The bumpy journey there made her appreciate the Asgard beaming technology even more. They were travelling under the cover of darkness, the only light coming from the motorcycle's headlights, until Willow reached a certain area that she recalled from her memories of using the same outpost thousands of years ago. Stopping the vehicle, she nodded at Spike who got off the back seat before Willow. She walked towards some shrubs and boulders where she knew the hidden panel in the ground was located before she turned around and looked at the vampire who stood next to the motorcycle.

Smiling at Spike, Willow crouched down and placed her hand on the section of artificial ground. The Vampire then stepped forward as Willow pulled her hand up as an off-white coloured pillar that had some sections glowing blue slide out off the ground silently.

"Spike" said Willow, "thank you for believing me. But…. but you need to leave. I'll be calling for help and I'm not coming back to the surface for some time. The sun could come out by the time help arrives for me and… and if you're still here then you could be dusted."

"Red" said Spike as Willow put her hand on the top panel as the hologram covering the palm scanner, the same type of hologram that Dawn put in her report back in Willow's own reality, disappeared. Willow placed her hand on the scanner as it flashed green for a few second just as she knew it did for Dawn.

"I'll be alright" said Willow, "tell the others I'm sorry about their Willow, I don't know if she ascended or not… but I'm sure she's watching over them."

Spike watched as the green light became steady before Willow was covered in a bright white light and simply vanished, leaving the Vampire shocked and alone on the surface. HE rushed towards the pillar and placed his hand on the palm scanner but nothing happened. Frowning, he stood back as the pillar retreated back into the ground before she looked up and saw that he was in darkness.

'Red' thought Spike to himself as he shook his head and headed back to the motorcycle, 'I don't know why you were lying about not wanting to help… but whatever you're gonna do… you better do it fast.'

As Spike rode off on his motorcycle, Willow was transported deep underground into the Ancient outpost. As she took a step forward, she noticed that all the lights on the walls of the outpost started turning on by themselves. She looked around the room she was in and smiled when she recalled the experiments she conducted here, and the creation of the weapon for Sineya. She looked at the destroyed molecular assembler as she walked towards the console at one end of the room.

'Too bad it's destroyed' thought Willow to herself as she reached the console and crouched down. Pressing the side of the device, she waited for the crystal tray to slide out and smiled when everything was intact. After pushing the crystal tray back into the recess it slid out off, Willow stood up and looked at the control columns and grinned.

'Thanks, mother' thought Willow to herself as she pressed the columns, 'thank you for downloading the Ancient language into my mind as a gift.'

After Willow pressed down on a column at the far right of the console, Willow saw a screen in front of her activate with a series of Ancient symbols running in columns. She then pressed a few more columns on the device before she smiled and pressed a button that was on the left-most side of the console, activating the subspace communication system. She targeted a range of subspace frequencies that she knew the Asgard used in her own reality, she just hoped that the range she input into the console in this reality were the same.

'Here goes nothing' thought Willow to herself before she spoke out loud to no one in particular, "my name is Major Willow Rosenberg of Earth. I have a message for Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet. I need your help… I came here from another reality and I need the help of the Asgard to return to my home reality. Please, help me. I can't offer much in return, but I can try. So… please. Help me."

Willow then stepped back after the message was sent, and waited for a response. She hoped that even if Thor wasn't here in this galaxy, that the message would have reached any Asgard ship and then they would have contacted Thor… or they would come themselves and help her. Willow sighed and turned around, she intended to walk towards the far wall, away from the debris on the floor of the outpost and take a seat. After all the excitement and adrenalin rush of the past few hours, she suddenly felt exhausted; all she wanted to do was sleep for a few days. Walking towards the wall, she heard a beep behind her. Turning around, she walked back to the console and pressed another column down as the screen activated to show a small grey alien who was blinking at her and tilting his head.

"Greetings, I am Heimdall of the Asgard Science Council. You are Major Willow Rosenberg of Earth?"

"Yes" said Willow with a smile, "I'm contacting you from an Ancient outpost, and… and I hope you understood my message. Is Thor alright?"

"Yes, I have" said Heimdall, "as for Commander Thor, he is assisting with the evacuation of our worlds due to a war with a great enemy, a war that we are on the verge of losing."

"Against replicators?" asked Willow who saw Heimdall tilt his head and blink at the redhead, "we faced them together in our own reality. I can help you with a weapon to defeat them, I just need you to help me make a quick stop at a Stargate address. In addition, I have a unique protein marker in my blood that's helped the Asgard in my reality halt, and reverse their genetic degradation due to mass cloning. It was the key that they were looking for in my own reality."

"How is that possible?" asked Heimdall.

"I have both Furling and Ancient genes" said Willow as she watched Heimdall's eyes open wide, "and… and all I ask is that you help me get home. "

"Ancient and Furling genes in one human body?" asked Heimdall, "that should not be possible."

"My father told me that he met the Asgard in my own reality when the Alliance of Four was first formed to fight against the Goa'uld" said Willow as she looked at Heimdall, "I don't know if your people met him in this reality as well. His name was Moros; Moros of Atlantis?"

"You are Athena?" asked Heimdall, surprise evident in his voice, "you have descended?"

"IN my own reality, yes I have" said Willow, "I wanted to help in battling something on Earth, so I was physically reborn. My mother had the Furling gene within her and… yeah. I have both."

"I see" said Heimdall, "If what you say is true… all you ask is help to return to your reality?"

"Yes" said Willow, "and maybe some things here and there… but I will help you. In my reality, the Asgard helped us… and in return, we helped to defeat most of the replicators using Ancient knowledge after a friend of mine had the entire repository of knowledge downloaded into his mind."

"That much knowledge for the human brain is not possible" said Heimdall.

"The Asgard removed the knowledge" said Willow, "but not before he gave your people the specifications to build a large scale version of the weapon. I intend to do the same thing…. My body and my mind is that of a near ascended Ancient, I know I won't be able to hold the knowledge for long.. but it should be enough for you to connect my mind to the computer on your ship and build the weapon."

"Human's are interesting beings" said Heimdall.

"In my reality" said Willow as she stood up straight, "Baldur was the one who removed the information from my friend's mind the first time he downloaded the repository of information; he told my friend that we have the potential to be the fifth race and that's what we're going towards. We've defeated most of the Goa'uld system lords, and now we're in another war that's encompassing the entire galaxy. So I need to get back and help protect my home, I need to get back and help my friends. So please, would you help me? I'll do everything I can to help you… but I need your help in getting back."

"I will be in the orbit of Earth in one of your minutes" said Heimdall as Willow nodded her head.

"Thank you" said Willow as the screen shut itself off. Willow then ran to the transporter and beamed herself back to the surface near the retracted access pillar. Once the white light faded away, Willow found herself face-to-face with the First in Buffy's form. Stepping back in surprise, she then glared at the thing that took her best friend's form. She knew everything about the First since Spike told her about the First and what it was, what its plans were; all the while Willow just listened quietly instead of talking. And now, after Spike was gone and she made contact with the Asgard, here it was… standing in front of her with arms crossed over its chest.

"So" said Buffy as she circled Willow while glaring at her, "an ascended being, huh? Something that's not one of the Powers? How boring you are, how droll."

"And yet" said Willow, "here you are. Spike told me everything about you, how you can take the form of the dead, including their memories. Which makes me guess that my counterpart in this reality didn't know about herself, did she? You can only access memories that she knew… hah… you're the one that's boring to me."

"Please" said the First as she took on Willow's form, "just so you know, I am a very… very powerful witch. And guess what, when I retake my flesh form… I'll be using my powers to slowly.. and I mean very slowly peel the flesh off the bones of your friends. Heck, I'm already torturing Tara, such a fragile mind. Did you know that she went catatonic for a few days after I was gone? Such a pitiful creature that one, so unsure of herself. Honestly, I never know what I saw in her."

"How about you leave me alone and continue torturing her" said Willow as she glared at the First, "this talk isn't really doing anything for me. Like I said, these people don't matter… what matters to me is my reality."

"You're cruel" said the First as she took Buffy's form again and pouted, "and you call yourself an officer."

"Yeah, yeah. Like I said, not my reality.. so not my friends, and not my problem" said Willow as she felt a slight breeze hit her before she sent out a thought, 'help her.'

Just as it was there, the breeze suddenly stopped as the First kept on talking while Willow looked up at the sky. It was then that she heard a buzzing sound as she looked back down at the First who looked genuinely surprised before the redhead vanished in a flash of white light.

Tara's Room, the Summers Residence; 0025 hours.

"Touch'e" said the First to herself as she vanished in a flash of white light as well after Willow vanished, and smiled when she found herself in Tara's room while watching the dark haired woman lying on her bed in the foetal position as tears streamed down her face. The First then took on Willow's form and approached her, "Oh my Tara, baby… I just talked to the other Willow. She said that I can continue torturing you, what do you say about that? So, what would you like to talk about? Oh, how about this? Did you know that the only reason I was ever with you was because I pitied you? I mean, come on; let's be honest here, you were a bumbling shy buffoon and I had the cool friends. And the day I got shot, the only thought through my mind was why it wasn't you. You tired to control me and my magic, you wanted to make sure I couldn't grow and become the most powerful witch on Earth. But no, you told me that I had to keep control and then when I lost it just for a little bit, you left me! You left me, Tara!"

"Stop" said Tara softly as she kept her eyes closed, "please stop."

"I find it funny you know" said the First in Willows form sarcastically as she looked at Tara while crossing her arms over her chest, "you put up this façade of sanity when you're really just breaking down inside. I told you didn't I, huh? I told you could join me if you killed yourself, but no… you had to prove that you're some big shot. So come on, Tara; make it easier on yourself, take the gun that Warren used to kill me, and then put it in your mouth and squeeze the trigger."

"N… no" said Tara softly as the door to her room opened and Buffy, who had recently come back from the hospital, walked into the room and sat down next to Tara. She looked around when she sat dawn and heard Tara repeating 'no' and shaking her head while tears streamed from her closed eyes. Not seeing anyone, Buffy knew that the First was appearing to only the dark haired witch as she put her hand on Tara's shoulder and gently squeezed.

"I'm sorry" said Buffy as she looked at Tara, "she's gone because of me, our Willow's gone because of me. I don't know what to do. If she hadn't met me then, maybe she would still be alive. Tara, please… I don't know what to do. Another Willow's somewhere out there, Giles and Principal Wood are being….. I don't know, Spike's missing, Connor and Wesley are just an hour away from Sunnydale. I don't know what's happening to us. The Potentials… oh God, I put them in danger, but I know there's no choice. And then there's Caleb and the First, Caleb still has something of mine and I know we need to get it back but, Tara I need you."

Buffy then looked back down at the witch and ran her hand through her hair before whispering, "I need you back with us, Tara. You and Oz are the only stable elements in my life right now… in this crazy life. Please, come back to us."

"Buffy?" asked Oz as he opened the door to Tara's room slightly and saw the blonde Slayer sitting on her bed while running her hand through the witch's hair, "you alright?"

"Yea" said Buffy softly as she looked at the crying Tara, "you go to sleep; I'll stay here for a little while."

"Alright" said Oz as he nodded his head and closed the door while Buffy continued to look at Tara.

Tara could still hear the First using Willow's voice to taunt her, as well as feeling Buffy's hand going through her hair in an attempt to comfort her. This had been going on for the past six months, with the First Evil trying eliminate the Potentials and then the First taunting Tara incessantly in the guise as Willow to fracture her mind so that she would be useless in the upcoming battle. The truth was that the First was right that ever since Willow's death, Tara was hiding behind a façade of normality while she was slowly breaking down in the inside. She knew that it wouldn't be too long before the final battle and she kept on trying to keep as much of her sanity intact as possible. Of course, the coming of the alternate Willow didn't help much since it gave Tara renewed hope… and then to have it crash again when the others kept on telling her that she's either a demon, or a Willow from another reality. Either way, she felt broken again and she knew that the First was taking advantage of that.

All of a sudden, she saw a bright light though her closed eyelids and the voice of the First vanished, along with the feeling of Buffy's hand going though her hair; instead she heard the sounds of birds chirping, a warm breeze that brushed her neck and cheeks, followed by the sounds of a flowing stream. She slowly opened her eyes to find herself lying on some wooden planks. As she slowly got up on her feet, she looked at her surroundings in shock when she realized where she was. Instead of her room at Buffy's house, she found herself standing on a bridge in a park in the afternoon with the sun high in the sky, the same park where a few years ago the former blonde haired witch had sung to Willow about how much she loved her.

Surprised, Tara looked around and called for OZ, and for Buffy, since she had no idea what was happening. Especially since she didn't use any magic to transport her to another place. As she looked around, she caught a glimpse of a glowing white ball of light that landed close to her from the sky above. She stepped back in surprise as the ball of light, with tendrils along the edges, slowly dimmed to reveal a red haired woman in a strapless dress.

"Hi Tara"

"Wil…. Willow?" said Tara as she took a few more steps back while Willow just stood there with a small smile on her face, "n…. no.. you.. you're the First."

"No, Tara" said Willow shaking her head, "I'm not the First."

Willow then took a few steps towards Tara and stopped before reaching her. The redhead then looked around her surroundings, and then at the railing on the bridge before placing a hand gently on it.

"Do you remember this place?" asked Willow as she placed her other hand on the railing and leaned over to look at the stream that was flowing underneath the bridge, "do you remember that day? You sang to me? Said that you were under my spell?"

"Th.. the First came to me before" said Tara as she took another step back, "and…."

"In my form" said Willow nodding her head as she looked at the stream, "I was there. I was so glad you didn't listen to her, I'm so glad that….. that you didn't do what it wanted."

"You…. you were there?" asked Tara, "bu… but…"

"Tara" said Willow as she looked at Tara, "things are changing. What was supposed to happen, it's not going to happen. I can tell you that there are parties that want a certain course for history to take, and they'll do anything to make events go their way… and I mean absolutely anything."

"Willow?" said Tara as she stepped forward.

"I've always loved you" said Willow as she stepped away from the railing and turned towards Tara, "even after I died, I've always loved you… I've always been there watching… never able to interfere in the lower planes of existence."

"Are you an angel?" asked Tara as Willow gave her a little smile.

"No" said Willow as Tara took a few more steps towards her, "it's complicated.. but my alternate can give you the details. Just in case you're thinking? No, I'm not a Power either."

"So she is really from another reality" asked Tara as Willow nodded her head, "then then we need to find her and…."

"No" said Willow as she shook her head, "she'll find her own way, but… but she'll be there for you guys in the end. When you see her again, give her a message. Tell her that they've gone too far this time, and… and limited interference has been authorized."

"O…k?" said a confused Tara as Willow walked the last few steps towards Tara and wrapped one arm around her waist and another under her arms and around her back.

"I'm sorry" said Willow as Tara wrapped her arms around the redhead before Tara brushed her lips with Willow's, "I'm sorry about everything. I know, I know I haven't been able to apologize for taking away your memories and the things I said. I know you were looking out for me, trying to make me see that abusing magic was bad… can you forgiving for saying some of the harmful things I told you when I was alive?"

"Yes" replied Tara as she kissed Willow's cheek, and then her jaw before going down to her neck.

"Tara" said Willow, "there are people watching us."

"Huh?" said Tara as she looked at Willow's eyes and noticed the playfulness there before she looked around and saw non-one around them, "where?"

"Hey" said Willow as she looked up when the sky started to rumble, "some privacy, please?"

"Willow?" asked Tara as she looked at the sky which had no clouds, but she could hear rumbling from the distance.

"Yea, I know… you guys said limited interference" said Willow frowning before she looked at Tara and shrugged. They heard more rumbling before Willow grinned and then looked up into the sky again, "oh come on Melia, you take that back. Anyway, don't you have another galaxy to visit or something? So move it… yea… yea… I'll meet you there."

"Willow?" asked Tara as she watched the redhead smile into the sky before looking back at Tara, "who were you talking to?"

"Some friends" said Willow, "they allowed me to interfere in your plane of existence so that, so that what was supposed to happen, doesn't happen. But… but I cant directly interfere… I know it's complicated but I need for you to trust me. There was a certain series of events that was primed to likely occur but now,with my alternate coming into this reality, those events are considered null. They're not supposed to happen, but… like I said, there are parties who want the previous events to occur and they did a massive amount of interfering. Since I know you guys, the Others have given me authorizing to perform some limited interference…. But I'm saving the big thing for last. The first thing I wanted to do was come to you."

"Willow" said Tara, "I…"

"Remember the day I died" said Willow as Tara started to tear up, "remember just before the bullet went through my heart what I told you? That I always thought you'd look better with short black hair?"

"Uh huh" said Tara as she laughed, and cried at the same time, "I remember.. I said that you have to be kidding and then…. And then your blood was on my shirt."

"Tara" said Willow as she ran her hand through her hair, "I like it… I like the hair but.. but I miss the old you… the strong woman who…"

"I was never strong" said Tara as tears flowed down her cheeks, "I was never the strong one."

"You're wrong" replied Willow a she caressed Tara's cheeks, "you were always the strong one; the one who was level headed in our relationship and I'm sorry for everything that I did to you. I hope you know that I mean what I'm saying, I mean each and every single word."

"I know" said Tara as she looked down on the floor of the bridge as tears drops stained the wood.

"Tara" said Willow as the witch looked up at the redhead, "I love you, I will always love you and I need you to be happy. I want you to be happy because a great battle is coming… and.. and you will play a key role. In the meantime, as much as I like your hair…"

Tara felt the hand that was on her back travel up, and cup the back of her head. She felt warmth as Willow leaned forward and gave Tara a deep kiss before the red head gave her a tight hug and whispered something in her ear. It was just then that Tara felt a gentle breeze hit her cheeks, followed by the feeling of Buffy running her hand through her hair, which was followed soon by a loud gasp as she felt Buffy get off the bed. Tara opened her eyes and looked at the surprised look on the First's face before turning to look at the surprise on Buffy's face.

"What?" asked Tara as she felt another light breeze that blew strands of long, light blonde hair as she ran her hands through her hair surprised. Tara shot out of bed and turned on the light as she looked at the mirror while Buffy held both of her hands over her mouth in shock.

"T.. Tara?" asked Buffy.

"My hair" said Tara with a smile, "Willow said she loved my black hair, but this…. She gave me back…."

"Tara?" said Buffy as Tara looked back at her with a grin before she looked behind the blonde Slayer, at the First, who was standing there in the form of Willow.

"You are not my Willow" said Tara as Buffy stood back slightly while the blonde witch's long locks started to flow as a breeze swept through the room, "leave this place."

"You put back your façade" said the First as she appeared to both Buffy and Tara. Upon noticing it walking towards Tara, Buffy rushed to Tara's side and got into a defensive stance to protect the blonde witch, "when the time comes. Buffy wont protect you, neither will my alternate who's gone…. All of you are dead, just you wait. And my dear Tara? I'll be saving you for last, I'll have that façade broken until it reflects who you really are; A broken shell of a witch, a witch who could never be as powerful as me. See you soon, baby."

Tara and Buffy saw the First leave in a flash of white light before Buffy put her hands down and turned towards the witch.

"Tara?" asked Buffy as she reached for her hair, "how?"

"It was our Willow" said Tara with a smile, "I saw her, she did this."

"Tara" shouted Oz, Faith, Andrew, Giles, Anya, Kennedy and Dawn as they flung the door open and rushed into the room after they heard noises from downstairs. Suffice it to say, the seven of them were shocked at Tara's look.

"Before all of you speak at once" said Tara as she looked at the others, "Willow asked me to give you guy's messages."

"Tara" said Giles, "I'm sorry but…"

"She was here, Mr. Giles" said Tara as she grabbed some of her long blonde hair and pulled it towards the watcher, "she told me to tell you that she always thought of you as a father. She wanted to tell you that she's sorry that she betrayed the trust you placed in her when you left Sunnydale; she's sorry that she made you upset because of her own foolishness. She said that after she died, you wrote a song for her. That you played it a few days after the funeral when there was no one present because…"

"Because I didn't think it was good enough" said Giles as he stood stunned while looking at Tara, "it was just something I came up with that day and.. oh dear lord… I never thought that she'll like it if I had played it in front of everyone. So that night, I went back with my guitar and I sang."

"She was there, Mr. Giles" said Tara, "she was there sitting next to you.. she wasn't allowed to interfere with us so all she could do was watch. And she watched you sing, and she was happy. She told me that she watched all us. Dawnie, she's sorry she left you like she did but she's proud that you're becoming a beautiful and smart young woman and she says that you need to start playing chess again; Anya, she misses you and told me that Xander's gonna be alright. Faith, she says that she's sorry that she never got to know you. She would visit you in prison so that you were not alone some times, even watched Glitter with you. Oz, she misses you a lot but says that she misses you playing with the Dingo's and she says that she wants you to be happy."

"Oh" said Oz as he and Buffy glanced at each other.

"Buffy" said Tara as she looked at the Slayer, "she said that what happened to her isn't your fault, and that she's happy that she met you. She cherishes your friendship out off all others."

"Tara" said Giles as Tara interrupted him.

"There are some other things she told me" said Tara, "I think there was a lot more but, she said something about unable to interfere with us. She said she's not a Power either. But anyway, I think we need to talk."

"Al… alright" said Giles as he closed the door as everyone stayed in Tara's room, while Andrew ask if there was anything said about him, to which Buffy asked him to sit down and listen.


Chapter 126: Going Home (Part 4)

Chapter Text

Asgard Vessel Mjolnir, hyperspace, five minutes away from Orilla.

Willow was sleeping a restless sleep while leaning her back on one of the walls on Heimdall's ship, the Mjolnir. She felt herself go out like a light once she had closed her eyes, however, she didn't dream about anything in particular. He mind was too busy thinking about Faith. It was ten minutes later that the redhead opened her eyes when she felt someone poking her shoulder, which was soon followed by a voice calling her name.

"Major" said Heimdall as he stepped back as Willow brought her head up before wiping her eyes and looking at the Asgard, "I apologize for waking you, however I have received a message from Commander Thor."

"Oh?" asked Willow as she shook her head before standing up slowly. She then bent down to reach for the Replicator disruptor before following Heimdall to a console at the far end of the room, "how long have I been asleep?"

"Ten minutes" said Heimdall as he turned some stones on the console while telling Willow that Thor had ordered him to stay out of this battle until he had the larger version of the disruptor completed. He told a surprised Willow that the Replicators were attacking in earnest and that although the new settings for the Ion guns were working, it was still not enough, "Commander Thor believes that we would be under attack if we participate in the battle. He wants to have the weapon ready, and not have this ship boarded by the replicators in case they learn the schematics of the weapon and find a way to negate it's effects."

"Has his ship been boarded?" asked Willow quietly as Heimdall nodded his head.

"The majority of the fleet has been infested by replicators" said Heimdall, "the ones that have not been boarded have been ordered to leave this galaxy, to accompany whatever survivors we have, and all of our knowledge out to the void between galaxy's until we can get this weapon online and take the fight to the replicators. However, the consciousnesses that have not been able to get new bodies are in danger. Some of the replicators have landed on the planet, and started replicating while the are heading for the Asgard Science Council where these consciousnesses are kept."

"That means that Thor's planning to sacrifice himself?" asked Willow as she looked at the screen which was showing the battle that was happening over Orilla in real time. Heimdall pointed out Thor's ship, which was among twenty, that had turned red; indicating that the ship was coming under replicator control, "no, no way am I letting that guy give up."

"Major?" asked Heimdall as he looked on in surprise at Willow.

"How long till the weapon is complete?" asked Willow as she looked at Heimdall.

"Twenty minutes" said Heimdall, "but by then it would be too late."

"Can you connect me to Thor?"

"Yes" said Heimdall as he turned some stones and Thor's face came up on the screen that Willow and Heimdall were looking at, "Commander Thor, may I introduce Major Willow Rosenberg. Also know as Athena."

"Major" said Thor, "I am sorry that we have finally met during a time of war between the replicators, and the Asgard."

"Thor" said Willow, "has your ship been boarded?"

"Yes" said Thor as he looked at Heimdall before looking at Willow again.

"Listen to me" said Willow, "is your crew alive?"

"Most of them are" replied Thor, "we are fighting to take control from the replicators. They have already countermanded the weapons controls and navigation, and outgoing transport. It would not be long before they take over communications and life support. I cannot have Heimdall's ship close to this battle; if the weapon you have given us is of Ancient design, then we cannot let the Replicators have access to it. If they do, then the situation would be most grave for all of us."

"I understand that" said Willow, "in my reality, we are allies and although we don't know each other here, there is no way I'm leaving you to die. Can you give a map of your ship?"

"Major" said Thor as Willow interrupted him.

"Thor" said Willow, "humans can be extremely stubborn, so please can you give me a map of your ship?"

"What do you have planned?" asked Heimdall as he looked up at Willow, before Thor pulled up a map of his ship onto Heimdall's screen.

"Ummm" said Willow as she looked at the map which had a blue blinking light that indicated where most of the crew, including Thor, were located, "Heimdall, I need you to go out of hyperspace over Orilla just out of range of the main replicator ships, but close enough to beam down onto Thor's ship."

"Major" said Thor as his face popped up again on the screen, with the map of his ship moving to another screen, "the replicators are attracted to high energy bursts that the beaming technology would give out."

"That's what I'm expecting" said Willow as she turned towards the map and pointed at four areas of Thor's ship, "if you can deactivate the explosion suppression system, I'll have four separate charges beamed down onto the sites I'm pointing out. The charges, what we call C-4, will be put on a 15 second timer to blast any replicator that approaches it. The four sites would cause the replicators to separate and go for those high energy bursts before Heimdall beams me down to where you think I could do the most good."

"It is still dangerous" said Thor.

"But I won't be facing a huge load of replicators since they'll be going towards the four sites which have the delicious high energy bursts" said Willow, "and I'm sure that there will be a lot coming after me once I beam down, but the Ancient weapon will take care of them. In the meantime, Heimdall can escape through hyperspace until the weapon is completed and then come back and fire the weapon at your ships, the replicators ships, and then Orilla itself. But for Orilla, the weapon would need to be fully charged."

"Commander" said Heimdall, "the plan seems sound although, as you said, it is risky."

"But then as Major Rosenberg stated" said Thor, "humans are stubborn."

"You bet" said Willow as she crossed her arms over her chest, "we can be very stubborn."

"Do you have this C-4 with you?" asked Thor.

"I was hoping that Heimdall could help me with that" said Willow as she looked at the Asgard next to her, "I have the chemical composition in my mind, all I need is the construction beams to create four explosive blocks."

"Very well" said Heimdall as he looked up at Willow before looking at Thor again, "Commander, we will be in range soon."

"Just hold out, Thor" said Willow, "and sorry in advance for damaging your ship."

Thor just nodded his head before the image started to break up.

"Commander?" asked Heimdall as the screen became fuzzy for a few seconds before the image cleared up again.

"The replicators are taking over the communication systems" said Thor, "they haven't taken over the suppression systems yet, and those have been disabled."

"Thanks, Thor" replied Willow, "we'll see you soon."

Asgard vessel Belisknir, orbit over Orilla, five minutes later.

In one of the many darkened hallways of the Asgard flagship, there was a buzzing sound followed by a sudden flash of high intensity light. Once the light vanished, there was only a block of a brown-pale, pliable substance that had a timer attached to it that read fifteen seconds. The number started to slowly count down as sounds of metallic feet hitting the floor, running towards the location of the Asgard beam, could be heard. Soon shadows appeared along the walls as thousands of insectoid replicators moved towards the lone block, attracted by the high energy burst that brought it to that empty hallway.

It was the same at the other three locations throughout the ship as the replicators stopped what they were doing to investigate the high energy pulses. Then at all four locations, the closer the replicators got, the closer the timer on the blocks got to zero. They had reached the sites just as the blocks of C-4 exploded in fireballs, the force of the explosion blew away many replicators, destroying the individual blocks so that they couldn't reform to form new ones. The destroyed blocks rained down onto the floor as another high energy burst brought a redhead carrying an Ancient weapon into another hallway close to the auxiliary control room that Thor had said the replicators took over. Willow looked at the grey stone that she was holding in her left hand before she brought it to her lips, and talked into it.

"Heimdall, Thor.. I'm in."

"Very well" said Heimdall, "I will return as soon as possible."

"Major" said Thor before telling Willow that the Mjolnir had jumped into hyperspace, "turn right at the first hallway to your left, and the door to the control room will be on your right side."

"Alright" said Willow as she put the stone into her BDU trouser pocket before raising the weapon and aiming it forward. She took a few steps forward before she heard the sounds of metallic legs that was heading towards her; a lot of metallic legs, "Thor, I've got company coming."

"We are unable to use our sensors to see the replicators, Major" said Thor from the primary control room as he and his crew brought up an image of Willow, blinking red on the screen before them, as she walked towards the corridor, "but we have you on our thermal scanners."

"Alright" said Willow as the sounds seemed to be getting closer and closer as she reached the corridor where she was supposed to turn. Willow peeked her head around the hallway and saw hundreds of replicators coming towards her which led her to head into the corridor and fire several bursts of the weapon as the replicator blocks just fell onto the floor of the ship harmlessly. Willow then heard the same sounds behind her which made her fire the weapon off again as she turned around while walking backwards towards the door to the room she needed to get into. With the replicators all destroyed, Willow turned around again as she heard more sounds from behind her. She continued to fire the weapon both at the replicators coming towards her and then at the ones coming at her from behind. Eventually she made it to the door and hurried in, before closing the doorway again.

Panting, Willow aimed the weapon at the numerous replicator bugs that were in the room and fired the weapon. Once the first bug was taken out, the other all ran towards her; the threat that had taken out their brethren. Willow kept on firing until the room was clear, she even had to take out a few replicators that jumped at her before their component blocks separated in mid-air.

"Thor" said Willow as she headed towards one of the consoles, "the room is clear."

It was then that Willow heard a sound from behind her. Turning around, she saw that the oval shaped crystal near the door was slowly melting away from the inside as the door opened, followed soon by numerous replicators that started to flow in. However, as soon as they walked it, they were soon on the floor deactivated as Willow fired the disruptor weapon. She fired at the replicators while telling Thor that she may be wrong since more were coming.

"They see you as the more immediate threat, Major" said Thor's voice over the speakers.

"You have control of all systems?" asked Willow as she fired her weapon at the door and it's surrounding area.

"Yes" said Thor, "I have full control."

"Good" said Willow as she continued to fired, "because I don't think I thought this through."

Willow continued to fire as more and more of the bugs came into the room, several after several more. Willow walked towards them while firing until she heard the crunch of the dead replicator blocks under her boots.

"How long!?" asked Willow.

"Heimdall estimates he will finish the larger weapon earlier" said Thor, "he is approximating ten minutes."

"Yay" said Willow as she reached the door and continued to fire the weapon. Trying to look out into the hallways while she was firing, she could see that both sides were filling up with the replicator bugs. Hurrying back into the room while walking backwards and firing, Willow asked Thor if he managed to lock out all the controls in the room by permanently disconnecting it from the rest of the ship.

"Yes" said Thor as Willow continued to fire, "stand by for emergency beam out."

"Yea" said Willow as she fired at the increasing number of replicators that were coming in until they were walking over a grey landscape of dead replicator blocks. She knew that she was surrounded but Thor had told her on Heimdall's ship that while the replicators were interfering with the systems in this room, he wouldn't be able to lock it out since the replicators were locking him out of his own ship, "take your time."

Willow continued to fire as she heard a buzzing sound and smiled before a white light washed over her. She then reappeared in another room in front of an Asgard who was seated on a chair with other grey aliens behind various consoles. Willow looked around and saw that some seemed surprised to see her, while others ignored her and just worked on their consoles. The redhead then turned back to look at the alien who was looking back at her with his head slightly tilted.

"Thor" said Willow as she put down the weapon.

"Major Rosenberg" said Thor, "Athena; it is an honour to meet you finally. I am aware that you are not of this reality, but it is still an honour to meet a living Ancient."

"Glad to see you again, Thor" said Willow as she nodded her head, "haven't seen much of you in my reality. Freyr said that you and Heimdall were working on some project using the protein marker from my body."

"I see" said Thor as he looked at Willow, "if we survive this, we will be calling on representatives from the Nox. I assume that you know of them?"

"Yes" said Willow nodding her head, "we've met Lya and her people."

"Very well" said Thor, "then we will get to find a way to send you home."

"Thank you" said Willow, "I have a few idea's how we can do that. In my reality, we found a planet where the Ancients may have created multiple forms of the Quantum Mirror technology. I don't know if you know about it this reality; it's located within a cave on…"

'Yes" said Thor, "we have been there before. If I am not mistaken, the planet you are speaking off had a trading post where the Ancients would test quantum mirrors within a cave made of Naquada."

"Yeah" said Willow as she saw Thor press a few buttons before looking at a screen behind them. Willow turned around and saw the planet where she had gone to an alternate reality to save Dawn, the same alternate reality where her doppelganger lost Tara and came to Willow's own reality to kill her in revenge, "that's the one."

"I am sorry" said Thor as Willow turned around and looked at the grey alien, "we wanted to retrieve the quantum mirrors so that we could examine the technology, however…."

"However?" asked Willow.

"We found this planet from the repository of the Ancients knowledge that we downloaded" said Thor, "but when we went to the planet several years ago, we discovered that seismic activity caused a cave-in. We used our scanners and confirmed that the mirrors were all destroyed. I am sorry. However, I am certain that with the help of the Nox, we will be able to get you home. We know that all matter vibrates at a specific quantum frequency and if we can find your frequency, then we can find a way to send you back."

"We met a team in my reality that punched a bridge from their own alternate reality using an active Stargate and a singularity" said Willow, "maybe I could give you that information?"

"Very well" said Thor when another crewmember ran towards the grey alien and talked to him in the Asgard language. Thor then looked at him, before looking at Willow and telling her that sounds were being heard outside the primary control room that they were occupying.

"Stay there" said Willow as she ran to the door. Putting her ear to the door, she could clearly hear the sounds of replicators on the floor and on the door itself; luckily, they were on the other side. Willow then looked back over her shoulder at the crew who seemed to look nervously at each other, and then at Thor who told them that they would continue to fight. He then told the crew to continue firing at every replicator ship, including the Asgard ships that were still under replicator control.

Smiling at Thor, she knew that the replicators would be coming here since the other control room was permanently cut off. She also knew that she didn't have much time before the replicators chewed through the door, so the redhead took a few steps back and raised the weapon. She knew that the disruption wave would travel through the wall and the door to disintegrate the replicators beyond. Willow started to fire the weapon as the sounds of the replicators stopped for a few minutes before starting up again. While Thor and his crew were firing on the other replicator ships, and replicator controlled Asgard ships; Willow did her part by disintegrating as many Replicator bugs as possible.

"Major" said Thor as she turned around after firing another burst through the door, "more of the replicator blocks have fallen onto the planet's surface. Reports are coming from the remaining Asgard that are protecting the consciousnesses that do not have any bodies yet; they are saying that those same blocks are replicating."

Willow looked over her shoulder as the grey alien told her that the replicator ships were destroyed, but the replicator controlled Asgard ships were starting to fire on the ones that were not yet fully infected. Thor's ship wasn't spared due to the Asgard on board gaining full control of the ship. Willow tried to keep her balance and continued shooting the disruptor as the ship shook from multiple weapon hits from the other ships.

"We need Heimdall" said Willow as she fired another burst before looking back at Thor, "it should be about time, right?"

"Commander Thor" said another crewmember, "we have a hyperspace window opening. It is the Mjolnir."

"Heimdall" said Thor as Heimdall's face appeared on screen, "is the weapon ready?"

"Yes" he replied, "I am targeting your ship."

Thor soon saw a great blue wave wash over them before looking at the screen next to him. HE saw the Mjolnir flying towards the other infected ships as they fired at Heimdall's ship with their ion guns. Thor and the others saw the Ion guns hit the shield before Heimdall fired the weapon again and again, freeing the remaining Asgard ships. In the meantime, Willow opened the main door to the control room and walked out cautiously with the disruptor raised. She stepped onto the disabled replicator blocks and turned to her left, and then to her right, before looking straight ahead for any movement.

"Major" said Thor as Willow turned around, "Heimdall has fired the weapon onto the surface of the planet, and all initial reports coming in are saying that the replicators just disintegrated into their component blocks."

"Phew" said Willow as she leaned on the wall and smiled before putting the weapon down, "yeah, that's what was supposed to happen."

"I have already requested that the High Council refit the rest of the fleet with the weapon so that we can take the war to the replicators" said Thor.

"I placed another design in Heimdall's database" said Willow, "a weapon that could remove the threat of the replicators from the entire galaxy. It's the same weapon we used in my reality to destroy the ones that invaded the Milky Way. It's the same device that the Ancients used to recreate life after they left in Atlantis. They only thing is that you need to activate every single Stargate in the galaxy at the same time, then you can take them all out in one go."

"We have discovered a way to perform that function" said Thor as he looked at his crew and then at Willow again, "you have done a great service to the Asgard, Major. Is there nothing else that we could do for you other than finding a way for you to get back to your own reality?"

"Well" said Willow with a smile, "how long would it take?"

"With the help of the Nox, I estimate we can have a way for you to return within a few days" said Thor, "I would like to know more about what that alternate team did to arrive in your reality. It would give us something to go on while at the same time we try to target the reality that has your quantum frequency."

"Of course" said Willow, "and since that would take some time, I have a few favours to ask."

"Once we have talked to the High Council" said Thor as Willow nodded her head, "and after you have rested."

"Yeah" said Willow softly as Thro took his ship into the atmosphere of Orilla while she sat on the floor, "the adrenaline's wearing off."

"We will beam you down to one of our quarters" said Thor, "there you can rest before speaking to the High Council."

"Thanks" said Willow as a bright light engulfed her.

Surface of Orilla, alternate reality, 1300 hours.

Willow was resting on Orilla for hours as she fell into a deep sleep once she was beamed into one of the guest room in what she would later discover was the building that housed the Asgard High Council. When the redhead slowly opened her eyes, she was confused where she was, but soon remembered she was on Orilla and that the Asgard had just beaten back a Replicator attack. Sitting up on the bed, Willow noticed a set of fresh clothes on a side table that was folded neatly along with some new boots.

Willow then got off the bed and walked to the table while she wiped her eyes and picked up the clothes before placing them on the bed. She smiled at copy of the clothes she was wearing at that moment; her blank short sleeved undershirt, her trousers, socks and boots. Willow then turned around when she heard someone knocking on the door behind her.

"Hello?" asked Willow.

"Greetings, Major" said another grey alien as the door slid opened and the redhead smiled.

"Hi, Freyr" said Willow as the Asgard looked up at her, "we met a few times in my reality."

"I see" said the Asgard, "the sensors in these quarters indicated that you had awakened. In addition, we are unaware of the current Earth dress as we do not have that in our database, we have scanned what you are currently wearing and used our replication system to create a fresh set. I hope it is acceptable?"

"Yes" smiled Willow, "thank you."

"Very well" replied Freyr before he turned around, "I will leave you to prepare for the meeting with the High Council, Major. Representatives from the Nox will be arriving as well, and they would like to meet in order to discuss a way to return you to your own reality."

Willow nodded before the Asgard left and the door to the room slid shut. She then looked around the room as another door opened up where she could freshen up. The redhead remembered that Thor once told her that other races lived on Orilla as well to conduct research with the Asgard; so she wasn't surprised when she walked into this new room to find that there were facilities that humanoid like those from Earth required.

It was two hours later that Willow found herself standing in front of the Asgard High Council. Before the meeting, she went to see Thor who unlocked her genetic code so that the Asgard could copy the full information on her protein marker, before he reengaged the lock on her body. She then briefed the High Council about the state of affairs in her reality, she told them about the Ori and that the need for her to get back was extremely grave. Willow also told them that she needed to help some people on this reality's Earth before she could leave. It was Penegal, one of the High Council members, who told Willow that it would take at most three days to find a safe way to return Willow back to her own reality after she told them about the alternate SG1's who appeared at the SGC. Willow nodded her head when Penegal said that the replicators had destroyed much of the technology on Orilla and that they would need to rebuild before she could be sent back. Willow then told them about the threat that Anubis played in her reality, and told them what he was; a half ascended Goa'uld. This information brought about murmurs from the High Council as they talked to each other in their own language. Willow told them that he was most likely biding his time, but he would use his knowledge of Ancient technology to strengthen the shields and weapons of his ships to dominate the other Goa'uld, before taking over the Milky Way. She then told them about the weapon on Dakara that had the potential to destroy the entire galaxy and that the Asgard had to do something to prevent Anubis from ever using it.

"With the weapons you have provided us with against the replicators" said Penegal as he looked at Willow, "we have no doubt that we will win the war against the replicators. As for your claims in regards to Anubis, we will discuss among ourselves as to how we can strengthen our shields and weapons. However we still have to rebuild most of our technology."

"Penegal" said Thor who was seated next to the alien, "our guests have arrived."

Penegal nodded his head as Thor pressed a button before there were three flashes of light next to Willow.

It was then that Lya and two others from the Nox appeared next to Willow after they were beamed down via an Asgard ship that had been sent to the Milky Way earlier. Penegal briefed Lya on who Willow was, and the help that she had given them in regards to the protein marker, and the Replicator Disruptor.

"You are living up to the legacy of your people, Athena" said Lya as she bowed her head slightly at Willow in respect, as did the others.

"I was Athena a long time ago, Lya" replied Willow who bowed her head in return, "please just call me Willow."

"I can sense a great power" said Lya as she approached the surprised Willow while she placed her hand on Willow's chest, just over her heart, "I recognize this link, it is something connects two beings for the rest of their lives."

"The link still exists?" asked Willow surprised. She had initially thought that the link between her and Faith was severed due to the fact that she was in another reality, and that ever since she came to this reality; there was a throbbing pain in her chest that just wouldn't go away.

"Yes" said Lya, "I can sense that it is stretched thin, but still intact. We have technology that will be able to measure its exact frequency so that you can be sent home."

Lya then turned back to the High Council and told them that the Nox would be able to help them with the protein marker; that it was time for the two members of the Alliance of Four to work together on helping to save the Asgard race. Before the council was dissolved, the Asgard asked Willow if there was anything else they could help her with.

"Yeah" smiled the redhead, "I thank you for everything you're doing to get me home. But there are people on Earth I need to help, and I would like that opportunity. I need to go to a planet called Edina; Loki did something n my reality and I'd like to know if he did the same thing here."

"What did he do?" as Thor while Willow heard a sound of exasperation from his voice once she mentioned Loki's name.

Willow told Thor that what happened had taken place in her reality, so she wasn't sure if the same thing happened here unless she went to Edina and saw for herself.

"I don't want to accuse him of something that I'm not sure he did in this reality" said Willow, "all I know is what he did in mine. If I find what I'm looking for, then I can tell you what happened."

"Very well" said Thor, "I can take you back to your galaxy while Heimdall works on the protein marker with Lya and the Nox."

Lya then told the Council that the Nox would show the Asgard what they need to do in order to measure the exact frequency from Willow's link before the redhead leaves for her galaxy. It was Penegal who had the last word by telling Willow that he hoped she would be patient for the next three days; that they needed to rebuild some of the technology that would be required to send her home, while at the same time fighting off the replicators using the disruptor weapon.

"Alright" said Willow as she looked at the Asgard, and Lya and the other Nox, "thank you all."

Edina, alternate reality, 1700 hours.

It was soon after the meeting with the Council, and Lya that Willow was brought back to the Milky Way and teleported down to the Stargate on Edina. The redhead, on the way back, had asked Thor if she could create a new plain hoodie for herself since the one she had on earlier while fighting the replicators was incinerated on Orilla, as were her used BDU trousers and black undershirt. So as she walked down the trail to the village in the distance, Willow zipped up her jacket before pulling the hood low over her head.

She was hoping that it would be different in this reality, that Joyce really was dead back on Earth. As she walked towards the village, Willow hoped that Joyce hadn't married Jayden if she really was here, then it would be easier to bring her back to Earth once whatever was threatening Buffy and the others was taken care off. However, Willow knew that if she was still married, and happy then she would have no right to take that away from Joyce; especially since Earth had no Stargate Program. She went through every scenario in her mind numerous times, all which led to her asking Thor for permission to create a new hoodie to hide her face from the villager as she wanted to perform some reconnaissance and get a lay of the land.

Willow walked past the short fence that bordered the village as she walked past numerous people who were looking at her, but just walked away. She glanced over at the house she knew that Joyce occupied in her reality and saw that the oil lamps were out. The redhead looked up and saw that the sun was lowering and that it would be night soon as more and more people seemed come out to the square from the fields that surrounded the village, and walk along various stalls that seemed to be selling goods.

Willow walked to one of the stalls and looked at some crafts that were being sold before she felt a tap on her shoulder. Pulling her hood down even more, Willow turned and faced a bearded, middle-aged man who was just wearing a tanned shirt and trousers.

"Greetings" said the man.

"Greetings" replied Willow as she looked at the numerous people who were either walking past her, or talking to each other, "I am sorry to intrude, I am here from a far off land."

"Yes" replied the man as he pointed at Willow's jacket, "I have not this style of dress in this village, are you from another village?"

"You could say that" replied Willow as she stepped back.

"You do not have to hide" said the man as he reached out but Willow took another step back, "my name is Ranen. I am one of the elders of this village."

"I am sorry" said Willow as she looked at Ren with the top of her hood covering the top half of her face, "my people value our privacy; I do not mean any disrespect. My name is Rosen."

"Rosen" said Ranen with a smile, "that is a rather unique name. So have you come our village to trade?"

"I am an explorer of sorts" said Willow, "I have been exploring this world, and have been amazed at its beauty."

"I see" said Ranen as he nodded his head while people were walking past them.

"Ummm" said Willow, "if you would excuse me?"

"Of course" said Ranen nodding his head, "if you require anything at all, then please come to the council building."

Ranen pointed at a two story building while telling Willow that while it wasn't much, the villagers would hold important meetings there; as well as help any travellers.

"Thank you" said Willow as she turned around and walked into the throng of people near her while Ranen simply watched her leave before heading towards another building. The redhead passed a few buildings before she neared one that had its doors wide open. Looking through the door from the square, she suddenly looked away and smiled when she saw Jay sitting at a table with some children. She glanced at Jay again and guessed that he could probably be about two years old.

"Jay!" said a very familiar voice as Willow turned and walked towards another stall on the opposite side of the square. She looked at what seemed to be pies while glancing over her shoulder at a blonde woman with curly hair who crouched down as Jay ran over to her.

"Mother" shouted Jay as he gave Joyce a hug.

"My Jay" said Joyce as she kissed Jay's cheek, which gave Willow a smile before she turned around and walked to another stall. She then walked to another stall closer to Joyce, but still out of her sight, as she heard Joyce ask the boy if he was ready to go see his father. Willow smiled as the little boy nodded his head while he held on to Joyce's hand. Willow saw Joyce give him a small smile before they walked out of the square and towards a pathway that led to another part of the village.

After Joyce had walked some distance off, Willow followed her at a respectful distance through the crowd of people. It was a few minutes later that Willow realized where they were heading, it was a place that Joyce had taken Willow, Buffy, Dawn, Jay and Rose before; the graveyard, the same place where Jayden was buried. Willow watched from a pathway between two buildings as Joyce walked hand in hand with Jayden through a gate. The redhead saw them stop at a headstone as Joyce crouched down and touched the edges of it before wiping her eyes. She smiled as Jay wiped the tears off Joyce's face before turning to the headstone, he walked towards it and hugged it before stepping back again. Willow could see the leaves and branches on the trees that surrounded the graveyard rusting as an evening breeze swept through, bringing along it a smell of food as Willow's stomach growled.

"Yeah" said Willow to herself, "definitely having pizza when I get back to Sunnydale."

Sighing, Willow took out a grey crystal that was in her pocket as she continued to look at Joyce and Jay. She had confirmed that the older blonde woman was alive, and now she had to collect more items before heading back to Earth. Items that Thor was happy to help with in collecting.

"Thor" said Willow as she looked at Joyce and Jay who were holding each other's hands, "please beam me back up. I have what I need to know; I'll… I'll help get her back home later. But I need to get to Kheb. And I'll explain everything that Loki did in my reality, then you can do whatever you want with him after I leave."

"Very well, Major" said Thor over the stone as Willow heard a buzzing sound before she was awash in a bright white light.

Los Angeles, California, Earth; Prime Reality, five hours following arrival of Odyssey.

The past few hours had been a blur for Faith as she stood outside a cave with Tara. The odyssey returned to Earth five hours ago, following which SG-1, Dawn and General O'Neill had gotten themselves checked out by Dr. Lam and her team before they left to debrief General Landry. The General was surprised to hear about Dawn being Hera, and nodded his head when he heard that Willow had been sent to another reality. It was Faith who suggested, along with Colonel Carter, that they use the Quantum Mirror as the last option in case all else failed; to which he agreed, as did General O'Neill.

After the briefing was completed, Faith and the others met with Anya who was waiting eagerly for Daniel to get back from the briefing. It was there that they told Anya what happened on the ship, as well as who Dawn really was. The young brunette then begged Anya not to tell Buffy or Joyce anything yet; that it should be her to tells the both of them.

"In the meantime" said Daniel as he sat next to Anya, "anyway to get Willow back?"

"Melina said that her link with Faith is still strong" said Colonel Carter as she leaned on the wall, "that although it was thin, the link still exists."

"I never would have believed it" said Anya who looked on surprised, "that's not supposed to happen. Think about it, any link should break once the other party is.. well, basically gone."

"Like how Jackson's link with Vala snapped when she was sent to the Ori galaxy?" asked Colonel Mitchell as he stood next to Vala while Anya nodded her head.

"Although that wasn't brought about by mystical forces" said Anya, "it was still a psychic link. But the link with going into another reality, it's not supposed to even exist anymore. One of you must be unconsciously holding it with sheer force of will."

"Or the both of you" said Daniel as Anya looked at him and nodded before looking at Faith.

"Mother said that Faith will feel a throbbing in her chest" said Dawn who walked up next to Faith who was sitting down on one of the seats.

"That's because of the connection" said Anya as she looked at Dawn, and then at everyone else, "it's stretched out far, far away and it wants to return back to its normal state."

"It wants' the Major back in this reality" said Vala.

"Yes" said Anya while she nodded her head.

"So, how do we get her back into this reality" said Colonel Mitchell as he looked at Faith who was looking down at the floor, "like Carter said back on the ship, how do we pull on the line and get her back."

"We can't" said Anya as everyone looked back at her, "you, or to be more specific, Faith has to seek a favour from the Powers that Be."

"The who of the what now?" asked Colonel Mitchell.

"The same things that gave the Furlings that prophecy about the First Slayer" said Faith softly before she reminded the Colonel about Sineya and the Powers hand in the whole thing.

"Right" said the Colonel as he nodded his head, "so we, or Faith, asks them for a favour and then we get the Major back. Sounds easy enough."

"It's not that simple" said Anya as she looked at everyone before looking at Faith, "we're talking about bringing back a physical body from another reality. They will want a sacrifice that you will have to pay; and Faith, it's going to be a high price."

"Any idea on what it could be?" asked Vala as she watched Dawn hold on to Faith's shoulder.

"No" said Anya.

"I pay whatever I have to" said Faith softly as Colonel Carter looked back at her and shook her head.

"No" she said as Faith looked up at the blonde, "I admit I don't know about these Powers, but what would you do if they ask for something like, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but what if they ask for your soul?"

"Then I'll pay it" said Faith as Anya shook her head.

"They won't ask for that" said Anya, "and even they you did, what would Willow say if you say yes?"

"Faith" said Colonel Carter, "I believe that Willow's doing everything she can to come back, but paying a high price just to get her back that much faster is something that she wouldn't want you to do."

"What if there's no SGC, Sam" said Faith as she looked at the Colonel, "that's the reason you said that the Quantum Mirror may be a dead end. What if there are no Ancients? No Quantum Mirror in the other reality? Then how can she get back unless we do this? Red's made sacrifices for us, for me, and it's time I did my part; if they want my soul, then they can have it. At least she'll be back and we'll be together."

"Faith" said Vala, "what if…."

"How can I meet with the Powers?" asked Faith a she looked at Anya.

"Faith" said Dawn, "there has to be another way."

"The Oracles" said Anya softly as she rubbed her forehead, "you can ask the Oracles for a favour. They have a direct link to the Powers and…. and they can help you. But Faith, I need to tell you that what they will ask for will be in the extreme. Just… just think about it… alright?"

"I don't want the low rent middle men" said Faith, "I want to talk to the Powers themselves. No Oracles…. no nothing, I need a way to talk to them directly. It's the Powers who created the Slayers, and those f*ckers owe me an audience."

"You need a human being with pure heart to contact them directly, or a Champion… preferably both" said Anya, "and in this day and age, good luck in finding someone like that."

"I think we know someone" said Faith with a smile.

That was how Tara and Faith found themselves standing at the mouth of a cave in the outskirts of Los Angeles. The blonde Wiccan was the only person Faith knew who could come close to being what Anya said was needed. It had taken Tara, using her magic, an hour to find a conduit that she could use to contact the Powers directly. As Tara knelt down at the mouth of the cave, Faith could hear the witch mumbling something under her breath as a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere from inside the cave and hit the both of them. Faith felt the hair on the back of her neck stand as she felt immense amounts of power passing through her body when it suddenly stopped.

"It's time" said Tara as she looked back at Faith who nodded back at her, "Faith, just…. Please don't make any rash decision. Please?"

"I want her back" said Faith as she looked at Tara, "I want her back with me."

"And we will get her back, Faith" said Tara as she gently held on to both the Slayer's arms, "we will…. But, just don't do anything rash? For Willow, please?"

"Alright" said Faith as Tara smiled before taking the Slayer's hand in hers and walked into the cave together. Once they passed the entrance, Faith and Tara looked back as what seemed to be a boulder rolled and closed the mouth of the cave, leaving the two women in darkness. Suddenly, they found themselves in a lit room with torches on the wall and a pedestal in the middle of the room that had a bonfire burning.

"The Conduit" said Tara amazed as she looked at the room.

"Hey" said Faith as she looked up, "anyone here?"

"Slayer, no… former Slayer… former Champion of the Powers that Be" said a disembodied voice, a loud disembodied voice that sounded like hundreds of men and women all talking in unison, "the betrayer to the calling, the betrayer to the prophesy; why have you come here?"

"Exalted ones" said Tara as she put her hand on Faith's shoulder just as the dark haired Slayer was about to open her mouth, "my name is…"

"Tara Maclay, the White Witch" said the voice as it grew angrier, "you dare come before us with this traitor? You should…."

"Hey!" shouted Faith at the ceiling as she took a step forward, "I am no traitor, I am no betrayer… I know the truth about the Slayer line, it's you who betrayed us. I know what you people did, I know about the prophesy that was forced on to Sineya thousands of years ago. I know everything, so do Buffy and Kennedy. You think I'm afraid of cowards who refuse to get their hands dirty? You're just like the Ancients, cowards who use others on the lower planes to…."

"Silence, mortal!" shouted the voice, "how dare you…."

"Exalted ones" said Tara as she squeezed Faith's shoulder gently and walked in front of her, "please forgive the protector of the people. Her heart yearns for her lost love. A love that is trapped within a different reality. She seeks a boon, in return for her love's safe return."

"There will be a price" said the voice as Tara looked back at Faith who had her eyes closed and her hands rolled into fists.

"What's the price?" asked Faith as she looked at Tara before looking up at the ceiling, "my soul?"

"No" said the voice, "you will be our Slayer once more, and you will sacrifice the link you share with your love. You will sacrifice the link, and your memories."

"What?" said both Tara and faith together as they looked at the ceiling.

"Your link with her is powerful" said the voice, "powerful enough to traverse multiple realities. She is so far away that you will sacrifice that link as a price for us to return her to you. In addition to the link, we will take all the memories that exist of the love you share for each other. Only you will remember; everyone else will forget, including your love."

"What is the meaning of this?" asked Tara n surprise, "that is excessive. The Powers exist to guide the good of this Earth. What she is being asked to sacrifice is…"

"She turned away from her calling" said the voice, "from her role as the Slayer. That cannot be tolerated, the Slayers are the Champions of the Powers and she had turned away from that role."

"Faith" said Tara as she turned around, "don't do this. Willow… Willow will lose all memories that you and her were together. I'll lose those memories, so will Dawn and the others. That's too high of a price to pay to get her back."

"What do you choose, Slayer?" asked the Voice.

"Faith!" shouted Tara as she got closer to the dark haired woman and held her arms, "don't. You can't give up… because if you accept this deal, then that's what you're doing. I know it's hard not having her here. I know, ok, I know how hard it is not having someone you constantly think about being close. But this…"

Tara then turned around and said that what this was being cruel to Faith, a punishment for a crime that she didn't commit.

"She turned her back on the legacy that was given to her" said the voice, "now choose!"

"She saw this" said Faith to herself as she looked at the ground in shock, "Melina saw this. She told me never to give it up, that Red would need it one day to come back. But I never knew from where.. what did she mean? Did she mean this?"

"Then don't" said Tara as Faith looked up at the blonde witch, "don't give it up."

"I choose no" said Faith as she looked up, "you hear me, you cowards? I said no. I will not give up my link with her, I will not have you take away the memories of me and her together to power her return back, and to punish me. She will find a way! And me, I choose to not be a Slayer. I am using my own free will not to continue. I am not bound by some screwed up destiny that says I have to follow a prophecy or some bull and…"

"Silence, mortal!" shouted the Voice, "you have insulted us for the last time. Do not seek us out again, Slayer. Your boons will never be granted."

There was a sudden flash of light as the both of them found themselves standing in the lobby of the BPRI in Sunnydale. Tara looked around confused as Clem looked at them as he stood up from his chair at the front counter, she then looked at the surprised Potentials who just stood there wide eyed at the two women who just appeared out of thin air. Tara then looked up at the second floor walkway as a confused Buffy, and her team, were looking down at them.

"Tara?" asked the blonde Slayer confused as she looked down from the second floor walkway, along with members of her team, "where did you…? How did you…? Huh?"

"Buffy" said Tara as she looked up, "could you please call NORAD? We… we need to talk."

"Right" nodded Buffy before she turned around and dismissed her team. Once they went their separate ways, she heard Faith crying. So she leaned down again and saw Tara holding on to Faith as the Slayer started to sob into Tara's neck with the only thing the blonde Slayer could hear from Faith was 'what have I done' and 'please forgive me'. Buffy had no idea what was going on, all she knew was that Tara was called out for an urgent meeting with Faith somewhere. With the result of the meeting being what she was witnessing downstairs, Buffy frowned before heading to Angel and Cordelia's office where she would ask them to contact the SGC and find out what was going on.

Tara watched Buffy run before she looked down and whispered into Faith's ear.

"Shh" said Tara softly, "it's not your fault. You did what you thought was right, you chose to hold the link between the both of you. What they wanted was unreasonable, Faith. I have an idea, but it's very risky; Really, really risky. It won't bring her back, but it would be enough to send a message to her through your link. In the meantime, I'll continue to look for magical ways to get her back. I promise you."

Tara felt the tears from Faith falling onto her neck as the blonde witch rubbed the Slayer's back and comforted her as much as she could.

"You'll get her back, sweetie" said Tara as she laid her head on top of Fait's, 'you'll see."

Asgard Vessel Belisknir, 1730 hours.

After Willow was beamed back to Thor's ship from the surface of Edina, she stopped by Kheb; the same location where she had left the Puddle Jumper and the extra ZPM in her own reality. Once she beamed down right next to it, she felt a charge go through her body as she smiled before a gentle gust of wind moved her hair around.

Smiling to herself, Willow walked towards the puddle jumper and pressed the button that opened the ram and stepped back. Willow frowned as the ramp opened halfway down before stopping. However, the gap between the ramp and the inside of the Puddle Jumper was enough for her to put one leg in before squeezing her body through. Once inside, she noticed that the lights in the ship weren't being switched on by her presence so she walked over to the pilot's seat and sat down before grabbing the controls.

"Nothing" said Willow to herself as the console and the cabin lights didn't switch on, "the power supply must have been depleted."

Willow got off the seat and walked to one of the compartments in the rear and smiled when she found a green coloured cloth. Taking it out from the compartment, Willow placed it on a seat and unwrapped the cloth, uncovering a ZPM.

"Hopefully it's still fully charged" said Willow herself as she rewrapped the power source in the cloth, "I can replace one of the ZPM's in Atlantis with this one. Make the shields last for another three or four thousand years. Then return this Puddle Jumper back to Atlantis."

Looking around the rest of the dilapidated Puddle Jumper, Willow frowned before she squeezed out of the small ship and asked Thor to beam her, and the Puddle Jumper, back up to the Belisknir. She told Thro that she needed to replicate some control crystals, and she needed to recharge the power source for the Puddle Jumper. It was a few seconds later that Thor had come to the orbit of Earth's moon; in the meantime, Willow asked one of the crew member to check the power levels of the ZPM. The redhead smiled when the alien said that the device was fully charged, before another one came up to her and gave the redhead some replicated control crystals for the Puddle Jumper. They told her that the ship's power source was being charged as they were speaking, and that it should be completed in a few minutes. She thanked the crewmembers before turning to face Thor who was looking at a screen from behind his chair console

"Major" said Thor, "where would you like me to transport you?"

"Before that Thor" said Willow, "I have friends down there who are batting something, and I'd like to get the lay of the land. Can your scanners search for any non-human biological life signs?"

"Non-human?" asked Thor as he looked at Willow.

"Yea" said the redhead, "you see, we have these things called demons on Earth and…"

"Yes" said Thor, "we have head of old Earth legends that speak of such beings. The Asgard have even encountered them years after the Ancients left Earth. There are those that still exist?"

"Yes" said Willow as she looked at the screen while pointing to Sunnydale's location on a map, "and they've been trying to end all life for some time now."

"I see" said Thor, "if the Earth were to be destroyed, then the potential that the humans of the planet below have to become the Fifth race will be gone forever."

"And I know the Asgard wont intervene unless asked by the highest ranking official in government" said Willow as Thor nodded his head.

"I am sorry" replied Thor.

"No" said Willow shaking her head before she turned to watched the same screen that was in front of Thor, "it's alright."

"As you can see" said Thor as he zoomed in to Sunnydale while grey dots started to pop up all over the city, "this includes biological life signs that do not have the human genome, and any biological being that could be considered only half human."

"There's a lot" said Willow as Thor zoomed out, which was when she told the alien to stop as she walked forward in shock, "that… that's the high school. It.. it can't be."

"We are unable to get a lock on those beings for study" said Thor as he and Willow looked at the image of Sunnydale High.

"We could see" said Willow as she looked at the screen, "but the mystic forces there could be messing with your sensors locking on any of them."

Willow then looked at the ZPM in her arms and thought about the Puddle Jumper being charged in the cargo hold of the ship. Willow suspected that she may have to use both of the alien technology to launch the drone weapons, because there was no way that Buffy and the others would be able to take all of that on their own. There was just no way. The redhead then shook her head and looked at Thor and nodded her head.

"Thank you for everything, Thor" said Willow, "especially for helping to get me back to my Earth, my reality."

'We should be thanking you" said Thor as he nodded his head.

"I did what I did to help a friend" said Willow, "well, technically we haven't met before until now… but, well.. you get my point."

"Indeed" said Thor, "we will return for you in three days. We will have the technology ready by then with help from the Nox."

"See you in three days" said Willow with a smile before Willow tapped on the screen and showed the alien exactly where she needed to be beamed down. She also told Thor that she'll be heading to the cargo hold and cloaking the Puddle Jumper. She told him to transport the fully charged Jumper to a separate location, to which she gave the alien a set of coordinates. She then nodded at Thor before she was beamed down to the cargo bay where the Jumper was being charged. She walked over to the controls and touched it. She smiled as the console flickered and then steadied as the ship started to power up. Willow put the ZPM back into the compartment after she had mentally opened a panel that was on the left of the pilot's seat. Reaching in, she took out what looked like a remote control and put that into her pockets. She then activated the cloak before walking out of the ship, and closing the ramp. Once the ship was unable to be seen by the redhead, she nodded at one of the crew who informed Thor that Willow was ready to be beamed down.

The Summers Residence, 1745 hours.

Tara was seated at the dining table with Buffy, Xander, Giles, Spike, Faith and a few others while they talked about their next course of action. The blonde witch knew that everyone, including the remaining original Scoobies and the Potentials, were almost ready to openly rebel against Buffy's idea to go back to the vineyard that night and take back what the First and Caleb had taken that belonged to her. It was Tara and Oz who finally managed to calm everyone down before anything was said that could never be taken back.

Tara said that she could see everyone's emotions flaring, including Xander who just came back from the hospital, before she told everyone that they needed to calm down and take a step back. Oz told Buffy that he thought her idea that the First and Caleb having something in the vineyard was sound, but they needed to have some sort of plan instead of going in without any knowledge of what was going on; or what Caleb was keeping from them, from Buffy.

Tara looked around quietly at the people sitting at the table while they were talking, nearly starting to argue once again, before she sighed and leaned back on the chair. She looked at Oz who just gave the blonde a small smile before she looked at Spike who was leaning against the wall and shook his head; the arguing about what to do intensifying again. She noticed that some of the Potentials had come into the dining room to make their voices heard as well; starting the same argument about priorities that Tara and Oz helped to end only an hour ago.

Rubbing her head, Tara's thoughts turned back to Willow, both the one who appeared to her in that vision, and the other one that Wesley and Connor were convinced was a demon. After Spike came back from the desert the previous night, he confirmed what Tara had already told the others; that Willow was really from another reality. However, unknown to Tara and the others, he just confirmed the things that Tara told already told everyone; he never told them about the aliens or Stargate Command, just that Willow was a Major in the Air Force and that she wasn't coming back. Spike knew that she had a good reason for lying, and hoped that she would be back soon. His words were eventually confirmed by Wesley, and Giles, when they asked Tara to perform a locator spell that spanned the entire planet.

Spike had watched Tara and Giles call the Coven in Devon for help and it was soon done, there was no sign of Willow anywhere. That finding led Wesley and Connor to be sent back to Los Angeles by Buffy with instructions that they were to be the second line of defence in case Sunnydale fell to the First.

Back to the present time, Spike shook his head when the argument turned to Caleb. The vampire knew that they didn't know anything much about Caleb, so they had gotten a line to Fred in Los Angeles for some help in hacking police databases. He knew that until they had more information, they were operating in the dark.

"We don't have time to get more information" said Buffy as she stood up, "I'll take a small team with me and…"

"Like the first time?" asked Kennedy sarcastically as she stood next to Rona who had a badly broken arm in a sling, "cause you know; it worked so well the first time."

"How about we give someone else a chance at being the leader?" said Rona, "honestly, we got our asses kicked last night, Xander lost an eye, my arm is gone, the others were pretty badly injured, and… should I go on."

"Please" said Tara as she held Buffy's hand and squeezed, "Buffy, Kennedy, Rona, all of us are tired."

'Yea, B" replied Faith as she leaned back on her chair, "we're all beat, and not thinking straight. I say we sleep, and then we decide on a course of action tomorrow."

"I thought you said you came here to fight?" asked Buffy as she looked at Faith, "I thought you…."

"Guys!" shouted one of the potentials from the living room as everyone heard a buzzing sound, and then saw a flash of bright light in front of the couch.

It was Kennedy and Rona, who were near the main entrance to the house, who rushed into the living room first and stopped mid-stride when they saw Willow standing near some potentials who stumbled back and fell onto the floor. The redhead turned around and saw Kennedy, Rona, Faith, Tara, Anya and Xander looked at her stunned, before she turned to look at Dawn, Buffy, Principal Wood, Oz, Spike and Buffy come into the room from the other doorway as they basically surrounded her.

"Amanda, Vi" said Kennedy as she looked at the Potentials who were trying to get up as she nodded to the weapons chest, "grab something."

"Stand down" said Willow as she looked at Kennedy, and then turned to looked at Vi and Amanda, "seriously, stand down."

"Wi,,,, Willow" said Tara as she pushed her way past Kennedy and Rona, "are.. are… are you my Willow?"

"Sorry, Tara" said Willow as she gave the blonde witch as small smile, "I'm not your Willow."

"I.. I.. I'm st.. still glad you're alright" said Tara as she gave the redhead a smile.

"How did you get here?" asked Vi as Willow glanced back. She smiled when she took out a glowing crystal that Thor had given her for communication purposes, to inform her when he would be in orbit the day he returns.

"Major" said Thor's voice from the stone as the others looked at each other, "I will be leaving for Orilla. I have transported the other vessel to the coordinates you supplied."

"Thanks" said Willow.

"I will return in three days" said Thor, "is there anything else you require?"

"No" said Willow, "thank you, Thor."

"Farewell, Major" said Thor, "we will see each other soon."

Willow saw that the glow emanating from the stone slowly faded away before she put it back into her trouser's pocket before she unzipped her hoodie. Looking around, the redhead saw the open mouth looks that everyone was giving her. She then turned to Spike and asked him if he told them everything.

"No" said Spike as everyone looked at him, "come on, you were taking about aliens; I'm not repeating that in case they think I'm nuts. 'sides, I thought it'd be better coming from you."

"Gee" said Willow sarcastically, "thanks."

"No problem" grinned Spike, "fancy entrance though."

"Isn't it?" smiled Willow as the others still looked on shocked. Eventually, it was Kennedy who spoke up first.

"So that white flash?" asked Kennedy as Willow turned back towards her and then turned again and looked at Amanda and Vi.

"Teleportation technology" said Willow, "sorry, this was the best place that I could beam down to. I don't know what's going on out there so.. yeah."

"And Thor?" said Anya, "are you saying that…."

"Long… Long story, Anya" said Willow before she saw another young man lift his hand up and opened his mouth before she told him that no, the aliens that send her down her don't do probes, "although if you're interested… they may know some who do."

"I would" said Xander as everyone turned to look at him, "I mean I'd like to know what alien's do… you know."

"Yea" said Willow as she looked at Dawn and thought back to Hera. She then shook her head and reminded herself that this wasn't her Dawn, her Dawn was back in her reality.

Willow looked on as everyone started asking her one question to another; from if the ship used warp drive, to if she could use her magic to help them.

"Sorry, Tara" said Willow as she ignored all the other questions and looked at the blonde witch who asked the question about magic, "I haven't practised magic in years. I'm so rusty that I don't even think I can't pick up a nail much less do anything really powerful."

"You.. you don't?" asked Tara as she looked at Willow before looking at Giles who gave her a small smile.

"Sorry" said Willow just as she heard a gasp from her left. She turned around, only to see Buffy and the others step back as a small area in front of them started to shimmer. Willow then grabbed her chest and stumbled back just as Tara and Buffy rushed forward and prevented her from falling.

"Willow?" said Giles as he looked at the shimmer slowly take on a form of a dark haired woman in a red stripped dress, "Oh my lord."

"Faith?" said Willow as Tara and Buffy looked at each other with their eyes wide open before looking at their Faith who had both hands over her mouth as she stepped back slightly.

"Hey" said the brunette Slayer as she gave Willow a small wave and a smile. The red dressed Faith then turned around and looked at everyone before settling her eyes on her doppelganger, "hey… me."

"Ummmm" said Faith as she looked around confused before looking back at herself in the red dress, "hey?"

"I'm alright" said Willow as she rubbed her chest while looking at Buffy and the she gave a small smile at Tara before they let her go.

"Faith" said Willow as she walked towards the Slayer and tried to hug her, but all that happened was that she passed right through her body, "How?"

"I'm at the BPRI" said Faith as she kept her hands to her sides, "I… I'm in a near death type state. Remember what you did to go into the other reality when you were floating in space?"

"Faith" said Willow as she walked towards her wife, "you didn't…"

"I'm lying on a bed at the BPRI" said Faith as she looked at Willow, "Big G's waiting outside the room with Sam, the Big Guy, Cam, Vala and Daniel. I'm in here on the bed with Dr. Lam watching over me who was transported with her team. They put something in me to lower my heart rate just enough that…. Let's say that I'm anchored to our reality."

"How?" asked Willow and Tara together.

"Your idea" said Faith as she looked at Tara, and then at Willow, "I'm anchored back at the BPRI, while my soul followed our link here, but there's not much time even with all the stops pulled. It's taking a great deal of strain on Tara and the others."

"Who else?" asked Willow.

"You have two Slayers, excluding me; one badass Witch; the Coven in Devon that Giles called to help, some of whom was beamed to the BPRI" said Faith as she gave a small smile, "and Dawn."

"Dawn?" asked Buffy as she turned and looked at her sister who shrugged.

"Faith?" asked Giles as she turned around and looked at the Watcher, "why didn't you go to the Powers that Be, they could have granted you a boon and.."

"I was selfish" said Faith as tears started to stream down her face before she looked at Willow, tears that the redhead couldn't wipe away, "I was selfish. I went with Tara to see the Powers that Be, I wanted to have you back…. I want you back so much, Red. But as a price to have you back, they wanted our link to give them the power for you to return, they wanted the memories of us together… our wedding, our first date… our everything.. they wanted all of that until no one would ever remember there was an us. Not even you'd remember."

"Faith" said Willow gently as she reached out for her hand as Tara looked down and away from what was going on before her. She knew that this wasn't the woman she loved, but then again.. she couldn't imagine that the both of them wouldn't fall in love in another reality. And to top it all off, Willow was married to her. She felt a hand on her shoulder as it squeezed gently before turning her head and nodded at Buffy who gave her a sad smile. The both of them looked back at Willow who was heading towards the image of Faith, while their Faith just looked on before she closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall.

"It was a punishment designed for me" said Faith, "I gave up on being a Slayer. I'd be the only one who would remember. And I couldn't handle that… I'm so sorry, Red. But I couldn't."

"Faith" said Willow as she reached for her cheek and just caressed at the image, "I'm glad you didn't. You're my everything; I couldn't imagine a life without you. You did the right thing."

"I need you back" said Faith, "I'm not strong enough."

"You are" said Willow, "you didn't give up our link. That means you were strong enough.. strong enough to not take the easy way out by giving up something important to the both of us. You are the strongest person I know, Faith."

"Come back to me" said Faith, "please come back to me."

"I've met with the Asgard in this reality" said Willow, "they've had some trouble with the Replicators but they've gotten a handle on that now. They said it would take about three days for them to build the technology needed to get me back, they've asked the Nox to help. Something about the quantum frequency of our link…. Or something. Tell Colonel Carter that they'll be using the same equipment that the alternate SG-1 used to punch a bridge into our own reality. Maybe it's better to contact our Asgard to get the same materials ready.. the same stuff they lent us to close the reality bridge."

"I will" said Faith a she wiped her eyes and gave Willow a smile, "look at me… I look like a mess."

"No you don't" said Willow with a grin, "what happened after I left?"

"Moros died, Red" said Faith as Willow closed her eyes and nodded her head, "but he gave Hera her memories back."

"Wait" said a surprised Willow as she looked back at Faith, "you mean…?"

"She remembers" said Faith, "she remembers everything.

"Hera's back" said Willow with a smile, "do the others know yet?"

"She wants to tell them once you get back" said Faith, "and get back, alright."

"I will" said Willow.

"Oh" said as she started to fade out, "eight Ori ships came through the Supergate. Which means that we have ten ships in the galaxy, no news about if the weapon worked.. or if Adria is really dead."

"I'll be coming back, Faith" said Willow, "we'll face them together."

"I'll be waiting" replied Faith as she started to fade away, "I love you."

"I love you too" said Willow as her Faith vanished. She then turned back towards the Faith of this reality who looked back at her before she returned a small smile back at the redhead. She then looked at both Buffy and Tara when the blonde witch gasped and looked behind Willow. Turning around again, she looked at the First who was in Buffy's skin as it smiled, while the others all stepped back, including Willow.

"You lying minx" said the First as it looked at the redhead, "you really had me fooled."

"Get out" said Buffy as she walked toward the First as Willow took a few more steps back.

"I am coming" said the First as it looked at Buffy and then at the others before turning to Willow and pointed it's finger at her, "and it's all her fault."

"Leave" said Buffy.

"Wait" said Willow as she looked at Buffy, who turned back towards the redhead and looked at her confused. Willow put her hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently, silently asking the Slayer to trust her, "you said that you should be feared, that you can take the form of any dead people…. And from what Spike told me on the way to the dessert, you use that to play psychological tricks while you use those creatures to do your bidding. Am I right?"

"Your point?" asked the First as it took the form of Willow.

Willow glanced back at Tara who stepped back and looked at her, before looking at the First again.

"See" said the First as it stared at Tara, "she lets her façade slip when I'm in this body. Right? Tara, baby?"

"Get out" said Buffy as she stood between the First and Tara, while Dawn and Xander joined her, "get out."

"But she asked me to stay" said the First who was still wearing Willow's skin before she looked at the Major, "advanced technology, wow… you know what I'd do if I can get my hands, I mean when I get my real hands, on it?"

"Spike said that you are old" said Willow as she approached the First, "supposedly the evil that created evil. Or some nonsense like that. I don't remember who said what really… I kinda fell mentally asleep when that was mentioned."

"Willow" said Giles, "that is the First Evil. Literally the First.. the evil that created all evil."

"Where's the proof?" asked Willow as she looked at Giles and then at the First again, "and if you are as old as you say; then tell me one thing… do you know who the Alterra are?"

"I don't answer to you, you meat sack" said the First.

"Oh come on" said Willow as she looked at Giles and asked him if was true what the First told her, that it existed even before the universe was formed, that it was there at the beginning of the creation of the universe.

"And it would be there at the end" said Anya as she glanced at Giles who nodded his head.

"Then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about" said Willow as she looked at the First, "do you know the Alterra?"

Willow didn't see any reaction for the creature that called itself the First as it glared at her.

"How about this?" asked Willow looking at the First, "the Asgard, the Nox, the Wraith, the Athosians, the Lanteans. Oh, I know… the Furlings."

Willow smiled when she noticed the First locking her jaw and glaed at the redhead with even more rage than was humanly possible.

"You know them" said Faith as the others turned towards her while she walked and stood next to Dawn, "I saw you twitch…. First time I've seen you twitch."

"Something new" said Xander.

"Yeah" replied Oz, "very."

"What do you think you accomplished?" asked the First as she looked at everyone, and then she looked at Willow, "little girl, you're playing with forces beyond you."

"Have you heard this last name" asked Willow as she looked at the First, "Ancient?"

"You think because you know those names, that it makes you.. what?" asked the First, "you think you discovered something great? You've learnt nothing, I am forever.. I just am."

"Nah" said Willow, "but it showed me something though, but that's something for me to share with these guys. But I've got no doubt that somehow you'll be spying on them."

"Which was why you lied" said Spike as Willow nodded her head.

"You think you could trick me?" asked the First as she walked towards Willow as it took the form of Buffy again, "you think you could trick the First Evil?"

"I'll answer if you do me a favour" said Willow as she squeezed Buffy's shoulder, "show us Joyce Summers."

"Willow?" said Buffy as she looked at the redhead, followed by pretty much everyone in the room, "no."

"Come on, coward" said Willow as she walked towards the First who stood up tall as she changed to the image of Spike, "show us Joyce Summers… come on! You like torturing people don't you?"

"Willow!" shouted Giles.

"Coward" said Willow as she felt a hand on her shoulder that turned her around, just before she saw a furious Dawn punch the side of her face as the redhead stumbled back against the fire place as everyone looked on shocked.

"Mom died, Willow!" shouted Dawn as tears went down her forehead, "she died and…."

Dawn turned around when she heard the First laugh out loud as Buffy held on to Dawn's shoulder while Tara rushed to Willow and frowned at her, but still wiped blood that was coming out from her nose.

"This is rich" said the First as it changed form into that of Joyce as it smiled at Willow, and then at Giles, Xander, and ended with looking at Buffy and Dawn.

"That face doesn't belong to you" said Buffy as she glared at the First, her hands rolled into fists, "get it off!"

"NO" said the First, "Buffy… Dawn… can I get a hug? You're not going to give your mother a hug? Especially after everything I've been with the both of you?"

"Shut up" said Willow as she glared at the first. She then looked at Tara and gently pushed her away before she walked up to Buffy and stood next to her.

"Excuse me?" said the First, "you wanted me in this body. So I'll take it for a ride and torture the little one… right Dawnie?"

"Buffy" said Dawn as she reached for her sister's hand.

"Dawn, Buffy" said Willow that's not your mother.

"Joyce" said Giles as the First turned to face him.

"My dear Rupert" said Joyce with a smile, "it's just too bad that we never…"

"Thank you" said Willow as the First turned back and looked at Willow, "thank you for showing us Joyce. Now I know that you're full of bull."

"Red?" said Spike, "not nice to piss off the creator of Evil… just saying."

"Listen to the half breed" said The First as it looked at Willow.

"For something that says it's so old" said Willow as she looked at the First, "I'm surprised that you didn't realize that Joyce was just like me… a clone."

"What?" asked Buffy as she turned Willow forcefully and looked at her, "Willow, what?"

"That's why Oz and Spike will tell you that my scent is off" said Willow, "In my reality, I died and some allies created a new body for me and transferred my consciousness."

"Wait…" said Giles, "that's…."

"Joyce Summers" said Willow as she turned and looked at the First, "the Joyce Summers that died was a clone. Now this part is the funniest of all, the image you're using is that of a clone of a woman who had all of the original Joyce's memories. You know what that means, you had no idea… for a great, old thing.. you had no idea."

"Willow" said a shocked Spike, "what are you saying?"

"Joyce Summers is alive and well" said Willow as she looked at the rage that was on the face of the First who was still wearing Joyce's body, "she's on another planet. And the kicker of this whole thing is that you didn't know…. Got'cha."

"This doesn't change anything" said the First as it shed its image and took the form of a giant robed demon and looked down at Willow, "you'll feel my Wrath first… before anyone else… you will feel my wrath."

Everyone saw the First vanish into a point of light before they looked at Willow who was looking back at Buffy and Dawn. She apologized for forcing them to watch the First take on Joyce's image, and said that it was necessary for her theory. Willow then hugged a sobbing Buffy before telling her that Joyce was safe and sound when she saw her; the redhead then reached out her hand to Dawn who had already started to cry before pulling the brunette towards her. Willow felt Dawn's arms go around her neck as both young women were crying while their bodies trembled.

"If you saw her" said Rona, "then why didn't you bring her back?"

"It's already dangerous with the First" said Faith as she looked at Giles who was wiping a tear from his eye before looking a t Willow who nodded her head, "she's somewhere safe. That's where she needs to be right now."

"Yeah" said Willow as she looked at Faith, and then at Tara, "in the meantime… I know it's a bit rude and all but I haven't eaten anything other than some chalky block…. Any Pizza place open?"


An Extraordinary Journey - Fmfan1980 (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.